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Chapter 147 [Mechanical Godcasting] 173

In the modern era of the 21st century, for ordinary people, "monster" is actually no longer something beyond imagination and understanding.

In the hundreds of years since the birth of the great Frankenstein, various monster images have become commonplace in countless fantasy novels, video games, and film and television works.

Although Gao Yi is not a monster lover, as a reporter with a wide range of interests, he has also investigated many urban ghost stories and folk ghost stories.

To be honest, I have some experience in this area.

But whether it is a film or television work or a video game, they are all commercial works after all, and the design of monster images must take into account the audience's acceptance ability.

Even monsters set as "ugly" and "scary" will not lack basic picture logic and will not exceed the limits of the audience's understanding.

The "Experimental Subject 173" in front of Gao Yi was far more disgusting and curious than those fictional monsters in terms of appearance alone.

Its lower body is like a giant spider, with a total of ten thick and twisted long blood-colored legs. It has several more joints than human legs, making its movement methods extremely diverse.

If you look carefully, the place where the feet should be underneath is replaced by a huge spring, which is also the origin of the crisp sound of its footsteps.

The upper part of the body is like a huge orange bucket, filled with blood-colored viscous liquid, which sways and surges as it moves, and will seep from the skin from time to time.

The bright red liquid dripped onto the ground, and bursts of black smoke immediately emerged. It was obviously quite corrosive and toxic.

There is a huge valve inserted in its chest, and I don't know what it is used for.

Compared with these, the two black arms are extremely slender and seem to be at least ten meters in length. This is what rubs against both sides of the corridor.

When it comes to the head...the head of "173" looks even more abnormal.

The whole thing is a soft spherical object. A cartoon smiley face is carved on the top with a sharp knife, and then it is sprayed with red paint.

Seeing this monster appear on the other side of the corridor, the terror and intimidation is indescribable.

In front of this huge sense of oppression, Gao Yi's breathing became rapid.

"Really or not, I am typing this?"

It's not that Gao Yi didn't expect that there might be powerful enemies in this copy of [Mechanical God].

But is this a bit too powerful?

At this moment, Gao Yi's brain was running rapidly, and he realized that he had never considered how he should fight when he encountered an inhuman monster several meters tall one day.

Jujitsu? Pounce on this guy and give this guy a wrist-lock?

Considering that this thing has seven or eight joints on its legs and its arms are like noodles, the joint technique is probably of limited effect.

Use a [gentleman's walking stick]? As this thing was obviously not in a human state, Gao Yi expressed doubts as to whether the "mental attack" could be effective.

So... what's left?

After all, this kind of monster should be handed over to Ultraman, Batman or the Survey Corps...

While Gao Yi was standing in the corridor, thinking quickly, the 173 did not move. He just tilted his round cartoon head slightly, as if he was also thinking about something.

On the other side, Gao Yi no longer hesitated and raised the weird firearm that was hung on his chest and was standard for red employees.

Raise the gun, aim, and shoot, all in one go.

On the one hand, he lives in a country where guns are completely banned. On the other hand, Gao Yi himself is not a weapons enthusiast, so his knowledge of firearms is naturally very poor.

But even so, he could see that the firearm in his hand was obviously not a type that could exist in the real world.

The bloated red gun body has no aesthetic appeal. There is no magazine at the rear, only a disgusting part that beats like a heart.

But its power does not live up to its ugly appearance.

As the beating parts buzzed, laser-like sharp metal entities were ejected from the muzzle, rushing towards the monster at extremely fast speeds.

With the weapon proficiency given by the [Weapon Master] trait, Gao Yi has good aiming ability.

Considering the ridiculous size of the enemy, his attacks didn't miss much.

But just as he raised his gun to shoot, 173, who had been standing at the end of the corridor for a long time, also started to take action.

Its bulbous head flipped 180 degrees, revealing the other side of the round head, and the original cartoon smiling face turned into an angry expression in the same style.

As its face changed, its huge and twisted body also moved at the same time.

173 That bloated body, supported by ten long legs, moves extremely quickly.

And unexpectedly, this monster actually had a certain amount of intelligence. When it saw Gao Yi's shooting, it did not rush straight towards it.

On the contrary, its figure suddenly became faster, and its ten long blood-colored legs squatted and jumped, completely converting the elastic potential energy of the spring feet into kinetic energy, and leaped high.

And the two noodle-like black arms just stuck to the ceiling, causing his body to freeze in mid-air.

After the bullets flew under him and punched several big holes in the wall at the end of the corridor, the 173 fell to the ground again, making a huge noise, and rushed towards Gao Yi again.

"Are you kidding..."

Gao Yi pulled the trigger again, but the parts in the magazine at the rear of the gun no longer jumped. It seemed that the previous round of salvo had exhausted some energy.

In this situation, he no longer hesitated, threw away the gun in his hand, turned around and ran into the factory building of the "processing department".

While running, he shouted loudly:

"Hey, are you ready? I can't hold on any longer!"

This is also part of the plan. After all, Gao Yi came to the corridor to make the first wave of contact with the enemy just to test the enemy's level.

But now it seems that the strength of this 173 is a bit too outrageous.

Entering the factory building, turning around and pulling the iron door, Gao Yi completely locked the iron door that had only a small gap left.

When he turned his head to look inside the factory building, he saw Zhao Qian, who had been saying that he was preparing, standing behind a temporary wooden platform, waving a fan.

Seeing Gao Yi coming back, he put away his fan, took a deep breath, and spoke with full energy and intonation:

"Stories and operas are used to persuade people, and the three roads are in the middle. Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the righteous path in the world..."

When he said this, he slapped the fan in his hand on the table again, acting as a gavel, and waited for several seconds before saying the last few words in a louder voice:

"It's vicissitudes!"

Looking at this scene in front of him, Gao Yi even briefly forgot that there was a terrifying and disgusting huge monster outside the iron gate behind him.

He closed his eyes and stared at Zhao Qian behind the wooden stage for a long time before he spoke again:

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


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