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Chapter 154 [Mechanical God] Flying Fist

In the empty factory building, the man's heart-rending screams began to echo, making the hearing heightened by the [Easy Chair Detective] a lot higher and a little painful.

Although he could usually roughly control the range of his five senses, after using the active effect of [Easy Chair Detective] once, it was a different situation.

The sharp decline in mental power made it somewhat difficult for Gao Yi to make fine adjustments.

Not only that, but the negative effects of a large number of equipment and characteristics have been superimposed, making his current physical condition extremely poor.

Reduced immunity, splitting headache, stiff knees, broken fingers on my left hand...

On the other side, although Zhao Qian still looked relaxed and casual, Gao Yi knew that after using so many abilities, he had accumulated quite a lot of sequelae.

Although he has been speaking harshly, the bottle of [D-level physical healing potion] he drank before was obviously a response to the negative effects.

Now both players have literally exhausted all their cards.

If possible, avoiding any level of combat is the right choice.

But on the opposite side, the metal player who walked out of 173's body was obviously a hostile presence.

Not to mention his two "wrenches" and the orange mucus scattered all over his body, the wailing sound of his astonishing lung capacity has already put him out of the category of "ordinary people".

"Hey brother, calm down first, stop howling, and pay attention to your throat..."

Zhao Qian started folding something with white paper again and tried to communicate with the other party.

On the other side, Gao Yi also put on his coat and then spoke:

"Yes, even though you have no hands, at least you still have a wrench. Don't despair..."

As soon as he finished saying this, the mysterious man opposite him began to wail softly, while Zhao Qian next to him turned his head stiffly and remained silent.

"No, this is a joke. He has no 'hands' anymore, but he still has a 'wrench'..."

Gao Yi pointed at the man, trying to save the awkward atmosphere.

"If there was a 'Worst Joke Contest' in this world, you should easily win."

Zhao Qian nodded pretending to be serious, causing Gao Yi to raise his middle finger again.

But unlike the two players who were pretending to be leisurely, the metal man couldn't wait any longer.

He finally stopped his shrill wail, lowered his body slightly, and accelerated toward Gao Yi with a single stride.

"Why me? The one next to me obviously looks weaker! Go get him!!"

Seeing this scene, Gao Yi didn't hesitate at all, dragged his stiff legs, turned around and planned to escape.

"For telling such a bad joke, it's not an exaggeration to sentence you to death!"

Zhao Qian didn't stop. Seeing this, he took a side step to distance himself, held the newly folded white paper in his hand, and blew in sharply.

With just one breath, a large number of paper butterflies fluttered out of his palm.

The paper butterflies landed on the ground first, covered in green liquid.

Then he took off again, flying towards the crazy metal man.

Although these butterflies covered in dark green liquid exploded in front of his eyes, and many parts of his body dissolved again, the "second stage boss" was not affected at all.

It was still sprinting towards Gao Yi at an extremely alarming speed, and even raised the wrench in its hand.

Gao Yi, who turned around while running wildly, was no longer as leisurely as before. The opponent's speed was still far behind even his own at his best.

Not to mention that he is covered in scars and has negative effects.

Of course, compared to the headless running around when being chased by 173, Gao Yi at this moment at least has a clear destination.

Turning a corner, Gao Yi ran and raised his [Gentleman's Cane], smashing all the glass jars along the way.

The dark green liquid in it also gushes out one after another, rushing towards the man chasing behind him.

Gao Yi and Zhao Qian didn't have much communication, but they both had a very straightforward idea——

Since the structure of this thing is similar to the previous 173, you must be afraid of this dark green liquid!

But unexpectedly, this crazy metal man had no intention of stopping in the face of the attack.

Although under the wash of the dark green liquid, the man's body began to dissolve quickly. Under the orange-red liquid, the broken metal body was exposed in the air.

But even in this situation, he had no intention of stopping, and instead got closer and closer to Gao Yi.

As the wrench was already held behind him, and the front had reached the edge of the factory building, and was about to hit the guardrail, Gao Yi was also entangled.

Should I use [Scarlet Raven Coat] to resist and test the damage of this wrench, or should I use [Director's Whistle] to buy time?

Resisting hard is more risky and will cause the negative effects of being unable to use potions to continue.

It is safer to use the whistle to rewind time, at least to ensure that you do not suffer too much damage.

But the next finger to be broken is the left index finger. I can no longer use my left hand at all, and it really hurts...

Although Gao Yi is a very tolerant person, having his fingers broken off one by one is still a bit beyond the acceptable range.

At the last second of hesitation, the belated reinforcements finally rushed to the battlefield.

A flying fist flew from the other side of the factory building at high speed and hit the metal man's face, causing his body, which was already unstable due to the damage to his legs, to fall suddenly.

Seeing the enemy fall and fall into the dark green liquid, Gao Yi also reacted very quickly.

Using the guardrail in front as support, he turned around and used a move from WWE "War Trample" and stomped on the head of the metal man.

This is not the end, the [Gentleman's Cane] in his hand was not idle at all, and quickly stabbed into the back of the fallen man, hitting the spine.

After a series of finishing blows, accompanied by a football kick, confirming that the metal man on the ground was no longer moving.

Gao Yi relaxed, took a few steps back, and collapsed on the railing again, slowly saying:

"If you still have three stages, I really don't want to play..."

At this time, he had time to observe where his help just came from.

The sudden "flying fist" was followed by a long zipper, which was slowly retracted.

Looking up, it was as expected.

The person who came was Alan, who was left on the 31st floor before and had not been seen for a long time.

"You're right, you can really throw a flying punch."

The girl adjusted the brim of her hat, put her fist back together, zipped it up, and fixed it on her wrist.

"Yes, the Italian Mafia is quite imaginative..."

Gao Yi struggled to stand up straight and started talking again in a way that no one could understand.


I suddenly remembered that I actually forgot to wish you all a happy May Day.

I hope you all have a good rest during this rare holiday.

I also wish you all good health, academic success, and most importantly, make a fortune.

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