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Chapter 140 [Mechanical Godcasting] Unexpected Gains

A strong sense of danger surged into his heart. Gao Yi did not dare to observe anymore. He suddenly took back the [Transformed Kettle] in his hand and pressed his whole body firmly behind the door frame.

Since the door frame is not too deep, under the "T" shape and on the outside, you can barely see the backs of people passing above.

In other words, if you look back at a certain angle, you can see him.

Impossible, has it been discovered?

Among the orange employees in the "Wise Group", Gao Yi had only seen the black floor manager numbered 013 before.

Although there was no direct confrontation, Gao Yi could clearly feel that his combat effectiveness was not low.

Expecting 096, who is more terrifying in appearance alone, to be a mere showman, is obviously a bit taken for granted.

The subtle sound of high heels and the dragging of chains stopped. It seemed that the wraith-like lady had stopped there, in the corridor.

Gao Yi didn't see him "passing by". Could it be that this 096 was looking at him?

No, the orange employee shouldn't even be able to perform the act of "looking."

Gao Yi had subconsciously flipped his wrist and held the [Director's Whistle] in his hand.

If the opponent attacked directly, he really didn't have the confidence to mount an effective counterattack.

Going back in time and escaping with the other two people might be the best option.

Time seemed to freeze. Gao Yi and Zhao Qian, whose bodies were frozen in the door frame, even stopped breathing.

It seemed like only a few seconds had passed, but it also seemed like years had passed.

The subtle sound of high-heeled footsteps, mixed with the dragging sound of chains, slowly left into the distance.

The orange figure finally appeared in the field of vision and slowly left.

But even so, Gao Yi did not dare to move and remained completely still.

Zhao Qian, who could only glance at 096, naturally did not dare to move.

It wasn't until this 096's voice could not be recognized even by [Easy Chair Detective]'s enhanced hearing that Gao Yi took a long breath:

"Okay, it's time to go far..."

"Damn, why don't you get out of the way quickly!"

On the side, Zhao Qian, who was already pressed down, had become even more awkward in his hiding position, and the sunglasses on his face had been pushed to his forehead by Gao Yi's shoulders.

"Don't worry, my legs are a little numb too..."

Just as the two struggled and tried to squeeze out of the door frame, the white iron door that had been closed and supported by them suddenly opened.

With a creaking sound, Gao Yi and Zhao Qian used their strength at the same time, jumped into the corridor, and turned towards the iron door.

And there, a young man wearing a red security uniform and holding a gun stood there with the same expression of fear and confusion.

But after a moment, he raised the muzzle of the gun, aimed it at the two men, and spoke sternly:

"Who are you and why are you here?!"

Casting his gaze behind the red employee, Gao Yi's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The hiding place they chose in panic turned out to be the door of a toilet.

If nothing else, this person locked the door when he entered.

His thoughts were racing, and Gao Yi's actions did not slow down at all.

It was the classic combination of [Gambler] and [Enthusiastic Citizen] again. Gao Yi had put on a professional and kind fake smile, bowed his head and apologized:

"Sorry, sorry, we didn't know there was anyone in there."

Zhao Qian next to him also straightened his sunglasses at this moment, leaned over and rubbed his stomach in an exaggerated manner, and made "ouch" sounds from his mouth, looking like he could hardly hold it in.

But on the other side, the red employee who had just come out of the toilet showed no mercy and still pointed his gun at Gao Yi:

"The blue employees on this floor have no qualifications to come up. Who are you?!"

Is that so?......

The red employee's words answered Gao Yi's previous doubts - why so many purple employees gathered.

So is this thirty-first floor a floor with some kind of "meeting room" function, specifically used to gather all the managers?

Recalling that when she was on the eighth floor, Ms. Flesh was not in the "Spring Department", and no purple employee showed up when she knocked on the iron door along the way.

Did they all come here?

But figuring it out is one thing, and how to solve the problem is another. The situation at hand is still not optimistic.

Since this is an area where purple employees live, Gao Yi and Zhao Qian, two employees wearing blue uniforms, obviously have the word "abnormal" written on their faces.

Seeing the trembling muzzle of the other party's gun and his eyes constantly wandering to the intercom on his chest, Gao Yi knew that he could not wait any longer.

He looked serious and suddenly said in a deep voice:

"We were specially sent here by the orange employees to supervise your red employees."

Gao Yi paused slightly, glanced at the young man back and forth, and spoke again:

"Why are you here alone?!"

This one was anti-customer, and the young man in red uniform was instantly confused.

From the hesitation in his eyes, Gao Yi was instantly sure that his guess was correct. This person was probably hiding in the toilet to fish.

This is why the door must be locked and the smell of smoke can be smelled from it.

"Orange employee? Who? Why haven't I heard about this!"

Anxiety and annoyance were combined, worry and fear were intertwined, and the young man's voice couldn't help but rise a bit.

"0, 9, 6."

Gao Yi suddenly lowered his voice and reported the number of the ghost-like lady he had just seen.

"0, no, impossible!"

Hearing this number, the red employee's reaction was so intense that he seemed to be completely frightened and even his speech became unsmooth.

"Don't believe it?" Gao Yi smiled contemptuously and turned to look at Zhao Qian on the side, "Take out the file you gave us before."

"Oh, that, I'll look for it..."

Zhao Qian on the other side understood, turned around, took out a paper-like object from behind and handed it to Gao Yi.

The red employee on the other side obviously lost his patience, put down the strange-shaped gun in his hand, and took a step forward to snatch the "file" in Gao Yi's hand.

At the same time, his back was exposed to the seemingly empty corridor on the other side.

And there, Alan, who had been lying in ambush for a long time, finally made a move.

Jumping out of the zipper, a hammer flew to the back of his head, knocking the red employee unconscious.

Seeing this, Gao Yi slightly moved to the side, caught the heavily falling head of the fallen employee with the tip of his shoe, and then looked up.

The weapon in Alan's hand was actually a long-handled hammer.

Speaking of which, its shape is a bit like the [Super Inflatable Hammer] that Gao Yi used at the beginning.

But the one in his hand is obviously a real lethal weapon.

"You, a 'thief', actually use this kind of weapon?"

"There is no way, the only weapon drawn as a copy reward is this. "

Alan didn't react much, he simply put the sledgehammer away again.

After confirming that there were no other employees around, the three of them quickly began to deal with this unexpected "harvest".


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