Old Kane!

In an instant, all kinds of doubts were answered.

Why did the two red employees just say that Zhao Qian "didn't know why he came here at such a young age..."

Why do retired employees disappear completely, and don't even want to say goodbye to their colleagues.

Why does the work in the department suddenly increase a few days after an employee retires?

Because under normal circumstances, the "raw materials" sent here are all retired old employees.

Because retired employees did not leave the company, but were directly "converted" and had no chance to go back and say hello.

Because these retired old employees are the source of work in the department.

Gao Yi, who was on the night shift, didn't know, but he, who was on the morning shift, actually had doubts earlier.

In the blue employee code left by Mrs. Lucy, there is such a comment:

[7. Every time you complete a task perfectly, you will get a star. If you get thirteen stars, you can enjoy retirement life and receive full bonuses and salary subsidies for life]

"After I reached a certain age, it became much easier to get stars. Even if I don't work hard at all, I will get stars."

Mrs. Lucy discovered this, but she didn't really understand the reason for this phenomenon.

"Stars" are not important from beginning to end, and the distribution is controlled by people.

From the behavior of the black floor manager at the beginning, it can be seen that as long as the employees can be appeased and kept working, it is not a big deal to issue a few more "stars".

The real purpose of the "Wise Group" is to deal with those "old" employees regularly and replace them with fresh blood.

Old Kane thought he would retire and leave, and no longer work in the "Wise Group".

But the real situation is that he himself will become part of the "work".

In front, several "red coats" cut open the sleeve of the uniform on the right arm of Old Kane with scissors, picked up a huge syringe, and filled it with some dark green medicine.

Gao Yi felt vaguely that this was the same thing as the liquid used to soak swollen organs that he and Zhao Qian had seen in the room before.

While thinking, the mechanical female voice sounded again above his head.

"After four minutes, the conversion process will start. All red employees are requested to place the raw materials into the glass cube and exit the cube in time before the conversion begins."

The red employees who were chatting nearby were still very relaxed, and several of them shouted to the person in the middle wearing red surgical gowns:

"Hurry up, there is still a queue behind."

"Can you stop dawdling? Are you planning to turn parts together when the time comes?"

"Why are there so many people today?"

It can be seen that these red employees have long been accustomed to their work. This kind of work of bringing "raw materials" is not the first time.

And according to their words, it can be judged that the so-called "conversion" after four minutes is, as previously speculated, the process of turning the human body into parts.

Considering that the group of people in the middle are about to inject something into Old Kane, Gao Yi knows that he has to do something now.

Although there is an option to leave Zhao Qian here to die and observe...

But this charlatan promised to help find someone, and he hasn't found him yet, so he can't just sell him off.

Besides, this guy knows some gods and ghosts, maybe he can really turn into a ghost to find me. Will he turn the rental house into a haunted house?

Gao Yi's thoughts drifted very quickly, and he was already somewhere unknown in an instant.

But at the same time, a plan that could solve the problem had already formed in his mind.


In the center of the glass cube, several people in red surgical gowns cursed impatiently, and the syringes in their hands were ready.

Pressed the huge piston handle at the back, pretending to insert it into the old Kane's arm.

But at this moment, a shrill scream sounded at the back of the cube.

The red employees in the room looked in the direction of the sound, and a man in the same uniform and pale face took a few steps back, pointing at the cart in front of him with a trembling right hand:

"This person, this person is wrong!"

Everyone in the glass cube was attracted to the attention and approached in confusion.

On the cart, a young-looking blue employee wearing sunglasses was fixed, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

The red employee who approached first observed for a long time, but couldn't see what was wrong with the "raw material". He looked up at the stranger who had stepped back several steps.

"Sunglasses, his sunglasses!"

The screaming stranger's voice became more and more shrill, as if he had really seen something horrible.

At this time, everyone in the glass cube gathered around, and even the "red coats" stopped their actions, and the syringe could not be inserted.

The fear in the words didn't seem to be acting, and everyone was a little nervous.

Some questions gradually formed in their minds.

Why is this "raw material" so young? It's impossible for him to have obtained thirteen stars, and he was not recycled after death.

Why is he wearing sunglasses? Generally, blue employees don't have too personalized outfits.

The same thought appeared in the minds of everyone in the cube:

No... Is there really something abnormal?

In this atmosphere, the prompt sound on the ceiling did not attract the attention of the red employees.

"In three minutes, the conversion process will start. All red employees are requested to place the raw materials into the glass cube and exit the cube in time before the conversion begins."

The red employee who was closest to the cart and asked the question first was a little nervous.

But under the urging of others, he slowly stretched out his right hand.

He moved forward inch by inch and finally grasped the wide round sunglasses on the face of the "raw material". He gritted his teeth and pulled it away.

Under the sunglasses, a pair of eyes that had no desire to live just looked at him, and seemed to be speechless about the current situation.

The red employee holding the sunglasses was even more puzzled. He turned his head and looked at the person who brought the "raw material" and asked loudly:

"Hey, what's going on?"

But at this time, the others in the cube found that the stranger who was full of fear and fell and wailed just now had regained his balance.

Not only that, the fear on his face also disappeared, and turned into a calm and indifferent expression.

He was just acting!

Many people reacted, but they were still confused.

Gao Yi smiled as he heard the experience of the [Actor] tag growing in his ears, and stomped the [Gentleman's Cane] that he had prepared in his hand heavily on the ground.

This purple weapon that was bought at a high price was finally used for a group attack for the first time.


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