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Chapter 156 [Mechanical God] Toy Story

[Toy Story: When you are enthusiastic about helping others, the toys and items around you have a chance to "come alive" to help you]

When killing the "experimental subject 173" before, the [Enthusiastic Citizen] label did recognize that Gao Yi was helping others.

At least, he was helping the retired blue employees who were almost "converted".

Before the start of the copy, Gao Yi brought two small toys with him, wanting to cooperate with the effect of [Toy Story].

But considering that the notebook could not enter this [Mechanical Casting God], the two small toys were naturally not spared.

Therefore, he did not pay too much attention to this ability afterwards.

In fact, by now, Gao Yi has basically forgotten that [Enthusiastic Citizen] has such an effect.

And it was this neglected [Toy Story] that made Gao Yi's [Truth Doll], which had always been in his trouser pocket, "come alive".

This palm-sized gray bear doll is now standing on the desk nearby, lecturing the three players:

"Can you idiots have a sense of urgency? The dungeon hasn't even ended yet, and you're already chatting here?!"

Of course, compared to the content of his lecture, Zhao Qian and Alan beside him are more concerned about the fact that the doll can speak.

Faced with their questions, "Does this equipment still have this effect?" and "Why couldn't it speak before?", Gao Yi had to deal with them with a wry smile.

To put it bluntly, he himself didn't expect this to happen.

And the [Truth Doll], who was ignored by the three, became more and more angry at this moment, and jumped to a higher place on the desk:

"Can't you hear? Not only is the brain development abnormal, but even the ears don't work well, right!"

It has to be said that the doll's deep middle-aged male voice is in stark contrast to its cute bear shape, which makes people feel extremely inconsistent.

"Hmm, its mouth stinks." "Fortunately Yiyi is not here, we can't let her learn bad things."

The other two players were not nervous at all and still ignored the scolding of [Truth Doll].

Alan turned around and looked at Gao Yi who was tidying up his desk, asking for permission:

"Can I touch it?"

"Just, be careful..."

Gao Yi really didn't think of a reason to refuse, and nodded after hesitating for a moment.

But the [Truth Doll], who was held in Alan's arms and rubbed for a while, seemed to be really angry and started to scold again:

"Hasn't your sister been found yet? How can I give you time to play here?!"

The [Truth Doll]'s voice successfully froze Alan's movements, and his face obviously darkened:

"How did you..."

Before the girl finished asking, the little bear turned his head again and looked at Zhao Qian who was feeding the paper man:

"The [Boss]'s task is not a joke. Do you think he doesn't know that you are delaying time here?!"

Zhao Qian didn't speak, but just raised his head slightly, as if he wanted to see something through the ceiling of the factory.

Although his expression was mostly covered by the large sunglasses, Gao Yi still felt the thinking of this charlatan.

The [Boss]'s task should be the reason he mentioned the earliest, the manager of the "Star Coin" copy let him enter this [Mechanical Casting God] copy.

And Alan's missing sister... So that's it, this is the person she wants Zhao Qian to help her find.

Seeing the two "ignorant" players quiet down, the [Truth Doll] suddenly broke free from Alan's arms and jumped back onto the desk:

"Really, I don't know what you guys are doing. Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise I don't know what you good-for-nothings would do."

It's a bit arrogant, right...

Gao Yi complained in his heart, but also started to analyze at a very fast speed.

Obviously, this effect is that the [Truth Doll], which can give a "true" or "false" answer to the question, has a certain degree of "omniscience" attribute.

This is also natural, otherwise what can it use to make these judgments?

And this "omniscience" also allows it to easily understand Zhao Qian and Alan's life experience.

If this speculation is correct...

Gao Yi's thoughts moved slightly, and he pulled a chair and sat opposite the little bear doll, and asked carefully:

"Don't worry, we will solve this copy right away, so can you tell us what we should do next?"

But what Gao Yi didn't expect was that the little bear doll suddenly became serious and said very seriously:

"I can't answer questions directly, I can only tell you yes or no."

"Why, I thought you were already "alive"? " Gao Yi asked hurriedly.

"This is a "contract", no one can violate the "contract."

[Truth Doll] lowered its bear head slightly, and put its palms together as if praying for something, completely ignoring the fact that it is not a "human" either.

On the other hand, Gao Yi had a headache, and this doll started to throw out all kinds of terms he had never heard of.

But no matter what the "contract" in its mouth is, the "omniscience" ability of [Truth Doll] is bound by it.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, this is quite logical.

If it can really convey information at will, it is too outrageous.

But then again, due to the effect of [Toy Story], [Truth Doll] really wanted to help Gao Yi, but just didn't find the right method.

As for the foul should be its own characteristic.

"Then... why are you urging me? I don't know what to do, so I can only take my time... Can't you tell me where my sister is?"

Alan quickly calmed down and tried to touch the doll's bear head again.

The [Truth Doll] on the table waved its furry bear paws, jumped aside, and pointed at Gao Yi:

"Ask this person, he has already figured out how to solve this copy."

As Zhao Qian and Alan looked over, Gao Yi, who had tidied up a desk due to obsessive-compulsive disorder, smiled and opened the drawer:

"Actually, everything is written on it."

What he took out and held in his hand was a red "Employee Code of Conduct".


Finally, finally, finally, 8 points!!

I thought I wouldn't have a chance to get 8 points before the end of this copy, and I was ready to wait for the summary chapter to ask for comments.

Thank you all for your support, it's really not easy.

As expected, the [Mechanical God Casting] copy has also come to an end, and I do have a lot to talk about.

But overall, let’s wait until the summary chapter to talk about it!


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