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Chapter 141 [Mechanical Godcasting] Clues

Gao Yi and Alan did not hesitate and soon dragged the fallen red employee into the toilet.

"Do you need to silence him?" After hiding the traces outside, Zhao Qian followed in and locked the door.

"Although this guy didn't wash his hands when he went to the toilet, he is not guilty of death..."

Gao Yi frowned slightly and moved the topic to somewhere unknown.

"Tie him up and hide him in my zipper. I'll find a place on the wall."

Alan on the other side spread his hands, took out the stapler, and began to look for a suitable angle.

"Wait a minute, the space opened by your zipper can let other people in? Then why didn't you let us in just now?"

Gao Yi's attention angle was as strange as ever.

"There's not enough time." Alan turned his head away with a guilty conscience, and his voice gradually became smaller, "and it's very crowded inside..."

In any case, after confirming that the "space behind the wall" created by Alan with a zipper would automatically disappear after a few hours and "spit out" the contents inside,

The group worked together to strip the red employee's uniform, tied it up and stuffed it in.

It is worth mentioning that Zhao Qian's binding skills are unexpectedly good - the kind of skills for tying people.

Although he insisted on not admitting that he had practiced and attributed this proficiency to "practice by piercing small people", Gao Yi still expressed doubts.

Looking up and looking around, the space of this toilet is not large, and it is the kind that does not distinguish between genders. There are a total of six cubicles with toilets.

Of course, the overall appearance is still that unbelievably white, which makes people feel the dedication and hard work of the green employees.

Gao Yi found a cubicle and began to change into the red uniform he had just taken off. Zhao Qian leaned against the door, fanning himself and asked:

"Should we continue to explore this floor? It's too dangerous. I think that ghost-like woman will kill a few of us at will..."

"It's too dangerous, and the blue uniform is too conspicuous. There are not many red people, so they are easy to be discovered."

There was a sound of fabric friction in the cubicle. Gao Yi thought about it and spoke again:

"But we can't give up. There are so many purple employees on this floor. There must be some important information."

"You mean, we should leave someone here to find out the news?"

Zhao Qian understood Gao Yi's meaning and spoke after thinking.

"Then, who should we send to this floor?"

Alan took over the conversation, counted the remaining staples in his hand, and when he raised his head, he was met with two hot eyes again.


Distributing the four white paper microphones to the other two, Zhao Qian's words showed obvious distress:

"Use them sparingly, they are very expensive..."

"You feel bad for giving so little?"

Aside, Gao Yi, wearing a red uniform and holding a strange gun, was full of disdain.

"Damn, I told you it's expensive, okay? This is not a free equipment extension..."

Zhao Qian closed the fan and tapped it in his hand several times.

On the other side, Alan, who was ready, ignored the boring arguments of the two, waved his hand, and pushed the door to leave.

Of course, being able to sneak into this floor alone was also a trust in her ability.

In Alan's own words, "No matter how dangerous it is, I can at least run away."

At this point, there is no need to say anything more.

The 096 is naturally weird all over, and there are many unknown dangers on this floor.

But as a player, if you want to conquer this "Star Coin 4" copy, of course you can't take any risks.

On the other hand, who can guarantee that it will be safer to continue going upstairs with Gao Yi?

After a silent farewell, the remaining two players continued to climb up to the top of this "Wise Building".

The spiral staircase still had no end in sight, and they could only push the doors two by two to check.

The 30th floor seemed to be some kind of dividing line, and since then, the content of each floor has become more and more bizarre.

A large empty flat was divided into countless squares, filled with blue employees wearing VR helmets.

The two walked around inside twice, and all the employees wearing helmets could not make any response, as if their thoughts only existed in another world.

On a winding floor with many slopes, blue employees wearing bloated chemical protective suits set up a large pot in a huge glass cube and burned a pot of blood-colored round spheres with a fierce fire.

There were people monitoring outside and it was impossible to approach.

There was another floor, like a solemn church, with hundreds of blue and purple employees kneeling in front of a huge Buddha statue with a gear on its face, chanting incomprehensible gibberish.

Seeing an orange employee in an orange robe, dressed like a clergyman, Gao Yi and the others chose not to approach.

I have to admit that the scenes on each floor are so strange and unpredictable, and incomprehensible.

But among them, Gao Yi still found some of the same "certainties".

For example: no matter which floor, as long as there are blue employees working, there must be a board counting the number of stars beside them.

Similarly, the moon badge on the chest and the existence of no "recorded information" object.

In other words, although these floors look extremely strange.

But in the final analysis, they still belong to the "Wise Group" and are under the control of those employee codes.

It's just that the work on these floors still seems to make no sense, and people can't understand its meaning.

And these floors have one thing in common, that is, the opaque pipes connecting the upper and lower floors also exist on each floor.

That is, the red screws and nuts, as well as various strange objects that appeared on the bottom floor, their source still did not appear.

Leaving an ice cave-like floor again, Gao Yi and Zhao Qian returned to the stairwell again.

Looking up, the two had climbed to the 51st floor.

Physical fitness was not bad, after all, they were all players, and their physical fitness had been strengthened to varying degrees.

Although Zhao Qian's physical fitness was inexplicably not good, he was only slightly panting at this moment.

After leaving the 31st floor, Gao Yi used the [Truth Doll] again.

And this time, his question was:

"Is the top floor of the 'Wise Group' building below the 100th floor?"

This time, he got a positive answer.

At least, the two have climbed halfway up now, that is, by searching gradually upwards, they can find the key room without going directly to the top floor.

But this does not mean that there will be no pressure.

The time has come to 3:30 in the morning.

There is only one and a half hours left before the "night shift employees" get off work.

They can still move freely now, but if they don't return when the shift ends, they will definitely be discovered by 013.

At that time, the situation faced by the three players will be much more difficult.

What should we do? Should we continue to explore like this?

Just when Gao Yi was worried, the intercom on his chest in his red uniform suddenly made a burst of electric sound.

Then, a deep female voice quickly spoke:

"Sixty-fifth floor, all red employees carrying new raw materials, quickly go to the sixty-fifth floor..."


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