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Chapter 150 [Mechanical Godcasting] The key to breaking the deadlock

When I was a child, when I played various shooting games, there would sometimes be a "hostage rescue" plot.

The plots are all pretty much the same, that is, a place is occupied by terrorists, and the player needs to lead a team to sneak in and rescue the innocent people and important personnel who are controlled.

The scenes are basically embassies, airports, schools, etc.

Some games are more user-friendly, and you can complete the task by pressing a button on the hostage.

Some are more annoying, and you not only have to rescue the hostages, but also be responsible for taking them to a safe area.

The most frustrating situation for players is that they finally killed the terrorists on the road and found the mission target.

But on the way back, the hostages' mentally retarded AI will make them go to die inexplicably.

"Don't you want to survive?!"

Players sometimes slap the table and sigh like this.

On the 65th floor of the "Wise Group", Gao Yi in the "Processing Department" also had the same idea in his mind.

One of the blue employees he had rescued from the glass cube had actually woken up and appeared at this most critical confrontation.

Zhao Qian had put them in a safe place before, but it seemed that this situation still could not be avoided.

Rationally speaking, Gao Yi could understand the other party's confusion when he just woke up and found that everything was incomprehensible.

Going out of the door and wanting to ask about the situation was also what any normal person would do.

But emotionally speaking, he really, really wanted to curse.

"Hey, what's going on? Is the operation done? Can I retire?!"

The blue employee, who was not young, walked into the factory and saw Gao Yi first.

He obviously noticed the smashed desk here and a red employee coughing up blood, and seemed to want to understand what happened here:

"Hey, what's going on now..."

Strange, why did the red employee have this expression, and this action was... to let himself run?

If the blue employee could be smarter, or develop the habit of observing the surroundings more, maybe he could find a way out in this situation.

But unfortunately, he is just an ordinary person who is not used to dealing with danger.

When the monster named 173 wrapped its noodle-like black arms around its abdomen.

When his blue employee raised his head and saw the angry cartoon face, it was too late.

If there is any good news, it is that Gao Yi finally figured out what the huge valve on the chest of the experimental subject 173 is used for.

As it grabbed the blue employee with one hand, it wrapped the valve with the other hand and slowly twisted it.

As the valve rotated, a section of metal skin near the chest of its huge cylindrical body was "torn open".

Intuitively, it felt like opening a refrigerator door, but also weird like dissecting a human body.

With a tragic wail, the blue employee who suddenly woke up was stuffed into the mucus in his body by 173, and gradually stopped moving.

Watching him slowly close the skin and tighten the valve with his black noodle-like hands, Gao Yi couldn't help but bow his head slightly and mourned for the blue employee for half a second.

Thinking about it carefully, this old blue employee is indeed a bit miserable.

After living in lies for decades, being exploited and used without a break, he finally saved up enough "thirteen stars" and thought he was going to retire successfully.

But the truth turned out to be that he was going to be injected with dark green medicine, thrown into a gear mixer, and turned into various parts.

Finally, he had a lucky moment and was rescued. When he woke up, he faced a terrifying monster again........


Gao Yi suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look.

On the side of the factory gate, the 173 had kicked a huge glass jar when he just entered the door.

Now think about it, he should have felt the beating organ in it and took it as an attack target.

At that time, Gao Yi only saw its terrifying attack power.

But now it seems that there is something wrong.

Since 173 kicked the jar, he has not approached that area again, and all his actions are close to the other side of the factory.

Like, avoiding something?

Could it be... avoiding the dark green liquid spreading on the floor!

If that thing is the means to deal with 173, then everything can be explained.

Now that I think about it, the metal parts on this monster are obviously the same thing as the "converted" parts.

Yes, I should have thought of it earlier!

This 173 is the experimental subject on the 65th floor, so naturally he should use the objects produced by this floor.

Earlier, when Gao Yi and Zhao Qian just came to this floor, they actually saw it in that small room.

That dark green strange liquid can convert and dissolve normal organs and flesh.

Before throwing the employees into the gear mixer at the "conversion center", the reason why the red coats had to inject the same liquid into the "raw materials" must be this.

That dark green liquid can convert flesh into parts!

Watching 173's head turn again, it turned back to that cartoon smiley face.

Gao Yi also controlled the movement and turned his head slightly.

Looking at Zhao Qian who had already come to his side, he slowly spoke:

"I have a plan..."


April is finally over. This month I successfully updated twice a day for 29 days, and won the full attendance this month.

This is the first time since I started writing a book, which is really gratifying.

I have to say that it is quite tiring to write 4,000 words a day, but I finally persisted. Thank you for your support.

I completed the title test this month, and the score also rose to 7.9 (it just didn’t reach 8 points, which is a bit regrettable).

The copy of [Mechanical God] is not long, and there should be a few chapters... If there is no additional plot.

The subsequent plot will be left in the summary of the third volume.

In any case, thank you for your support! !

Finally, a writer friend of mine told me that my gift income is so low because I don’t know how to ask for gifts.

Everyone, please kill me with gifts! I don’t mind any gift no matter how big it is! ! (serious face)

Just kidding, please do what you can.


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