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Chapter 151 [Mechanical Godcasting] Monitoring Room

"Mr. Manager, thanks to you we were able to find this safe refuge area... What are you looking for?"

"Wise Group", on the sixty-fifth floor, in a dark abandoned room.

Two employees, one red and one orange, were waiting together in this narrow area.

The one who asked the question was naturally the red employee among them.

The red employee named Tom went to the cafeteria building to get a cup of coffee. Just when he was about to return to work, he was surprised when an alarm that had never appeared before suddenly sounded on the ceiling.

To be honest, this black-hearted company has not conducted any disaster prevention drills. It said that it asked employees to take refuge, but who knows where to take refuge.

Fortunately, when he was running blindly in the corridor, he bumped into the floor manager who was running away to the other side.

Although this orange employee numbered 035 does not look like a normal person, at least he really knows where to take refuge.

Tom also followed the other party, going around and around, and came to this small room that had long been abandoned.

"This is an emergency that has never happened before. Nothing like this has happened since I became the floor manager..."

035 pushed up his glasses and continued without any emotion in his voice:

"Even I had to take refuge and find out what happened."

" should I confirm?"

Tom rubbed his hands with a smile and continued to ask questions.

Of course, this issue was again ignored.

In his heart, this red employee, who had just arrived on the 65th floor, already wanted to curse.

Of course he knew that the orange employees were not normal people, and under normal circumstances, no one would take the initiative to chat with these weirdos.

The 035 on the sixty-fifth floor is even more of a monster. He never has any facial expressions, and his words never fluctuate in tone or tone.

If it hadn't been for this sudden alarm, Tom would never have had any direct conversation with the other party.

But, considering that there are still intruders and experimental subjects wandering outside.

Tom suddenly felt that the orange employee's face had become much cuter.

After searching in the dark for a long time, 035 found a control panel under a box covered with dust and debris.

Pressing a few buttons slightly lit up the dark little room.

It was then that Tom really began to observe the room he was in.

The first thing I noticed was the large amount of dust raised by 035's actions. Judging from the thickness, the time that this house had been left unattended was measured in years.

Under the dust curtain, there are huge display screens covering three walls, as well as a large number of operation buttons whose purpose is incomprehensible.

"What exactly is here..."

Tom's eyes widened. As a red employee who was not considered a newbie, he had never heard of such a place in the "Wise Group".

"This is the control room. It seems to have been abandoned a long time ago."

035 still had the same calm tone, as if he was reading some boring microwave oven manual.

"I see, we can use this to know what's going on on this floor! You are such a genius, Mr. Manager!"

Tom, who finally understood the other party's behavior, beamed with joy and subconsciously complimented him.

But 035 on the other side still had no intention of responding. He just silently pressed the button and pulled the joystick.

Tom, who was ignored again, had become accustomed to this kind of conversation. He closed his mouth wisely, followed 035's actions, and turned his attention to the screen that turned on again.

In the center of the screen is the wide "processing department".

Although Tom has been with the "Wise Group" for several years, he was assigned to the 85th floor some time ago.

But the "processing department" is still an absolute no-go zone for him.

It is occupied by a lot of "seniors" with senior qualifications all year round, and they often bring various blue employees and purple employees who are approaching retirement.

Although those people never said anything, Tom could roughly guess what would happen inside based on these ordinary employees who never returned.

But when he really saw the full picture of the "Processing Department" on the screen, he was shocked again.

In the center of the screen, a huge, scary spider-like monster is waving its slender black arms.

Wherever its attack passes, it will cause terrifying dents as if hit by a cannonball.

Even through the screen, Tom could feel the huge attack power and the pressure that could scare a child to tears.

"This thing...this monster is that Experimental Subject 173. There is such a monster in the company??!"

Tom, who was already panicking, tremblingly took out a chocolate energy bar from his waist and tried to calm his mind with food.

But Floor Manager 035, who was sitting in front of the screen, still spoke slowly with the same tone of voice:

"This kind of monster doesn't seem to be able to kill this intruder."


Tom looked confused, completely unable to understand what this robot-like supervisor was talking about.

It took him a long time to realize that since this 173 was attacking, there must be a target to attack.

Carefully placing it next to 035, Tom put his face in front of the monitoring screen and saw a small red figure in the low-pixel screen.

This "intruder" was wearing a red coat and was dodging attacks one after another with agility.

But... that was all. The intruder did not launch any effective counterattack.

No matter from which angle, he was just running away.

Retreating back, Tom tore open the packaging of the chocolate energy bar, took a big bite, and asked in confusion:

"This intruder can run fast, but can he defeat this monster? How?"

To be honest, Tom was completely accustomed to the style of the floor manager not answering questions. He just asked subconsciously.

But what he didn't expect was that 035 really answered this time:

"No, this intruder has found a way to solve the experimental subject..."

He still maintained the same tone and adjusted his glasses again:

"The question now is, has he found a way to solve the 'Wise Group'?"

Tom didn't understand the other party's words at all, nor did he find any "solution" on the screen.

But he clearly heard a hint of expectation from the tone of 035's last sentence.

"What do you mean..."

Tom thought for a few seconds and gave up completely.

For him, it was more important to finish the chocolate energy bar in front of him.

But when he looked at the screen, he lifted up the energy bar and took a bite.

But he found that the place where he should have bitten was a ball of air.

"Hey, when did I eat so much?"


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