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Chapter 137 [Mechanical God] Truth Doll

The other two players naturally did not recognize this brown bear doll.

As for Gao Yi, this epic prop has actually been in his hand for a long time.

[Item: Truth Doll]

[Quality: Epic]

[Type: Toy]

[Special Effect: Describe something to it, and it will tell you whether it is true or false]

[Note: Don’t ask if your husband or wife is cheating on you, trust me, it won’t end well]

It is worth mentioning that this item obtained after [The Strange Incident in West City] only has 80% durability left at this moment.

This is because Gao Yi had tried it once before in the real world in order to judge its accuracy and capabilities.

His question at the time was whether he could still eat his favorite fried pork cutlet set meal when he went out at eight o'clock in the evening.

After being given a negative answer by the [Truth Doll], Gao Yi went at full speed at eight o'clock and went to his favorite pork chop shop. He happened to be informed that the last portion had been sold out.

At this point, it is at least certain that this doll does have a certain degree of accuracy and predictability...

However, since it can only give two answers: "true" and "false", it cannot ask too broad and vague content.

Questions like "the reason for the formation of these copies", "the purpose of the game" or "the origin of the system" are really unsolvable.

But putting it here to help find clues is indeed a good choice.

But it should be noted that based on its durability, this [Truth Doll] can still be asked four times, so it must be used with caution.

"You mean, this thing can help us find which floor we should go to?"

Zhao Qian looked at the palm-sized doll with disbelief on his face, while Alan on the other side carefully poked the belly of the bear doll.

"Why, you believe that you can tell the future and don't believe that my doll can show us the way?"

Gao Yi took back the [Truth Doll] again, put it in his pocket, and then asked the other two players:

"Do you think we should go upstairs or downstairs?"

Turning around, I saw that the stairwell spread in a spiral shape, and whether I looked up or down, I saw endless darkness.

After thinking for a moment, Alan, who was leaning on the railing, spoke first:

"I remember that when I got off work, the elevator went downwards. Maybe there will be some clues downstairs?"

This idea is not wrong. When employees take the elevator to leave the "work area", they are going down.

Since the off-duty time and the on-duty time are not exactly the same, it means that there is still a period of time for employees to "rest" in between.

Of course, the rest here is naturally not our common self-relaxation, but more likely a deep sleep in an unconscious state.

Considering the amazing physical fitness displayed by other employees in the dungeon, there may be many secrets in this "rest time".

Not to mention, Gao Yi and his party are currently on the eighth floor, and theoretically they can go to the first floor by going down.

The first floor of a building is often linked to the "exit".

"But...if our goal is to destroy this place, we may not be able to find enough clues by going downstairs."

Gao Yi first confirmed the other party's idea and then made an analysis.

"You mean, this 'Smart Man Group' will also let its leaders stay on the top floor like real companies?"

Shaking his fan, Zhao Qian intervened in the topic again.

"It's hard to say..." Gao Yi paused and pointed to the top of his head:

"But don't forget, the 'things' transported by each of our departments are passed down from the pipes above. Since they are being transported, there should be a source no matter what."

What exactly are the employees doing?

What is the purpose of these departments with different names but incomprehensible contents?

This is the biggest secret hidden in the "Wise Group".

Take the "Spring Department" as an example. Even employees like old Kane who have worked for decades can't figure out what they are doing.

Pick out springs and gears from a large pile of bright red screws and nuts, or transport a large number of transparent blocks to the other side.

These tasks seem unskilled and meaningless.

But Gao Yi knew that if each department was just a small gear, the system they would eventually operate might still be terrifyingly huge.

If you want to completely destroy it, you need to understand the logic of its operation and find the final key.

If the "Wise Group" can be seen as a machine, not every part is necessary. What Gao Yi needs to find now is the parts that maintain operation and determine everything.

"Damn, it's so troublesome." Zhao Qian stretched his upper body out of the fence and looked at the spiraling, endless stairs:

"How about we run up with our eyes closed and randomly select a few floors to enter. We might hit a clue."

"No!" On the other side, Gao Yi, who heard this, objected firmly.

Seeing the surprised looks from the other two people, he sighed slightly and added:

"In my experience, anything I choose randomly will only produce the worst-case scenario."

"Then how many do you choose, and we eliminate the wrong options?"

Alan on the side reacted quickly, pressed the brim of his peaked cap again, and asked.

"It's useless. As long as I participate and make the final choice, no matter what changes are made, the final result will definitely be worse."

Gao Yi's tone was serious, obviously he wasn't joking.

In fact, this is also his rule of thumb - never make any "random choices."

If the bad luck before was just a natural attribute.

If you are still wearing a [Lucky Necklace] that reduces your luck, this choice becomes even more unacceptable.

"So..." Zhao Qian retracted his extended body and started playing with the fan in his hand again, "I still have to rely on your doll?"

"Yes, you still have to rely on it..."

Gao Yi said, already holding the [Truth Doll] in his hands again.

Looking into the brown bear's eyes to confirm the spiritual connection, Gao Yi paused slightly and opened his question:

"If we choose to go upstairs now and roughly check every odd-numbered floor, will this decision directly lead us to find the key clues to destroy the 'Smart Man Group'?"

After hearing this question, the little bear sitting in Gao Yi's hand suddenly began to tremble slightly, as if he was thinking intensely.

Compared with the question he asked before about whether he could eat pork chop rice, [Truth Doll] obviously spent a lot longer thinking about it.

After more than half a minute, its shaking stopped. The brown bear's head moved up and down, and a large red character appeared on its chest:



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