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Chapter 153 [Mechanical God] Metal Man

As a "magic stick", Zhao Qian's treatment methods are also very retro.

Not even the retro style of traditional Chinese medicine, but the retro style of dancing master...

According to Zhao Qian himself, "players" all have potions with extremely strong therapeutic effects. Under this premise, there is actually no need to acquire too many medical abilities and equipment.

A situation like Gao Yi's where no medicine is needed is a special case among special cases.

Under this premise, Zhao Qian does not have very strong treatment methods. This method of helping others heal physically is just one of the abilities of "Dancing Master".

And feeling the physical recovery that was better than nothing tortured Gao Yi to pieces.

I always thought that [Director's Whistle] required breaking the fingers, but actually it was quite acceptable as a negative effect.

Now that I think about it, the main reason why it's "acceptable" is that physical healing agents can relieve pain and restore damage.

Although it is still scary to break a finger, it is not a big deal when you think that it will be cured immediately.

But now, due to the negative effects of [Scarlet Raven Coat], the usual drug-feeding was prevented, and Gao Yi suddenly regretted using [Director's Whistle] so many times.

Especially after a high-intensity battle, after all the adrenaline hormones have subsided, the painful feelings of various external and internal injuries are all superimposed.

Although it's not like [The Strange Thing in West City], it's full of skin wounds, but sometimes it's kicked away by long metal legs, and sometimes it's irritated by corrosive mucus.

Even a person with a strong willpower like Gao Yi could no longer hold on.

Seeing Zhao Qian wiping his sweat after dancing and looking like he had worked so hard, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh, sighing silently in his heart.

"Speaking of which, Zhang Tu, how did he solve this problem? He couldn't have done it forcefully..."

The answer is of course no.

If Zhang Tu had really fought with such a serious injury and pain without trying to resolve it at all, he wouldn't have beaten Gao Yi like that.

Looking back now, it should have corresponding treatment equipment, maybe the gloves?

In any case, this also reminded Gao Yi that after leaving this dungeon, he had to find some equipment in this area.

As for now, I can only wait for the negative effects of [Scarlet Raven Coat] to end before drinking some healing potion.

Looking at the various healing potions in a backpack, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh.

Unlike Gao Yi who was in pain, Zhao Qian on the other side was quite relaxed at the moment.

A large number of small paper figures that had helped him carry the huge glass jar were now surrounding him again, jumping around him.

These paper figures, which are commonly seen in funeral supplies, all look a bit weird and scary, but at this moment they look like a group of birds waiting to be fed, chirping in circles around Zhao Qian.

It is worth mentioning that unlike Yiyi, these paper figures do not seem to be able to speak.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, everyone has a share..."

Zhao Qian touched the two nearest paper figures, took out a short knife from somewhere, and lightly scratched the palm of his left hand, leaving a bloody mark.

Then, he took out a lot of small paper cranes, dyed them with the blood on his palms, and fed them to the little paper people respectively.

And those paper figures who got the bloody paper cranes all jumped for joy. After swallowing it into their mouths, their figures slowly shrank until they turned into a white smoke and disappeared.

I have to say, this scene looks quite sinister.

"Are these Yiyi's brothers and sisters?"

On the side, Gao Yi, who had finally fixed his left middle finger, saw this scene and asked casually.

"No, no, no, these are just the effects of the equipment. Yiyi is my daughter, how can it be the same?"

Zhao Qian took out a bottle of healing potion and started pouring it into his mouth. From the appearance, it seemed to be a bottle of [D-level healing potion].

"It's not a waste. Do you need to drink healing potion for such a minor injury?"

Thinking of the fact that he couldn't drink the medicine, Gao Yixu said with his eyes closed.

"Are you envious? I drank it just for you to see."

Zhao Qian showed a very proud smile.

Just when the two fell into their daily quarrels again, enjoying the rare leisure time after the battle.

In the center of the "Processing Department", 173's body, which had been dissolved into a piece of ooze and residue by the dark green liquid, actually moved again.

An extremely painful male cry came from the body and echoed throughout the factory.

This voice directly cheered up Gao Yi and Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian, who was folding paper cranes, jumped back, knocking away the two little paper figures who had not yet left, and quickly hugged them in distress.

Gao Yi, who was massaging his knees, hurriedly took out the [Scarlet Raven Coat] again, for fear of being attacked again.

Following the heart-rending scream, a figure slowly stood up from 173's mud-like body.

Compared to the previous terrifying image that could only be described as a monster, this figure looked quite normal.

Although the whole body was wrapped in the orange mucus, at least it had two hands and two feet, and it looked like it had a nose and eyes.

At the very least, he should still be a normal human being - at least have the appearance of a normal human being.

But...why does a person appear in 173's body after his death?

Gao Yi initially thought that this was the retired blue employee who had escaped inexplicably before and was swallowed by 173.

Maybe it was not fully digested because it was swallowed not long ago?

But he quickly ruled out this possibility. The figure standing up didn't match his body shape and posture at all.

As the roar grew louder, the figure raised his arms. Only then did Gao Yi and Zhao Qian see clearly that the place where his palms should have been turned into two huge wrenches.

Not only that, most of the man's body was corroded and damaged, and then filled with various metal parts by the orange-red liquid.

Intuitively, it felt like the "modified man" in science fiction stories, or the cyborg with a full body prosthesis - just a beggar version.

"What the hell, this BOSS has a second form, right..."

"He may just be an ordinary repairman, carrying a wrench with him..."

The two players started talking again, dispelling the horror in front of them.

But in fact, Gao Yi and Zhao Qian had already felt that from the moment this metal man stood up from the body of 173, they had a faint but real throbbing in their hearts.

Thus, another truth was revealed.

This man who suddenly appeared, this mysterious man hidden in the core of 173, is a "player".


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