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Chapter 145 [Mechanical Godcasting] Conversion

If there is such an auction house in the world that allows all players to participate in the auction unconditionally, so that the price of equipment can be fully competitive in the market.

Then the price of the [Gentleman's Cane] in Gao Yi's hand must be far more than the one thousand game coins he spent on it.

In fact, even now, he underestimated the strength of this purple weapon.

The passive effect of [Gentleman's Cane] is that each attack will cause random mental weakening and damage.

Due to the lack of actual combat experience, Gao Yi can only ask Xiao Hong to help and do several tests.

Of course, Gao Yi really can't do this kind of thing to hit Xiao Hong. The test here is actually to let Xiao Hong hit him...

But then again, Xiao Hong was extremely reluctant to do this. She carefully poked him for a long time, but in the end it didn't trigger a few times.

In short, in limited attempts, Gao Yi recorded the situations that occurred after being attacked.

Pseudo-disability, violent tendencies, amnesia, paranoia, fainting, hysteria...

If the attack is carried out multiple times, these different mental damages will be superimposed and the effects will be aggravated.

The duration doesn't seem to be long, just a few minutes, but Gao Yi feels that this is related to the user's own level.

As for the negative effects, it is the emergence of various strange phobias and habits.

After using Xiaohong, she developed crowd phobia, claustrophobia, and marriage proposal habits...

Yes, as the name suggests, she tried various strange ways of marriage proposal to make Gao Yi agree to hold a wedding with her.

These negative effects lasted for about half an hour before gradually easing, and the effects completely disappeared after a whole day.

On the other hand, Xiaohong blushed and ran away when she saw him, which lasted until the beginning of this [Mechanical Godcasting] copy.

Putting aside these ordinary passive abilities, the active effect of [Gentleman's Cane] is the most amazing.

[Knock on the ground, so that all living things within a certain range are mentally attacked]

To be honest, if Gao Yi didn't get this gentleman's cane, it would be almost impossible for him to subdue this bunch of red employees in an instant.

If you insist, you can only fight with the strength of [Armchair Detective] and [Weapon Master] to attack, and then use [Scarlet Raven Coat] to ensure that you are not injured.

This does not take into account the possibility that someone will take the opportunity to escape and get the guns stored outside the factory.

But with [Gentleman's Cane], a large group of enemies gathered together will not be a problem.

In the glass cube, the red employees who have not yet understood what happened only heard the cane fall to the ground.

The next second, everyone had at least three different symptoms of madness.

In addition to those mentioned before, pseudo-disability, violent tendencies, amnesia, paranoia, fainting, hysteria...

It also includes various mental collapses, terrifying hallucinations in sight, and indescribable whispers in the ears.

Most of the more than 20 red employees in the room collapsed to the ground in an instant and began to scream and wail.

A few lucky two or three people, whose symptoms were not too severe and did not have a bad combination, could barely stand.

But the mental collapse has also deprived them of the ability to resist.

Gao Yi only needs to approach slowly, one stick per person, and he can knock them all down.

"The negative effects seem to take effect slowly, and we can only hope that there won't be too troublesome symptoms..."

Gao Yi swung his stick again, knocking down a certain red-coated man beside him who didn't know how to behave, and slowly walked to Zhao Qian's side.

Then again, he had considered using the mental resistance of the [Mist Mask] to eliminate the negative effects of the [Gentleman's Cane].

But this would actually lead to high-intensity use of the [Mist Mask], and then produce the negative effects of personality confusion.

Gao Yi's dependence on the [Mist Mask] was not strong before, so he had not been affected by too many negative effects.

But the personality confusion was too serious, and later on, it might be irreversible multiple personalities and schizophrenia.

Although there are also examples like Muto Yugi who has a secondary personality to play cards for him, in most cases it will lead to unpredictable and terrible consequences.

If possible, Gao Yi still tries not to do something like using kidney-damaging drugs to treat lungs.

While thinking, Gao Yi had already met Zhao Qian's desperate eyes, and raised his hand to help him untie the restraints.

Since the active effect of [Gentleman's Cane] is a range attack, and it does not distinguish between enemies and friends, Zhao Qian obviously did not escape this.

Of course, his dissatisfaction is probably mainly due to Gao Yi's self-assertion.

"You have to admit that my plan is very successful."

Gao Yi untied the last lock, picked up the sunglasses beside him, and handed them to the other party.

Zhao Qian sat up, but his face was full of horror:

"Where is my hand, my arm!"

He hugged his left arm with his right hand and fumbled for a long time.

"It's a pseudo-disability, it's nothing serious." Gao Yi shook his head.

"Then what happened to my left hand!" Zhao Qian was still in panic.

"I said it's fake... Forget it..."

Gao Yi also knew that the other party was under the influence of [Gentleman's Cane], so he didn't bother.

He just opened the door of the glass cube and pushed out several blue employees who were used as "raw materials" inside.

When the broadcast sounded again on the ceiling, saying: "In one minute, the conversion process will start", Gao Yi pulled Zhao Qian out.

After closing the door of the cube with his backhand, the charlatan finally woke up, put on his sunglasses again, and bared his teeth to express his dissatisfaction with Gao Yi:

"Damn, if you want to do this, you can't tell me in advance!"

"It was too late at that time, especially when you were still tied there."

Gao Yi turned his head slightly and avoided the other party's sight.

"Who tied you up? You tell me who tied you up, bastard!"

Zhao Qian was still in that noisy look, and he took out his fan again.

But what Gao Yi noticed was that unlike those who fell to the ground in the glass cube, Zhao Qian's recovery speed was very fast.

As a C-level player, he did have stronger resistance.

This also reminded Gao Yi that if there was a cross-level battle in the future, he should be careful of the enemy's mental resistance and recovery speed.

Just as he was thinking, the countdown on the ceiling finally came to an end.

"10, 9, 8, 7.......1! The transformation begins."

The two players outside the cube shut up and turned their eyes to the inside of the glass cube.

As the countdown ended, the glass bottom plate at the bottom of the cube slowly opened, revealing dozens of huge steel gears underneath.

These gears intertwined, linked, and operated with each other.

And as the floor disappeared, the humans in the cubes slowly fell into the mixer composed of gears.

Metal, flesh, and bones were squeezed, crushed, and made a chilling friction sound.

The red employees who were not unconscious began to scream and wail, adding a few unpleasant musical notes to this slaughter symphony.

These conversion objects that became "raw materials" slowly sank again and entered the pipes leading downstairs.

The screws, gears, and springs that were converted will become the work content of the lower-level employees.

The cycle of terror in the "Wise Group" was completed in this way.


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