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Chapter 138 [Mechanical Godcasting] Ninth Floor

The question raised by Gao Yi was naturally well thought out.

In front of him was a tall building with an unknown number of floors, an unknown number of clues, and limited opportunities to ask questions.

Under such conditions, the binary method of narrowing the scope and eliminating each floor one by one became impossible options.

After confirming this, Gao Yi's questions needed to reduce the number of floors they needed to check as much as possible and reduce the difficulty of checking.

Without knowing the specific number of floors, the binary method could not be used - that is, choose the middle floor, exclude half, and so on.

But the distinction between odd and even floors can still reduce the workload by half at one go.

And the keyword "roughly check" determined that there was no need to carefully investigate the specific situation of each floor.

Why choose "odd floors"?

It's simple. Gao Yi wants to go to the ninth floor to see what the source of the pipeline is right above the "spring department".

Of course, in the final analysis, it is impossible to confirm whether many floors contain clues that can destroy the "Wise Group". The answer of "True" by [Truth Doll] is actually meaningless.

But in any case, knowing that the direction you are heading in can lead to results is very important in itself.

After getting the affirmative answer from the [Truth Doll], the three players no longer hesitated and walked quickly upstairs along the spiral stairs.

Pushing open the iron door on the ninth floor, the scene in front of them was no different from the eighth floor they were on before, with the same white walls and curved corridors.

Gao Yi is definitely not a person with poor directions, but his original spatial perception ability was not outstanding, and was only at the level of a normal person.

But after becoming a "player" and possessing the [Armchair Detective] feature, he can directly "simulate" various scenes and maps in his brain.

Now, he only needs to blur and shrink the topographic map of the eighth floor of the "Wise Group".

Then superimpose and compare it with the picture in front of him, and he can easily find the way to the destination.

The overall feeling is like playing an open world game with a small map display.

In fact, the layout of the corridors on the ninth and eighth floors is exactly the same. After a few more turns, Gao Yi no longer needs additional guidance.

On the way, we also saw some employees wearing blue and purple uniforms, but they had no reaction to Gao Yi and his party.

The green employees who occasionally passed by all lowered their heads and cleaned up, and they didn't even have the interest to look up at them.

It is not difficult to understand that the "Wise Group" has been deliberately alienating employees from various departments, and there is no communication at work.

Only when old employees retire, people from various departments will get together a little.

But this does not include a large number of red and green employees.

In this case, Gao Yi and his party, wearing one purple and two blue, look harmonic.

Of course, Alan seems to be very unaccustomed to wearing skirts. During this journey, Gao Yi saw her pulling the hem of her skirt several times to find a comfortable angle.

Considering that the other party is a "thief" who likes to use long-handled weapons, it is easy to understand that he doesn't like skirts.

Gao Yi actually considered that he could use the [Mist Mask] to change into a female image and then act as the purple employee among the three.

But after thinking about it carefully, there is really no need, not to mention that the time limit may affect the subsequent plans.

Of course, more importantly, Gao Yi didn't really want to reveal the ability of the [Mist Mask] in his hand to these two, especially Zhao Qian.

You know, unlike the honest man like Wang Wuzhou, this guy is an intelligence dealer who makes a living by selling all kinds of information, and he might sell himself out one day.

Although he had talked to Zhao Qian before and asked him not to hide it, this charlatan still only told half of his own ability.

Thinking of this, Gao Yi also left a backup plan with peace of mind.

If it really comes to a life-and-death situation... then let's talk about it.

Thoughts turned quickly, and after a few more turns, Gao Yi and the other two came to a big iron door.

"Yes, the pipeline above our department is connected to here."

Gao Yi turned his head and explained to the two people behind him, and looked up.

And the name written on the sign of the area above the "Spring Department" on the eighth floor was exactly the same three big characters:

"Spring Department".

"That is to say, these departments are not too short of people, but there are some people on each floor, cooperating with each other through channels?"

Looking at the familiar sign, Alan, with his arms crossed, made a guess.

"It makes sense, but there is a simpler way to verify it than guessing..."

Gao Yi nodded slightly, and knocked on the wide iron door in front of him while speaking.

[Armchair Detective] The enhanced hearing is effective again at this moment.

Curses, sighs, chair sliding, and footsteps sounded one after another.

After a while, a middle-aged white man in a blue uniform with a sad face opened the iron gate and looked at the three strangers outside:

"Who are you?"

Adjusting the label, so that the fraud ability of [Gambler] and the affinity of [Enthusiastic Citizen] are activated at the same time, Gao Yi smiled and stepped forward and said:

"The company is holding a prize-giving event now. Can you answer a few questions for us?"

"Prize? What prize?"

Hearing the key words, the middle-aged man was obviously refreshed, walked into the corridor, and closed the iron door of the "Spring Department" with his backhand.

"Well..." Gao Yi pretended to hesitate. After a few seconds, he stretched out his index finger and said, "A star!"

"A star! Really...really?"

The decadent eyes of this middle-aged man wearing a blue uniform suddenly lit up.

The first half of the sentence raised his voice out of surprise, and the second half of the sentence lowered his voice hurriedly, as if he was afraid that other people would hear him and steal his "good thing".

Well, Gao Yi can slowly understand the behavioral logic of the 013 orange employee.

At least for most normal employees in the "Wise Man Group", a star or a doll is enough to keep them happy for a long time.

"But... you have to answer our questions first before you can have a chance to get this star."

Gao Yi's expression was serious, recalling the feeling of playing a substitute teacher in the last instance.

"Of course, of course!"

The middle-aged man in blue uniform on the other side rubbed his hands together with an excited expression, obviously impatient.

"Don't worry sir, first tell me, what is your job content specifically?"

Gao Yi maintained his tone, as if he was really here for an interview.

The middle-aged man took two deep breaths and slowly began to narrate:

"We have to put on special chemical protective suits, enter the transparent cube in the center, pick out the springs and gears in the metal ocean full of red screws and nuts, and throw them into the pipes below."


7.9 points! ! !

I feel like I'm not far from my goal of eight points.

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