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Chapter 143 [Mechanical Godcasting] Raw Materials

In a room on the 65th floor of "Wise Group".

After the two red employees said something inexplicable, they patted Gao Yi on the shoulder and left.

Recalling what the older red employee said:

"Hey, it turns out that it's just the 'raw material' that woke up for a while. It would have been better if I had said it earlier..."

Could it be that the "raw material" mentioned in the intercom before is the blue employee?

But... what kind of raw material could it be, and why would they gather on the 65th floor?

In any case, we have to wait for Zhao Qian to wake up first.

On the other hand, Gao Yi captured all the conversations between the two red employees after they left the house through the enhanced hearing of [Armchair Detective].

"Brother, don't we have to care? I always feel that person is a bit suspicious?"

The first one to ask the question was the young man among the two.

"Don't worry, it's normal. Many people like to 'enjoy' the raw materials when they bring them up, hehe..."

The older middle-aged man laughed a very vulgar laugh, as if he thought of some indescribable picture.

"But the raw material is a man!"

The young man's tone was extremely shocked.

On the other side, the "well-informed" middle-aged man didn't change his tone much:

"It's hard to say, some people like this, and the raw material is quite handsome, I don't know why he came so young..."

Listening to the two people's footsteps getting farther and farther away, the conversation became smaller and smaller, and Gao Yi's mouth twitched a little.

Although it was not a big deal, it seemed that some strange misunderstandings had occurred again.

But putting this aside, the other party's joking words contained a lot of terrifying information.

Now it can finally be confirmed that the so-called "raw materials" refer to the blue employees in the "Wise Group".

This is why the two red employees relaxed their vigilance when they saw Zhao Qian fainted in the room.

Because in their eyes, Gao Yi did follow the instructions and appeared on the 65th floor "with raw materials".

As for what to do in the room, it is not so important.

Considering the layout of this floor, which is like a laboratory or hospital, it is difficult to expect the blue employees to get any good results.

Just as Gao Yi was thinking, Zhao Qian finally sat up on the table beside him.

"You woke up, the operation was successful..."

Gao Yi joked casually and walked to the other side to confirm whether he was okay.

Zhao Qian on the table did not mean to joke. He did not even put on the sunglasses on his forehead. He looked up at Gao Yi directly, and his voice was a little hoarse:

"I saw it, I saw it..."

"What did you see?"

Gao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly. He rarely looked directly at Zhao Qian. After all, the other party wore large sunglasses all year round.

But at this moment, the other party's eyes revealed obvious fear, and even his words trembled:

"I saw this 'Wise Group', what exactly is it doing......." He took a deep breath and finally calmed down:

"When we were working downstairs, the things we moved were all transformed flesh and blood, and the raw materials were......."


Gao Yi took over the other party's words and told the truth that was already clear.

This is what the "Wise Group" is really doing, processing humans as "raw materials" and turning them into some kind of mechanical parts.

Next, they are transported to a place downstairs through pipes, and then the blue employees who are "raw materials" are responsible for sorting and organizing.

In fact, I should have thought that the 65th floor did not see the pipe coming down from above.

If I guessed correctly, this is the source of all the work content of each department downstairs.

That is, the source of those weird cubes, screws and gears.

In a very short time, Gao Yi told Zhao Qian about the words of the two red employees before, analyzed them, and shared his ideas.

The same conclusion came to the minds of the two:

This floor is very dangerous, but it is also very likely to contain clues that can solve this [Mechanical Godcasting] copy.

The important clues mentioned by [Truth Doll] that will appear on the odd-numbered floors are likely to be here.

After thinking this through, there is no reason to hesitate.

After contacting Alan, she seems to be safe.

With no worries, the two made the final preparations and left the small room they were in, and then explored the central area of ​​this floor.

Going deeper along the corridor, Gao Yi also saw several other red employees with "raw materials".

Of course, the blue employees in their hands were restrained and in a coma, and were transported with something like a cart.

A similar cart was also found in a room. Gao Yi tied Zhao Qian with a strap and pushed him along the corridor.

"You won't sell me out if something happens, right? I'm your employer and I've paid you!"

Zhao Qian tried to get a guarantee, but Gao Yi just smiled and fixed and locked the straps.

The pungent smell of disinfectant in the corridor became stronger, and a faint smell of blood could be smelled.

Disturbing bloodstains and scratches began to appear on the walls around, and there were some brown stains of unknown origin on the floor.

Perhaps green employees would not be allowed to come to this floor?

Gao Yi didn't know the way, but he could use the five senses brought by [Armchair Detective] to identify the routes of other employees.

And use the powerful spatial perception ability to calculate and deduce.

He easily followed the other red employees and came to the door of a huge factory.

The iron door, which was more than ten meters wide, was not closed. The three big words "Conversion Office" were written on the wall next to it.

Above his head, a mechanical female voice repeated the same message every half a minute:

"In five minutes, the conversion process will start. All red employees are requested to place the raw materials in the glass cube and exit the cube in time before the conversion begins."

"Conversion process"?

Thinking about the new words he heard, Gao Yi looked up and looked around.

It is worth mentioning that the red employees here look quite relaxed, without any pressure at all, just chatting in groups of three or five.

Following the people in front, Gao Yi pushed Zhao Qian into a huge glass cube in the center, with two teams of people lined up in front.

One team also pushed two carts with unconscious blue employees tied on top.

Another pair pushed a cart with a red employee on it - to be more precise, the body of a red employee.

In the center of the cube, a group of people in red surgical gowns were holding various medical instruments and knives, surrounding a blue employee on a cart.

What exactly were they going to do?

Gao Yi put Zhao Qian down and rubbed his slightly sweaty curly hair.

What would happen in five minutes? How would they transform humans into those screws and nuts?

While Gao Yi was thinking, a "doctor" who was blocking his view moved his position, revealing the blue employee on the operating table to Gao Yi's vision.

He knew this person.

The person lying on the bed and sleeping was Gao Yi's colleague in the "Spring Department", the retired old Kane.


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