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Chapter 159 [Mechanical Godcasting] The past of the Wise Group

Just like no one knows what they will become when they are born, the "Wise Group" did not find a clear direction when it was first established.

On a night too far away to be verified, in a tavern on the banks of the Manchester River, three ambitious fresh graduates each drank a glass of strong drink.

They hate this era of capitalism and do not want to join those companies and large factories to be exploited like other students.

As a result, three young people who graduated from the field of chemistry hit it off and decided to start a business and establish their own company without exploitation and oppression.

The three named their company after the Sophist school from ancient Greece and officially registered it.

However, entrepreneurship is a simple word to say, but how to run a company is still a huge problem faced by the three young people.

But the good news is that they do have the courage to start their own businesses.

The three of them came up with the result of their joint creation during their graduate studies, a chemical agent called "Greenser".

The principle is very complex, but the effect is simple and practical - it dissolves various waste materials with no recycling value and turns them into metals that can be reused.

No one knows how these three college students came up with such a thing, but what everyone knows is that "Greenser" completely changed the landscape of the garbage disposal market.

Garbage that originally required vast tracts of land to bury and took decades or even centuries to degrade can now be easily processed, recycled and reused.

And the "Smart Company" that mastered this technology also took the opportunity to grow and develop, carry out more business, and became the most famous brand in the world in one fell swoop...

Following the introduction of the crisp female voice, Gao Yi also walked along the blue-lit corridor and walked to another corner.

The walls of the previous corridor were covered with various photos from that time, recording the step-by-step growth of the "Wise Group".

Recording the first Christmas spent in the company, taking photos with politicians, ringing the bell in the stock hall to go public...

Unlike those clear digital photos, this one posted in the corner is a black and white photo taken by a Polaroid camera.

In the photo, three young people were laughing and toasting in a lively pub.

"They are the original founders of the 'Wise Group' and the developers of the 'Lose' potion."

The female voice from the ceiling introduced Gao Yi, her tone seemed a little proud.

"Let me guess, the story after that is about turning against each other and falling apart?"

Gao Yi didn't have much reaction. It must be said that this past incident was not too unexpected.

While maintaining observation and memory, he still had room for gags with the introduced female voice.

"No, quite the opposite."

Gao Yi's guess got a negative answer, but the following story became increasingly puzzling.

Not only did the three founders maintain a lifelong relationship, they also kept the promises they made when starting their business.

The "Wise Group" they established is the company that pays most attention to employee rights in the world.

Not only does it strictly abide by the eight-hour work system and eliminate all forms of overtime, it also has employee benefits that are the envy of everyone.

The various subsidies are so generous that they even have a specially developed short-term hibernation system that allows employees to take a high-quality rest without interruption within the company.

For a time, being able to work in the "Wise Group" became the dream of all fresh graduates.

It was in this atmosphere that the Wise Group's "Green Se" potion made new progress.

Although this reagent has always been able to convert various waste materials and garbage into metal, in fact, its main function is just to digest those useless materials.

The metal it converts is actually of very poor quality and can only be used to make some extremely low-end and crude products.

The scientific research team of "Wise Group" conducted research on "Green Se" and found that it can not only dissolve various industrial wastes and plastic waste.

At the same time, it can also dissolve the body of living things.

Not only that, the metal parts converted from biological flesh are of extremely high quality, even stronger than many expensive alloys.

On this basis, the "Wise Man Group" has cooperated with a number of large-scale breeding farms to mass-produce a large amount of new metals and use them in the civilian field.

This is another revolutionary innovation. If the three founders want, they can enjoy their life on the credit book. The patent fee alone is enough to keep them comfortable for several lifetimes.

But they did not hesitate and moved forward unconditionally towards a more ambitious goal.

They saw poverty, hunger, and war all over the world, as well as homeless people and people suffering from illnesses that could not receive treatment.

At the same time, a large number of beneficiaries are squandering all kinds of resources, and the oligarchs have further expanded wealth inequality, and the third distribution has completely failed.

The three founders spent a lot of time looking for a way out, but all attempts failed.

Finally, they made a decision——

The "Group of Wise Men" will create a "god".

One who is omniscient and omnipotent, one who can treat the world fairly and allocate resources in the best way, one who can make this world no longer have war and poverty...


At another corner of the corridor, there is another black and white photo hanging. It is exactly the same scene as the previous Polaroid photo. It is the tavern by the Manchester River.

The founders who were sitting and toasting in the same posture were all middle-aged, and two of them were bald.

But their faces still showed the same hopeful smile as when they started their business decades ago.

Below the photo, there is a passage written by one of the founders:

"Muscles are like springs, lungs are like blowers, people are just machines, and so are gods."

This argument naturally attracted a lot of opposition and condemnation. Conservative politicians, religious people and vested interests united at a very fast speed and expressed their opposition.

Against this background, the "Wise Group" is advancing their "God-making Plan" at a very fast speed.

On the one hand, they are promoting the development of AI technology and trying to create an "omniscient" intelligent body.

On the other hand, they are promoting further research on the "Greense" potion and trying to create an "omnipotent" body belonging to the gods.

Looking at the new technologies and new products brought out by the Wise Group, even the most determined opponents have wavered.

They couldn't help but wonder, could these crazy people in the Wise Group really create a "God"?

"I guess there's a 'but' here."

Gao Yi straightened the picture frame on the wall of the corridor, still without showing any emotional fluctuations, and asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"But..." The turn came as expected, but the next words of the female voice exceeded Gao Yi's imagination:

"But, after a while, when the work of the 'Wise Group' was on the right track, the real god came."


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