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Chapter 148 [Mechanical Godcasting] Storyteller

Of course, Gao Yi did not completely fail to understand what Zhao Qian was doing.

He naturally remembered that the other party had a feature called [Storyteller].

This behavior now is probably related to his ability.

But understanding is one thing, and wanting to scold is another.

When they heard the broadcast just now that "Experimental Subject 173" would come to hunt them, the two held a brief combat meeting and came up with an imperfect plan.

Basically, Zhao Qian said that he needed to make some preparations to exert his maximum combat effectiveness.

Gao Yi took over the work of "collecting information" and "contacting the enemy to test".

You know, facing the enemy directly and trying to fight is not an easy task.

The most dangerous time period when facing any enemy is when you know nothing about the enemy.

Attack distance, special abilities, attack methods, weapons and equipment... all need to be understood from the beginning.

And the lack of any information may lead to inexplicable death.

Gao Yi also relied on his [Lucky Necklace] and [Special Belt] to avoid attacks.

He also has the [Scarlet Raven Coat] to protect him from being seriously injured by physical damage. In the worst case, he can buy time with the [Director's Whistle].

In other words, unknowingly, although his frontal combat ability is still very weak, Gao Yi has already acquired a good ability to save his life.

But he also realized that he did not have the ability to defeat that monster, and he was looking forward to what Zhao Qian, the mysterious C-level player, could do.

When he returned to the factory and saw the other party starting to "tell a story", Gao Yi did feel such an unreasonable anger in his heart.

But on the other side, Zhao Qian still looked unhurried, shaking his head and telling stories:

"Look at Gao Yi returning to the house, he is like an ant on a hot pot, with nowhere to go, no food, and panic..."

He paused, tapped the fan again, adjusted his sunglasses and said:

"I feel dark in front of me, depressed and depressed, but I don't know that his righteousness is still there, he is already strong and invincible..."

Gao Yi listened to the other party's storytelling and wanted to curse again, but as Zhao Qian said the last two sentences, he suddenly felt the changes in his body.

Muscle strength, strength, physical strength, and agility have all been significantly improved, and it seems that he has really become "strong and invincible".

If you want to make a comparison, it is a bit like the [Enthusiastic Citizen] label, confirming that his combat effectiveness has improved after being brave.

"So that's it, can you use the "storytelling" method to exert various influences?"

Ignoring Gao Yi's thoughts, Zhao Qian on the other side smiled and obviously got into the state.

He raised his sleeves and uttered a female voice:

"But who is outside the door?"

After a moment, he returned to his usual male voice and began to ask himself:

"I'm afraid it's"

"Then, what should I do!" Another sharp female voice asked, with a hint of panic.

"Don't panic! The wind blows the drums and the mountains and rivers move, the lightning flashes and the flags are high, and look at Gao Yi walking forward, killing the demons with the sharp weapon in his hand!"

After Zhao Qian finished another string of words, he slapped the gavel on the table and pointed at Gao Yi.

And Gao Yi also raised his right hand slightly, and the [Gentleman's Cane] in his hand did have a strange aura.

Could it be...really possible to defeat that 173?

But just as Gao Yi was thinking, he looked up and saw that the huge iron door that seemed indestructible was about to collapse at this moment.

The monster named 173 actually didn't use any violent means, but just stuck its bloated body like a bucket against the door.

The disgusting reddish-brown mucus secreted by its body slowly corroded the iron door, and it was now full of big holes.

In the big hole at the top, the cartoon smiling face of 173 stretched out from there into the factory, staring straight at Gao Yi.

The fantasy in his heart was instantly shattered, and Gao Yi turned his head and yelled at Zhao Qian:

"Go on, can you weaken this thing?"

On the other side, Zhao Qian, who had already fallen into a stagnation, was also awakened by Gao Yi's roar.

Of course, objectively speaking, it can't be blamed that Zhao Qian failed to react for a while.

After all, this was his first time facing this terrifying monster, and it was not surprising that he was a little scared.

"Uh...uh...the iron-clad general crosses the pass at night, the court waits for the fifth watch in the cold, the monks are still sleeping at three o'clock in the morning, it seems that fame and fortune...are not as good as leisure."

He thought for a long time, and then wrote a set poem, slapped the gavel, and tried to find the rhythm again:

"The evil spirit is soaring and the thieves are entering. The long-armed monster wants to enter the door. What is there to fear about the paper tiger? It's just because Gao Yi...has returned!"

"What are you talking about..."

Gao Yi complained in a low voice and turned to look at the monster.

Obviously, this iron gate has completed its last historical mission and has completely lost its defense ability.

Half of the ten long legs of 173 have already stepped into the factory.

"According to my experience in playing soul-like games, the legs of this kind of monster should be a weakness. As long as a few of them are broken, it can be conquered..."

Facing this extraordinary enemy, Gao Yi tried his best to find a sense of certainty and quickly thought about countermeasures.

But this idea that finally came up did not last too long.

The next second, Gao Yi saw 173 raise a bloody long leg and instantly kick the three-meter-high jar containing floating organs on the side of the room.

At the same time, Gao Yi's desire to fight was also kicked to pieces.

On the other side, Zhao Qian did not stop talking, as if he had finally found a rhythm:

"Look at the dark hole in front, it must be the thief's nest, and watch me go forward and kill him seven in and seven out..."

But before he finished speaking, 173's head turned again, showing his angry expression.

At the same time, a slender arm was raised high.

The next second, the ten-meter-long black arm exploded beside Zhao Qian like a flash of lightning, smashing the wooden storytelling platform to pieces.

Not only that, if you look closely, you can find that this attack also left a huge dent like a crater on the concrete floor.

"If you take one of these, you'll die..."

Gao Yi swallowed his saliva, and seeing Zhao Qian rolling forward and running farther and farther, he wanted to curse more and more.

But... he couldn't run.

If he wanted to win, he had to move forward bravely!

Gritting his teeth, the fighting spirit appeared in front of Gao Yi, and his enhanced body and weapons seemed to heat up together.

The huge monster has slowly moved in front of him... now!

Gao Yi took a step forward, raised the enhanced [Gentleman's Cane] in his hand, mobilized all his strength, and smashed it hard at the 173 bloody long legs.


Only a violent metal collision sound was heard, and this attack with concentrated faith hit perfectly.


Gao Yi raised his head, sighed deeply, and put the [Gentleman's Cane] back into his backpack.

"The plots in hot-blooded comics are all fake. You can't fight them...."

Before he finished speaking, the bloody long legs that he had hit shrank as if nothing had happened, and kicked him out in the waist.

This battle obviously cannot be won by "courage" and "belief".

Next, it is a situation that requires thinking.


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