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Chapter 142 [Mechanical God Casting] Divine Stick

"Did I hear you right? Is this a ready-made clue? There is no need to continue visiting those inexplicable floors!"

Zhao Qian, who was sitting on the steps, took a breath and looked up suddenly.

Gao Yi, who was standing in the middle, was not so happy, his face was still solemn.

In the "Group of Wise Men", it seems that only blue employees and green employees cannot leave their floors.

Both red employees and purple employees will go to different floors under certain circumstances.

Where is the sixty-fifth floor, and what are the "raw materials"?

There are many questions, but there is no reason to give up on the clues that have been handed to us.

Looking at the paper microphone on his waist, Alan has not contacted this place again. There should be no problem yet...

No more hesitation.

Gritting his teeth, Gao Yi pulled up Zhao Qian who was sitting on the steps and quickly headed towards the 65th floor mentioned on the intercom.

Pushing open the iron door on the 65th floor, the scene inside was completely different.

Compared with the previous colorful floors, this sixty-fifth floor has once again returned to the state of "white" as the main color.

In the center of the corridor, a thin red line ran through it, dividing the ground into two.

The rooms on both sides were all closed, and there was no one in the corridor. The "ding" of the elevator arriving could be faintly heard in the distance.

The pungent smell of disinfectant in the air reminds people of a hospital or a swimming pool.

Holding the strange firearm in his hand tightly, Gao Yi took the lead.

After all, I am a red employee - at least the clothes are on. If other employees see it, at least they won't immediately notice that something is wrong.

And here, there is time to deal with it.

Walking aside, Gao Yi listened silently behind an iron door.

After confirming that no one was there, he turned the door handle and hid in with Zhao Qian.

Pressing the light switch on the side, the whole room comes into view.

The floor paved with white tiles reflects cold fluorescence, and the walls are lined with rows of glass cabinets, which display various strange instruments and reagents.

These instruments may seem ordinary, but upon closer inspection, their shapes and functions have incredible changes.

Some instruments are inlaid with shimmering blue crystals, while others emit a faint purple light.

The screens on the surrounding walls are filled with complex icons and symbols, as well as anatomical diagrams of some kind of creature.

Further on, the ground was filled with cylindrical glass tubes, filled with a lot of disgusting twisted organs soaked in dark green liquid.

But the specific information is indeed somewhat difficult to discern given the high level of literacy.

Looking behind him, the dementia in Zhao Qian's eyes could not be concealed even by his sunglasses.

Gao Yi secretly made up his mind to catch up on his science knowledge after going out, or find a more educated team member next time.

But thinking in his mind, he still started searching and asked:

"can't read?"

"Don't worry, I seem to have an idea." Zhao Qian said solemnly.

"Then tell me, what did you analyze?"

Gao Yi teased the other person casually, already thinking that he was just being stubborn again.

But I didn't expect that this time, the other party really had something.

Zhao Qian stepped forward, held down a jar filled with bright red enlarged organs, grabbed a yellow talisman with his right hand, and muttered:

"The Tao Qi lasts forever in the heaven and earth. Keep the seal at dusk to tie up with the gods of the past. The secrets of the hexagrams have nowhere to hide. Please use the mantra to invite the gods!"

While he was chanting the mantra quickly, he slowly stamped his right foot.

Seeing this, Gao Yi also knew that the other party was not joking, so he took two steps back and locked the iron door.

In Zhao Qian's hands, the dark green liquid slowly surged and gradually began to stir.

Even the strange organs inside were surging.

If you look carefully, you can see that the heart-like organ has tiny red screws drilled out from the inside, floating in the liquid, and slowly falling into the bottom of the bottle.

The yellow talisman pressed by Zhao Qian on the top of the bottle began to burn and turned into ashes in an instant.

As the words on his lips became faster and faster, the dark green liquid in the bottle turned into a waterspout.

As the words from his mouth quickened, the water flow also became faster and faster.

Finally, there was another loud noise, the glass bottle cracked open, dark green liquid flowed all over the floor, and the weird organ also fell out.

Zhao Qian finally stopped, his voice became a little hoarse, he sat down on the iron table, and weakly turned his head to look at Gao Yi:

"Negative effects, five minutes..."

Before he finished speaking, he fainted there.

"The negative effect is actually fainting for a while? Isn't your ability a bit useless..."

Gao Yi complained in a low voice, but his expression was extremely solemn.

With the hearing bonus provided by [Easy Chair Detective], he had already heard two footsteps approaching.

Based on the pace and conversation between the two, Gao Yi was basically certain that they came over after hearing the noise caused by Zhao Qian.

"Damn, this guy didn't say anything in advance, he just came when he thought..."

Gao Yi complained in his heart, but he also roughly guessed that the use of the opponent's ability might require some "inspiration", which was also the reason for the dull expression.

Damn it... Hey, isn't it the ability of [Magic Stick]?

Thinking about it, the doorbell has already come:

"Is there anyone, need help?"

The middle-aged man's tone was not too anxious, but he was just casually concerned about his feelings.

Expect them to leave directly? Not very realistic.

After a little thought, Gao Yi still unlocked the door, pushed open a crack in the door, and looked outside.

Two security staff in red uniforms, one old and one young, were wearing the same guns, and their faces were a little puzzled:

"Did anything happen inside?"

"No, no, just a little accident."

Gao Yi smiled and quickly changed the combination of [Enthusiastic Citizen] and [Gambler].


The two red employees outside the door exchanged glances slightly, obviously still not believing:

"Can we go in and take a look?"

He sighed in his heart and confirmed that he had to fight at this time.

Gao Yi had to step back and let the door open.

While the two red employees entered, he had retreated to the other side of the door.

No problem, they will be attracted by Zhao Qian lying on the table and have no time to take care of my position.

When they are surprised, I will use [Gentleman's Cane] to hit each of them, and they will not have time to raise their guns and aim.

After making up his mind secretly, Gao Yi took a deep breath and walked to the other side.

The two red employees followed the opened iron door and walked into the room.

As expected, they immediately saw Zhao Qian, who was unconscious on the table and wearing a blue uniform.

Just when Gao Yi had raised his cane and was ready to attack, the older red employee suddenly spoke:

"Hey, it turned out that it was just a commotion of the 'raw materials'. I should have said no earlier..."


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