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Chapter 152 [Mechanical God] Defeat the Enemy

As the active effect of [Special Belt] ended, Gao Yi's movements became noticeably slower.

Although Zhao Qian's "Storyteller" feature provided a physical bonus, and the [Enthusiastic Citizen] label also made him happy to admit that he was "doing a righteous act".

However, Gao Yi's physical strength was still rapidly draining due to the high-intensity dodging and fast return runs.

Although he would run normally, there was a difference between leisurely jogging by the river in the early morning and being chased by a monster that was ready to kill him.

As the negative effects of [Special Belt] gradually increased, the stiffness of the limbs caused by the loss of physical strength became more and more obvious, and Gao Yi could no longer dodge every attack of 173.

Next, he could only rely on [Scarlet Raven Coat] and [Lucky Necklace] to bear it.

The effect of [Lucky Necklace] is to accumulate daily misfortunes and turn them into luck at critical moments.

It has to be admitted that Gao Yi's extremely low luck value did have a miraculous effect on this equipment.

Although the sense of dissatisfaction in various things on weekdays is more serious, it does provide key help at this critical moment.

Several times when 173's attack was unavoidable, Gao Yi "luckily" found a cover, or avoided the predicted attack because of a slip.

Relying on the simulation effect of [Armchair Detective], he also successfully grasped the attack mode of this monster.

Disassembling it, it is nothing more than an arm smash with a radius of ten meters, occasional spraying of mucus, and close-range leg attacks.

If it is too far away, 173 will use the superb mobility of the spring under his feet to quickly approach and switch to a more threatening leg attack.

After confirming this, Gao Yi can maintain a subtle distance and fix the enemy's attack method on the tentacle-like arm attack.

This is the experience accumulated from playing soul-like games. I never thought that one day I could use it in reality.

But unlike the game, Gao Yi has neither a rolling skill with an invincible frame nor an infinite stamina bar, and even cannot drink medicine to recover blood.

The most fatal thing is that he was just pulling and didn't even fight back.

In the final analysis, his current behavior was just being chased around.

What's more fatal is that with the accumulation of negative effects of various ability equipment, Gao Yi is already a little unable to hold on.

Confirming that it was another unavoidable attack, Gao Yi decisively blew the [Director's Whistle] in his hand.

As the sharp whistle sounded in the factory, the figures of one man and one monster also retreated to the situation ten seconds ago.

173's movements paused slightly, and the round head tilted slightly, as if thinking about what happened.

This "time reversal" situation has happened for the second time. Even though the intelligence level is not high, this monster has also realized that something is wrong.

The good news is that it should not be smart enough to see through Gao Yi's plan.

Using a cloth belt to forcibly fix the broken ring finger of his left hand, Gao Yi gained another ten seconds.

Due to the negative effects of the [Scarlet Raven Coat], at this moment he is completely unable to rely on various [Physical Recovery Potion] to relieve the pain.

Although Zhao Qian had some auxiliary treatment methods, the effect was extremely limited.

And the various paper birds and various strange attack methods released by him were ineffective against 173.

In the end, Gao Yi still let him concentrate on the preparations for the plan.

At this moment, Zhao Qian was directing a dozen small paper figures to push a huge glass jar seven or eight meters high to the high platform on the second floor of the factory.

"The question is... can I still bear it?"

After taking a deep breath, even Gao Yi himself was a little shaken by the current situation.

His condition was not good, and he had literally revealed all his cards.

If this attack did not work, he might really die here...

"But, there is no turning back..."

While muttering, Gao Yi took advantage of the change in 173's expression on his face and quickly retreated, pulling away from the opponent again.

"According to the previous test, the next step should be..."

Now Gao Yi is completely familiar with the enemy's attack methods.

As he spoke, his body had already dodged another jump and landing of 173.

With the weight of thousands of kilograms on his body, Gao Yi was very sure that [Scarlet Raven Coat] could not save him.

Looking at the other side, Zhao Qian's work had been basically completed, and he was now leading a large number of paper figures to make the final push.

Finally, the glass jar filled with green liquid stopped at the shaky place on the second-floor platform.

Zhao Qian waved his hand and let a large number of small paper figures run to a safe area.

Yes, if everything goes according to plan, the vicinity should not be safe.

He ran away so desperately and kept moving at a high speed at all times, just to allow Zhao Qian to complete the transportation work without being disturbed.

Next, it was the implementation of the plan.

Accurately grasping the distance, Gao Yi made another leap and brought the monster under the second-floor platform.

Push the jar down directly and let the dark green liquid hit 173?

This is a plan that naturally comes to mind, and it is also the first plan to be ruled out.

This monster is very sensitive and will instinctively avoid the green liquid that is its natural enemy.

Even if you push it down in the right place, it will be avoided by its super mobility. to ensure a hit?

After delaying 173 at the designated place for a few seconds, Gao Yi swooped again and took the monster away again.

But this time, before he landed, he shouted loudly:

"It's now!"

After hearing the order, Zhao Qian pushed the full dark green jar off the high platform.

The target was the center of the factory where the monster had been standing a few seconds ago but was now empty.

It must be admitted that Gao Yi's level of mathematics and physics is not very high.

But the active effect of [Easy Chair Detective] makes up for this very well.

The height of the bottle above the ground, the acceleration of gravity, the monster stood at the designated target a few seconds ago...

After obtaining all the information, the next step is calculation at the elementary school level.

"Forget about the other fingers. My middle finger is broken. What should I put up to express my kindness..."

Gao Yi started to speak unreasonable words again, and Gao Yi blew the [Director's Whistle] that he had prepared.

According to its characteristics, except for living things, the state of all dead things will not regress.

In fact, there were only two players and the experimental subject named 173 whose body shape changed at the scene.

As for 173, who returned to the position ten seconds ago, with exquisite calculation, his body happened to overlap the glass jar that was about to hit the ground.

This situation was similar to "mould-piercing", causing the jar full of dark green potion to explode inside the monster's bucket-like body.

Gao Yi panted heavily and lay down on the ground, bandaging his fingers against the severe pain. Just a few flying blows had exhausted the last of his energy.

On the other side, 173's struggling, dissolving body and limbs have already announced the outcome of this battle.

"You're still looking there, come down quickly and give me a sip!"

Gao Yi coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood, sat up with difficulty, and gave the remaining middle finger of his right hand to Zhao Qian on the high platform on the second floor.


Thank you for the top 10 gifts in April

Thank you for being a dog on holiday, Jun Jinnian, I didn’t get up until ten o’clock, Furnace Knight, Atomic Terminal, Sugar Loves Hardships, Yan Yuzhen, Stars are falling at this moment, all the names I thought of have been taken., Blitz Ma Jiaqi sent Gift!

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