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Chapter 158 [Mechanical Godcasting] Eternal Zone

"I still can't drink the potion. I've been beaten too much before. The negative effects of [Scarlet Raven Coat] will probably last for a long time..."

"For the wound on my left hand, let's go to a hospital or clinic. Should I learn more about first aid later?"

"The [Evolution Rate] has improved quite a bit, reaching 15% all of a sudden. I don't know if it's the result of fighting with 173 or the special effect of [Serial Killer]."

"[Christmas Cloak] seems to make me no longer afraid of falling from a height...ah, is it because Santa Claus needs to jump down the chimney?"

In the elevator, Gao Yi counted his previous gains while telling jokes without an audience.

After several copies, his spirit and willpower have improved significantly, but it would be a lie to say that he is not nervous at all at this moment.

The road to the unknown and the truth is always full of dangers, but the more secretive the event, the more it can arouse Gao Yi's interest.

Now that I think about it, this is also one of the reasons why he became a reporter.

If he was born in a certain world of K-series, at this age, he would probably have gone crazy because of exploring an abandoned castle or studying an evil ancient book.

However, after becoming a player, his "investigator" attribute also made him suffer a lot.

After the elevator went down for an unknown period of time, with the crisp sound of "ding", it finally reached the destination.

A crisp female voice echoed in the elevator room. After careful identification, it seemed to be the same voice heard from the ceiling on the 65th floor before:

"Welcome to the [Eternal Zone], let us review the glorious past and lofty goals of the Wise Group together."

Taking a deep breath, Gao Yi walked out of the elevator without hesitation.

When he adapted to the lighting here and looked around, he was a little stunned.

Unlike the evil laboratory used for brainwashing and human transformation as he imagined, this [Eternal Zone] is more like a museum.

After leaving the elevator, Gao Yi entered a spacious room filled with various human wax figures.

At first, he was worried that this was the plot of "House of Wax", that all the wax figures were made of living people or something...

But when he got closer, he could basically confirm that these were all ordinary wax figures.

Beside these middle-aged male and female wax figures, there was a golden metal plate with their life stories written on it.

[The 47th president of the Wise Group added the "Blower Department" to the company to improve performance again]

[The youngest "Spring Department" director of the Wise Group innovatively changed the way of selecting raw materials, using screws and nuts to cover the springs and gears that needed to be transported]

[The 18th president of the Wise Group, also the first female president, changed the overall structure of the company]

And every time you walk to a wax figure, some kind of infrared automatic recognition device will be triggered, and the microphone hidden in the wax figure will start talking.

The content is basically chicken soup and famous quotes extracted from the past speeches of that person.

"Perseverance is the key to success, and the goal is to benefit all mankind!"

"My greatest achievement in life is joining the Wise Group."

"There may be dogs and cats in the sky, but there will never be pies!"

After walking around the whole circle and confirming that he had not missed any information, Gao Yi shook his head helplessly:

"What is this......."

At this point, he also roughly understood what this [Eternal Department] was.

In short, it is a history museum of the "Wise Group", recording all the past of this company.

Sending dissatisfied employees here is not to perform any transformation surgery on them, but to hope to... "inspire" them?

That being said, if Gao Yi, who was on the morning shift, faced the black floor manager, that is, the 013, and said that he wanted to resign more firmly, he might also be sent here.

But then again, although there is no evil secret laboratory here, if nothing unexpected happens, it should contain the truth of this copy.

According to Zhao Qian, this was originally the territory of the [Boss], but a rebellion broke out later.

So. Someone needs to come here to solve this problem.

However, since this place was changed by "rebellion", it should have been normal at first.

What happened to cause this company, which was originally "aimed at benefiting all mankind", to become like this?

With a heart full of questions, Gao Yi raised his head and looked around.

"This is definitely not all, since this area has been visited... should I go to the next place?"

While muttering to himself, he used the "deduction" ability to observe the traces on the walls around him.

Thanks to the previous rest, Gao Yi's head pain has eased a lot, and now he can use the [Armchair Detective] feature normally.

Of course, the recovery speed of mental power is also much faster than before.

On the one hand, it has not been used for a long time, and on the other hand, it is also the improvement of various attributes after becoming a D-level player.

However, the ability of [Armchair Detective] cannot be abused because it still consumes mental power very quickly.

But the good news is that Gao Yi does not need to spend energy to find a passage at this moment.

Just as he looked up, a former president of the "Wise Group" suddenly moved a few steps to the side, leaving a secret door.

Of course, its movement is controlled by the mechanism, and it can't really walk.

And behind the secret door, there suddenly appeared a deep corridor with blue light.

Just as Gao Yi was thinking, a crisp female voice sounded from the ceiling:

"Gao Yi, please come in, this is a road specially opened for you. Walk in here, you can understand everything."

The familiar female voice is the same voice heard in the elevator room on the 65th floor before.

The sense of crisis in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. You know, this female voice can release a monster like 173, and it's not surprising to create some experimental subjects here.

Not to mention, it can call out my name directly, either it is a real person or an AI with high intelligence.

In such a narrow corridor, you may not even be able to use your fists and feet when attacked, and even escape will be restricted.

But... if you don't enter here, you may not be able to find out the truth of this copy.

The soul of exploration burns in my heart, and the persistence of the investigator begins to appear.

Without further hesitation, Gao Yi smiled sincerely:

"Since you have invited me, there is no reason to refuse..."

After that, he stepped into the corridor with blue light and began to truly understand the past of "Wise Group".


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