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Chapter 157 [Mechanical Godcasting] Final Destination

To put it bluntly, the contents of the "Red Employee Code" are not that shocking.

These security employees actually have to commute to and from get off work normally - of course, the word "commute to and from get off work" has different meanings within the "Wise Group".

Their basic job is to maintain stability within the company and send all kinds of corpses and waste materials produced by green employees for "processing".

Considering what I have seen and heard some time ago, it is not difficult to understand what the "processing" is.

But what Gao Yi really noticed and considered extremely critical was the last item in the code.

11. If an employee experiences extreme mood swings or mental breakdown without meeting or approaching retirement requirements, please send him or her to the 77th floor, and send the abnormal employee to [Eternity] via the elevator inside the floor. district】.

Combined with the contents of some files found on the 65th floor, it can be basically confirmed that this so-called [Eternal Zone] is the core of the entire "Wise Group".

If there was ever a place to destroy this company, it would be here.

Gao Yi's determination to go became stronger with the affirmative answer from [Truth Doll].

But it must also be admitted that the risk factor of this matter is not low.

After all, it is a mysterious area that has never been explored before. As the end of the level and the core of the dungeon, it is unlikely to be too easy and ordinary.

Considering the "Experimental Subject 173" we just saw, and the several orange employees who looked dangerous.

It wouldn't be surprising if they faced a fierce battle.

Under this premise, Gao Yi also made a new decision-he planned to go to the [Eternal Zone] alone

This is certainly not about being conceited or wanting to monopolize some loot, but based on realistic considerations.

When exploring deeper, having more people is not necessarily a good thing, not to mention that Zhao Qian's abilities have been used up to seven or eight, and Alan barely has much frontal combat effectiveness.

Gao Yi believed that facing possible communication and exploration, going alone would have some advantages.

If he is in a desperate situation and needs to escape, he alone does not need to bear the extra burden.

On the other hand, there are other things that need to be handled manually.

The first ones were hidden, several retired blue employees.

Several of them seemed to have woken up and were in a state of confusion.

Letting them run around and encounter other employees creates additional risks.

Someone needs to be responsible for settling and comforting them, and also to deal with the remaining red employees on the 65th floor.

According to the information at hand, the elevator on the 77th floor is the only way to the [Eternal Zone].

From another perspective, it is also the only exit from there.

If no one is watching from above, Gao Yi will easily be attacked from both sides after entering the [Eternal Zone].

Therefore, people are also needed to stay behind.

After a long period of persuasion and debate, and finally after the confirmation of [Truth Doll], the other two players reluctantly agreed.

Zhao Qian stuffed Gao Yi with a lot of small origami objects. According to him, they would take action on their own when in danger.

Alan gritted his teeth and lent her stapler that could zipper anywhere to Gao Yi.

By lending this signature purple equipment to others, it can be seen that the girl is still very determined.

But in Alan's own words, "Little Bear told me that you will definitely return it."

In any case, before the end of the evening shift came, the three players with different missions separated again.

The blockade on the 65th floor has not been lifted, but fortunately with this [steel chain stapler], ordinary walls cannot stop their group.

Thinking about it now, Alan was able to participate in the battle between Gao Yi and the metal man, which should have been due to this.

Zhao Qian was responsible for taking several confused blue employees away and heading downstairs for resettlement.

This magician is good at deception and deception, and he is very good at this kind of work in every sense of the word.

The only thing worth mentioning is that Gao Yi chatted a little more with old Kane.

This old employee of the eighth-floor "Spring Department" seemed to have realized something. He wanted to ask several times, but in the end he couldn't make up his mind to ask.

When it was time to say goodbye, he just said "take care" to Gao Yi and turned around to leave.

Looking at the vicissitudes of his departure, Gao Yi could certainly guess what he was most concerned about.

Needless to say, it was Mrs. Lucy who "retired" some time ago.

In a sense, Gao Yi was a little glad that Old Kane didn't ask that question - a question that was destined not to get a good answer.

After watching Zhao Qian leave with these retired blue employees, the remaining two players turned around and headed upstairs.

Surprisingly, there were no obstacles on the way.

No red security staff with guns, no weird orange staff, and no more "experimental subjects."

Gao Yi and Alan reached the seventy-seventh floor of the "Wise Man Group" very easily.

The nearly infinite spiral staircase obviously hasn't reached the top yet, but this is already their final goal.

The seventy-seventh floor is in huge contrast with the previous floors. To describe it in one word, it is "empty".

There are no separate rooms, no corridors and pipes, no strange jars and glass cubes.

In the huge white space, only a gray single-person elevator stood alone in the middle.

Its size is only enough to accommodate one person, as if it was prepared for Gao Yi to go alone.

When he approached and checked, there was nothing unusual. It was almost the same as the elevator he had seen on the previous floor, just a little smaller.

In some ways, the normal thing was a little... abnormal?

After confirming that there was no problem, Gao Yi pressed the elevator button.

When the "ding" sounded and the gray elevator door slowly opened, he turned his head to look at Alan beside him:

"Just as planned, I will go down alone. No matter what happens, I will come back or communicate with you within half an hour. If I don't come back..."

"Okay, okay, you must come back, otherwise what about my stapler..."

Seeing Gao Yi walk into the elevator and about to leave, she pursed her lips and spoke again:

"It will be fine."

This was the first time Alan raised her head and looked directly into Gao Yi's eyes.

It was also the first time that the girl didn't care about the hideous scar on her face, letting the light pass over the brim of her hat and shine on her somewhat pale face.

Gao Yi nodded slightly, and said nothing more, but just silently pressed the only button inside the unit.

Let this elevator take him to an unknown ending.


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