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Chapter 139 [Mechanical Godcasting] 096

After leaving the ninth floor, the three players couldn't help but speed up.

Eleventh floor, thirteenth floor, fifteenth floor...

The locations of all departments are exactly the same, the glass cube in the center of the factory is the same, and the work is no different.

Back to the stairwell, looking at the endless staircase above, Gao Yi wanted to take out the [Truth Doll] again several times to eliminate some floors.

But in the end, he decided to observe again.

When they reached the twentieth floor, Gao Yi and his party no longer knocked on the door to ask.

As long as they saw the white corridor and the same layout, they would leave directly.

Gao Yi once fell into doubt. Could it be that the structure of this "Wise Group" is that every floor above is exactly the same, and the real breakthrough point is downstairs?

But when they came to the thirty-first floor, changes appeared.

Opening the iron door from the stairwell, the interior is still white, but after turning the first corner, Gao Yi keenly noticed that this floor is different.

First of all, the layout is different from the stereotyped layout of the first dozen floors. The whole space has become much emptier.

The originally winding corridor disappeared, and there were only a few opaque pipes connecting the upper and lower parts of the places that should have been different departments.

In other words, this floor no longer needed to be in a glass cube, and the employees no longer needed to carry it, but directly transfer those strange parts from the top to the bottom.

So... what is this floor used for?

After exchanging glances, Zhao Qian and Alan on the side obviously realized that this floor was abnormal and slowed down the pace of exploration.

Walking through the corridor, there were still white walls and floors, no windows, no decorations, only cold lights projected from the ceiling.

The atmosphere here was extremely dull, as if time was frozen on this floor.

Just when Gao Yi and the other two were about to turn again at an intersection, a lot of messy footsteps sounded from the other end of the corridor.

Although I met many employees on the previous floor, I have never seen so many dozens of people acting together.

Something is wrong!

The idea of ​​hiding was shared instantly, and several players quickly looked around. They were at a "T"-shaped intersection.

Judging the direction of the footsteps, the three had no choice but to hide in the fork on the other side.

The straight corridor of the fork was at least dozens of meters away from the other corner, and it was impossible to run over without making a sound.

The only hiding place was an unknown room on the side of the wall.

Gao Yi approached quickly and turned the door handle. The bad news came one after another-it was locked!

In this case, the groove of the door frame became the last shelter.

Alan on the side didn't say much, turned her wrist, and took out the stapler she had used before.

After a while, she pressed a few buttons on the blank wall and drew a zipper more than half a meter long.

Pull it open, and the whole person rushed into the wall.

Needless to say, this is exactly what Alan mentioned before, that she "can 'hide' in some places".

But on the other hand, the space inside the zipper obviously does not welcome others.

The footsteps were already close at hand.

There was no choice, Gao Yi and Zhao Qian had to squeeze into the recessed door frame that was one person wide.

Neither of them was fat, but in this narrow place, in order not to be discovered by outsiders, they squeezed in quite reluctantly.

It must be mentioned that although Zhao Qian claimed to be a C-level player, his physical strength did not seem to be too strong. His strength was actually suppressed by Gao Yi, and his sunglasses on his face were squeezed crooked.

But the boring wrestling did not last too long. As the footsteps approached, the two held their breath at the same time.

Gao Yi also seized the time and took out the [Transformed Kettle] that he had recovered before, and turned it into a flat metal bottle.

Then, he used the reflection of the metal outer surface as a mirror to carefully collect information from the outside.

As expected, the 31st floor was still a group of ordinary employees.

They were of different genders and ages, but... they were all purple-level employees?

Counting the number, there were at least thirty or forty people.

Due to the limited observation angle, Gao Yi could not confirm whether Ms. Flessi and other supervisors he had met on the eighth floor were among them.

Strangely, although these purple employees were walking in the corridor, they seemed to have no communication at all. Instead, they all lowered their heads, as if they did not even have the courage to look elsewhere.

From their eyes, they were not unconscious or controlled, but simply... afraid of something?

What could it be?

This question did not bother Gao Yi for too long.

As the purple employees in front left, four red employees holding strange guns and looking nervous also followed behind and walked slowly.

Those guns were bright red in color and bloated in shape. Even the parts that should have been magazines at the back were still beating faintly, which looked quite disgusting.

However, although these weapons looked a bit scary, Gao Yi's intuition still told him that these four red employees did not have the deterrent power to scare off that large group of people.

The real threat was still behind them.

Watching the red-uniformed security guards leave, Zhao Qian seemed to feel safe and tried to turn his shoulders to squeeze out from Gao Yi's waist.

But at this moment, Gao Yi moved his left hand, suddenly pressed Zhao Qian's right shoulder, and shook his head slightly at him.

Realizing that the person next to him was not joking, Zhao Qian also stopped his action and just cast a questioning look.

He did not have the five senses enhanced by [Armchair Detective], so he naturally could not catch it.

Behind the crowd that was gradually going away, there was still a very subtle sound of footsteps.

The tone was very crisp, like the kind that high heels would make, but the sound was unexpectedly small.

Either the person's body center of gravity was well controlled and the pace was deliberately slowed down.

Or, his body was unimaginably light.

What was even stranger was that there was a faint metal dragging sound in the middle of the footsteps.

A few seconds later, a figure in an orange dress walked onto the outer surface of the kettle.

Through the simulation ability of [Armchair Detective], Gao Yi quickly reproduced the appearance of this woman in his mind.

No, the word "woman" may not be appropriate.

The problem was not the gender, but that Gao Yi could not tell whether she was a human being.

Her long black hair fell messily, hanging down to her chest, and also covered her entire face.

A pair of pale arms were inserted into the waterfall-like long hair, and the palms were tightly covering the eyes, making it impossible to tell how she could see.

The original orange color on the long skirt faded slightly, and it was stained with a lot of reddish-brown stains, which were obviously blood that was difficult to clean.

What was even more strange was that she was indeed wearing a pair of red high heels, but her ankles were tied with a pair of heavy shackles, restricting her movements.

On this basis, the woman's footsteps were almost indistinguishable.

It made people think of evil spirits from the East, or resentful spirits eager for revenge.

There was no nameplate on her chest, but on her ankles, there was a row of bloody numbers.


"It's unlucky, but it's somehow appropriate..."

Gao Yi complained in his heart, glad that he had stopped Zhao Qian's actions.

But at this moment, the 096 lady in the corridor suddenly stopped.


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