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Chapter 149 [Mechanical Godcasting] Thinking

"it hurts......."

Kicked by 173's long legs, Gao Yi flew across half of the factory area and crashed into the office area on one side of the factory, smashing the desk that had been tidied up just ten minutes ago to pieces again.

But compared to the torture of obsessive-compulsive disorder, what is more noteworthy now is the severe pain in the body.

The monster's giant bloody legs, which were full of metal, obviously didn't make much forceful movements, but their power was extremely astonishing.

Gao Yi only felt his eyes go dark, and his body just flew out.

This state was more like being hit by a semi-truck at full speed in the middle of the highway than being kicked.

Hey, that's not what "three avenues take the middle" means...

But after spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, Gao Yi still struggled to stand up and confirmed his physical condition.

On the one hand, after he became a D-level player, his physical fitness has been greatly improved, and his physical strength has made a qualitative leap.

On the other hand, it is also due to the super defensive power of [Scarlet Raven Coat].

It's not surprising when you think about it. In "Xicheng Xicheng", Gao Yi blew up the ceiling of an entire swimming pool, but he couldn't do anything to Zhang Tu.

Now the monster's attack naturally cannot make Gao Yi lose his ability to resist.

But then again, skin trauma can be avoided, but after two severe impacts, the organs were more or less damaged.

What's even more deadly is that due to the negative effects of [Scarlet Raven Coat], the effects of all potions will be greatly weakened or even ineffective.

It is no longer possible to rely on various physical healing potions to survive the injury like before.

"If you take two more attacks of this level, you will really die..."

Holding on to the desk beside him and standing firm, Gao Yi concluded in a low voice.

As he spoke, he also rearranged the crooked decorations next to his desk, slightly calming down the discomfort caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The question now is, how to deal with this monster?

Turning his attention to the door of the factory building again, the 173's movements slowed down again, and the expression on his head changed back to that cartoon smiling face.

On the other side, Zhao Qian had already run to the innermost part of the factory and seemed to be folding some props with white paper.

Considering the level he showed in the previous round of confrontation, Gao Yi expressed doubts about what he could do.

After all, after the attempt just now, he can basically confirm that conventional attack methods are useless against this 173.

Neither the firearms in the dungeon nor the [Gentleman's Cane] in Gao Yi's hand could cause effective damage to this monster.

In fact, let alone effective damage, the high-level attack attempts failed to even break the enemy's defense.

But on the other hand, this also leaves a little clue to the battle.

Theoretically speaking, [Mechanical God], as a copy of "Four of Pentacles", the most suitable participation level for players should be C level.

There is indeed a certain situation of "leapfrogging into the capital" in Gaoyi.

But in fact, the damage contained in his purple weapon attack, which was enhanced by Zhao Qian's "Storytelling", was not low.

If such an attack cannot break through the defense, then it is unlikely that an ordinary C-level player can really defeat this 173 head-on.

"Either this dungeon has reached this point and is facing a prank-like dead end; or, there is something that I haven't discovered yet..."

Gao Yi quickly regained his composure and was not overwhelmed by the huge strength gap just now.

He closed his eyes slightly and quickly replayed the scenes after entering the sixty-fifth floor in his mind.

In the small room, I saw Zhao Qian acting as a magician, pretending to be an employee and sneaking into the "Processing Department", killing a group of red employees, and then making a broadcast announcement on the ceiling...

Next, the monster numbered 173 appears. Why is it called an experimental subject? What is its relationship with those 086 and 013?


Gao Yi suddenly remembered something and quickly pulled back the progress bar of the picture in his mind, letting the radio sound on the ceiling sound again.

"An abnormality has been detected. The sixty-fifth floor is temporarily blocked. All red employees are asked to take refuge in the nearest room. Experiment 173 has been released and the intruders are being hunted down."

It has been confirmed before that with the announcement of the broadcast, all exits on the entire floor have been completely locked, and it will be impossible to leave for a while.

If the door is locked, it can be interpreted as preventing the two "intruders" Gao Yi and Zhao Qian from escaping.

Then why should the red employees be allowed to take refuge? In theory, wouldn't it be safer to let these red employees cooperate and hunt down the intruders together?

The answer is right in front of you.

This experimental subject named 173 is not completely controlled by the "Smart Man Group".

Involving more red employees will not only fail to help hunt down intruders, but will also increase unnecessary casualties and even cause obstacles.

"Then when we intruders are dead, you have to regain control of this 173, right? What method will you use?"

At this critical moment, Gao Yi's thinking speed became extremely fast, and various clues were sorted and deduced in his mind.

Looking up again, the 173 was still standing at the door, with the cartoon smiling face still there.

Recalling that the monster's two previous attacks were both after it turned its head and the expression on its face changed to anger.

What will be the triggering conditions?

Gao Yi raised his head and stared at the monster, with thoughts in his mind.

But at the same time, the 173 turned around and looked at Gao Yi standing in the ruins of the desk.

Why did he suddenly start paying attention to me? What was the trigger?

Quickly recall the situation when the monster changed its face twice before.

The first time, when confronting Gao Yi in the corridor, it did not move, and when he took a gun to shoot, it began to change its face.

The second time, when it just entered the factory, it did not move. The change of face was due to... Zhao Qian clapping the gavel?

So it was the high-speed movement of the body that triggered the attack of 173?

It's not surprising to think about it. This monster has no normal facial features, and the way it obtains external information and judges the enemy should be different from ordinary creatures.

But when Gao Yi figured out all these things, the smiling face of the 173 did not move at all, but the body was facing him, as if ready to lift his legs and move forward at any time.

In the current situation, it's better not to move.

Slightly tilting his head, Zhao Qian on the other side of the factory also stopped moving, and it seemed that he roughly understood the current situation.

Don't move yet, slowly test the triggering threshold........

Just when Gao Yi was about to try slowly, a small door of the lounge on the side was pushed open, and a blue employee with a panicked face ran out and asked loudly in the factory:

"Hey, what's going on, is the operation done, can I retire?!"


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