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Chapter 146 [Mechanical God] New Enemy

Seeing this rather cruel scene in front of them, the two players were a little silent.

Rationally speaking, these people are not good people. They kill unknowing blue employees all year round and take pleasure in them.

In the end, he died in their murderous way. It is not too much to say that he deserved it.

But from an emotional point of view, Gao Yi knew that he had to take responsibility for this scene.

Putting the blame on others is just a simple "I am not a soldier" type of sophistry.

But as a "player", he has experienced many battles on the verge of life and death, and has already developed a different understanding of killing and death.

At this time, Gao Yi was more indifferent in his heart. By the way, he was still thinking about whether the effect of [Serial Killer] on increasing the evolution rate could take effect in this scene.

"By the way, if we use so many people as 'raw materials' at one time, are we increasing the workload downstairs?"

Zhao Qian, on the other hand, was completely stress-free. He held his chin on the side and shook his left arm a few times from time to time.

It can be seen that the "pseudo-disability" effect on him has not completely disappeared.

"It's a good thing. The people below saw too much work and didn't want to do it. They directly resisted and ruined it. It may also help our actions."

Gao Yi responded casually and began to search the room called "Transformation Office".

"So, don't think too much. The people in these copies are not from the same world as us. If they die, they will die... By the way, what are you looking for?"

Still shaking his head, Zhao Qian seemed to want to explain Gao Yi a few words, but then he saw the other party flipping through the drawers on his desk and asking questions.

"I'm looking for a time machine, go slap me two minutes ago and ask him to leave you there."

Gao Yi's tone was calm and his answers were serious.

"Why! And why do you have to look for the time machine at the desk?"

Zhao Qian was a little speechless, but Gao Yi on the other side still spoke as he should:

“Isn’t it common sense that a time machine should be hidden in a drawer?”

But although Gao Yi didn't say it directly, what drove him to take action was the belated negative effect of [Gentleman's Cane].

The symptom I found Gao Yi this time was "severe obsessive-compulsive disorder."

To be honest, it is much better than male phobia, blood phobia and other symptoms that can directly lead to collapse nowadays.

But obsessive-compulsive disorder is still a very troublesome problem.

At this moment, Gao Yi was being affected by this obsessive-compulsive disorder, sorting out the various messy objects on his desk.

The intuitive feeling is that nothing is pleasing to the eye, and it must be symmetrical and reasonable.

While he was sorting it out, he was still bickering with Zhao Qian.

But just as the two were having a familiar meaningless conversation, the mechanical female voice sounded again from the ceiling:

"An abnormality has been detected. The sixty-fifth floor is temporarily blocked. All red employees are asked to take refuge in the nearest room. Experiment 173 has been released and the intruders are being hunted down."

Along with the sound of the broadcast, there was also a piercing siren, and the entire sixty-fifth floor suddenly became noisy.

"If I guess correctly, we two should be the 'intruders' who will be hunted down."

Gao Yi sighed, put away the notebook he had just found, and stood up.

"To put it bluntly, I didn't do anything. In a sense, I am still an innocent victim..."

Zhao Qian shook his head and put away his fan.

Although the two players were having some boring conversations, the movements of their hands did not stop at all.

The moment they heard the announcement, they both started taking action.

Gao Yi began to retrieve the strange firearms placed outside, put them away, and maintained observation with the blessing of [Easy Chair Detective].

Zhao Qian put the rescued blue employees in a safe place, took out a pile of white paper in his hand, and started folding something.

At this time, neither of them knew what "Experimental Subject 173" mentioned in the broadcast was, but they were already very energetic.

To be honest, only a fool would let down his guard when hearing an unknown enemy appear in the second half of such a dangerous dungeon.

Not to mention Yihe Zhao Qian, both of whom are relatively "smart" and "cautious" types.

Without further communication, after confirming that he was ready, Gao Yi opened the iron door and stood in the corridor.

Although he still didn't know the enemy's condition, he was already wearing the [Scarlet Raven Coat] and the [Stunt Belt] at this moment.

Coupled with the [Lucky Necklace] that has been accumulated for a long time, at least you don't have to worry about being attacked by a sneak attack until you lose your ability to resist.

The piercing alarm sound has disappeared, and the entire floor fell into silence again.

Under this premise, Gao Yi closed his eyes slightly in the corridor, blocking all vision and letting hearing become everything in his world.

Behind, the huge gear set that "processes raw materials" is still making mechanical noises, and a few breathing sounds belong to Zhao Qian and the blue employees.

In the distance, some subtle sounds of communication can be heard.

Obviously, the red employees who had just been "processed" were not all the security personnel on this floor.

However, these employees who were supposed to protect the "Smart Man Group" were asked to hide and leave their positions to this so-called "Experimental Subject 173".

What exactly is the enemy?

Suddenly, a small sound appeared.

Footsteps, heavy footsteps from far to near.

But...not the two legs of a human being, nor the four legs of a common beast.

The chaotic and orderly footsteps did not look like those of a mammal, but more like those of a giant arthropod or insect.

As it moved, it seemed to be scraping against the walls on both sides... no, it was even rubbing against the ceiling.

It was tall, and to be able to touch the ceiling, it must be at least four or five meters high.

More importantly, it was fast.

Four corners away, three... one...

In an instant, Gao Yi's hearing had told him that the enemy was close at hand.

He slowly opened his eyes, and even with all his imagination, he could not understand what this monster looked like.

But as the heavy and chaotic footsteps appeared, when the black shadow of the monster slowly stretched out at the end of the corridor and revealed its true appearance.

The impact it brought was far beyond Gao Yi's imagination.

"Really? I'm hitting this?"

He said with a twitching mouth.


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