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Chapter 155 [Mechanical God] Christmas Cloak

After confirming that the metal man on the ground was completely motionless, the three players relaxed, gathered together, and began to share their previous encounters.

Alan's story is actually not as exciting as imagined. Basically, he put on a purple uniform and blended into a meeting on the 31st floor.

"Actually, that 096 was not as scary as I thought. I even tried chatting with her for a few words, but she didn't do anything to me..."

Alan said it very easily, but when the image of the wraith orange employee appeared in his mind, it still made the other two shudder.

Thinking of that 096 with disheveled hair, wearing shackles, covering his eyes with his hands, I don’t know how to communicate with him...

All in all, when Gao Yi and Zhao Qian continued to climb to the upper levels, Alan wandered around the thirty-first floor and collected a lot of important information.

"First of all, we should not be the only group of players to enter this dungeon. Several purple employees have mentioned the strange 'newcomers' on their floor."

The girl leaned on the guardrail, held up the brim of her hat again, hid her face in the shadows, and spoke slowly.

"That's not surprising. This guy alone has given away countless [Mechanical God] tickets."

Gao Yi, who was squatting on the ground and inspecting the body of the metal man, did not look back and pointed at Zhao Qian with his left thumb.

Considering that three fingers on my left hand were broken, this action was a bit reluctant.

"It does happen, but we don't seem to have a chance to meet them. Did they all die in the morning shift?"

Zhao Qian was sitting on an office chair that was dyed red, with a small paper man sitting on each leg, waiting for him to fold a new paper crane.

"No, at least this one... isn't."

Looking along Gao Yi's words, Zhao Qian and Alan saw the metal man's right arm being raised.

Although the skin has been corroded and worn away, it can still be recognized that there is a bloody tattoo unique to the player on top of it.

Of course, this action was just to show the other two what he had discovered.

Gao Yi actually had a more direct way to confirm the fact that this metal man was a player.

Just now, a new piece of information appeared in front of him.

【Kill reward】

[Get the equipment "Christmas Cloak (Purple)\

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