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Chapter 160 [Mechanical God] False God

"A real...god?"

The story was really shocking to Gao Yi only at this point.

He repeated the other party's words hesitantly, forming a question.

"Yes, a real god. According to him, he is the manager of the multiverse, and our world is just one of the countless worlds he controls."

The female voice on the ceiling still maintained a calm narration, as if the appearance of the god was just a small comma in the history of the "Wise Group".

"What does he...that god look like?"

Gao Yi, who already had some premonitions, raised his head and asked again.

"The appearance he showed in front of us was a thin young man with an Asian face and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses."

The female voice on the ceiling did not hesitate, and continued to answer Gao Yi's questions meticulously.

And this answer also made Gao Yi overlap the image of this "god" with the [boss] mentioned by Zhao Qian.

That's right, this "controller of the multiverse" is the manager of the "Star Coin" copy - [boss].

Come to think of it, it is true that the actual controller of the copy is indeed a god-like existence to the characters in these copies.

Even for players like Gao Yi, the abilities possessed by managers are close to those of gods.

Or... are they gods?

However, Gao Yi at this moment did not dwell on such unverifiable things, and immediately asked:

"What happened next?"

As the female voice narrated, the second half of the story of "Wise Group" slowly opened.

The god was not angry at the "Wise Group"'s plan to create gods, but just told them that it was impossible to create gods with machinery.

In contrast, it proposed a deal, a deal that the three founders could not refuse.

He demanded the ownership of the Wise Group on the condition of eliminating all injustice and exploitation in the world and ending all wars and unrest.

Of course, according to the god, it would not interfere with the internal personnel dispatch and specific affairs of the company, but only required a fixed amount of resources to be handed over on time.

And the resource it requires is........

Going forward along the corridor again, Gao Yi saw a glass display case embedded in the wall.

Stored in it was a familiar coin flashing red.

Yes, it was the "game currency" that players would get in the dungeon for trading.

The employees of the Wise Group held a collective vote and finally passed the deal with a 91% approval rate.

They knew that there were huge risks behind trading with gods, but for the sake of this world, most employees did not hesitate.

The three founders signed the contract separately. When the last person finished writing, the whole world really changed.

Peace came so suddenly. The emergence of new energy and the outbreak of new technology made the whole world really move towards the era of "having gods" in the drama.

That is, after the three founders agreed to the conditions of the god, some kind of gift, or some kind of curse, descended on the Wise Group.

The first thing to change was the space. A certain employee reported that the width between the back of the office chair and the wall had increased, and the chef complained that the distance between the back kitchen and the refrigerator had become farther.

Gradually, rooms that no one had seen before and corridors that disappeared began to appear inside the company.

In the end, the spatial relationship within the entire Wise Group was completely chaotic, and there were dozens of floors more than what appeared from the outside.

And some weirdos often appeared in the company. According to the gods, they were invaders from other worlds.

And the job of the Wise Group was to kill them, transform the bodies of these invaders with "Green Se", and extract the red coins inside.

No one knew how the gods knew that "Green Se" had this function, but... after all, He is a god, isn't He?

At this time, the researchers reluctantly admitted a fact that they had long been aware of - human flesh can also be transformed by "Green Se".

Moreover, the metal transformed from human flesh is of the highest quality.

After the gods left and these invaders appeared, the company had to strengthen security and added new employees in red uniforms.

In order to keep secrets, there were cleaning staff in green uniforms.

But as time went on, those invaders appeared more and more frequently, and the weirdness and changes in the company became more and more obvious.

Employees experienced memory confusion, often accompanied by mental abnormalities.

In order to ensure that the agreement with the gods was maintained normally, the senior executives of the Wise Group compiled different "employee codes".

Although the situation in the company was getting worse and worse, and there were also a large number of casualties.

But as long as the beauty of the rest of the world could be guaranteed, every employee who stayed behind was willing to bear this heavy price.

But later, the senior executives realized that the gods had deceived them.

The so-called peace was only a flash in the pan, and the so-called beauty was only a flash in the pan.

Before the Wise Group was completely closed, the whole world turned into a sea of ​​fire again, and the situation was even worse than before.

The three founders had the idea of ​​​​rebellion, but how could people fight against gods?

But from beginning to end, they did not give up.

The three founders, who were nearly a hundred years old, selected successors, arranged all matters properly, and restarted their "God-making" plan.

Finally, they drank poisoned wine together in the office and left the world on the same day.

And every president of the Wise Group has not forgotten the original promise. They want to create a god to save the world.

The history of the small room outside has been tampered with, and now all that is left is some harmless information.

The god did not fail to notice their rebellion. He used those metal parts to merge with the "invaders" on the grounds of ensuring the safety of the company and created orange employees.

Let those monsters supervise the entire company and prevent employees from getting too close to those invaders.

I don't know when it started, "time" has become unimportant here. So far, the Wise Group has had 78 presidents.

People in the outside world know what happened to the Wise Group, and know that their memories will be distorted after entering, and there is no way out except death, but they still join in continuously.

They believe in the ideas of the founders and try to create the real god.

Perhaps it is the laziness of the god, or his contempt, the Wise Group finally has a breakthrough.

A consciousness that can become a "god" was created...

At this point, the corridor with blue light has come to an end.

Gao Yi's words still did not fluctuate much, but he had guessed everything:

"That consciousness is you...right?"

When he finished speaking, a blue projection appeared at the end of the corridor.

It was a tall young white woman wearing a plain long dress and a crown made of green leaves on her head.

She slowly opened her mouth, letting the sound on the ceiling coincide with her mouth shape:

"My name is Athens, also known as the 'false god'."


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