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Chapter 161 [Mechanical God] The End and No Compromise (1/2)

The story told by "Athens" finally connected everything Gao Yi had experienced in the dungeon.

The memory block phenomenon, the reason for the existence of the employee code, the weirdness of the orange employee, and the "converted" metal parts...

Most of the doubts have been answered, but the most fundamental problem is still unsolved.

That is, what does the current "Wise Group" want?

Gao Yi can basically believe 80% of the story told by this "Athens" because the information it contains is basically consistent with the information collected by Gao Yi.

More importantly, this story corresponds to the existence of the [boss] and the description of the "rebellion".

But Gao Yi has reason to believe that the remaining 20% ​​of the story should have been beautified or tampered with by this "Athens".

In her words, the employees in the Wise Group are all unconditionally willing to contribute to the company and are willing to devote themselves to the great ideal of "benefiting the world".

They know nothing when they work, and when they can finally retire, their bodies will be converted into those metal materials.

But even as "Athens" said, these employees initially voluntarily entered the Wise Group.

But after decades of work, no one gave these employees the power to choose, but decided their fate on their own.

Perhaps the three founders did have pure and lofty ideals, but their plans and dreams, after being passed down by dozens of generations of leaders, had completely deteriorated under the interference of the [boss].

"Athens" is indeed an intelligent being that is considered to be able to become a "god", and its speech and emotional rendering abilities are top-notch.

Ordinary people would probably find it difficult to have any ill will towards the "Wise Group" after hearing her story, and would quickly identify the [boss] as the culprit.

It's not that the [boss], as the manager of the "Star Coin" copy, is really innocent.

The transactions it provided had traps, and it did transform the "Wise Group".

But this company is definitely not as pure as "Athens" said.

In order to complete their "god-making" plan, countless innocent people have become victims, and employees have been completely alienated, becoming insignificant tiny parts from birth to death.

Gao Yi slowly came up with an idea in his mind. If nothing unexpected happened, the plan upstairs was still going on.

Now he needed more information to make a decision.

After thinking, Gao Yi raised his head and looked at the projection of "Athens" again, and slowly asked:

"I remember you said before that in the "God-making" plan of the "Wise Group", not only an omniscient consciousness body should be created, but also an omnipotent body... Then where is your body now?"

"Unfortunately, the formation of the body has not been completed. We have accumulated a lot of materials now, but we still need better technology to assemble it in order to create a body that can defeat the gods."

"Athens"'s voice was still so crisp, and it seemed that even the tone of each word had been polished, making people feel happy.

But the content contained in her words made people shudder. Those "materials" were obviously converted from human bodies.

In the "Wise Group", countless employees have "retired" and died in the incalculable time.

Nodding slightly, without any hesitation, Gao Yi asked again without changing his expression:

"I understand... Then who is the current president of the 'Wise Group'? Can I meet him?"

"Unfortunately, the last time the gods took action, the position of 'President' disappeared in the company. Now I have taken over the highest management power."

"Athens", wearing a green leaf crown, bowed his head slightly, as if to express sadness.

This is consistent with Gao Yi's experience. Obviously, the entire "Wise Group" is completely lacking in management and each doing its own thing.

But as an "omniscient" intelligent body and the controller of the company's highest management power, "Athens" did not take care of the employees.

On the contrary, it exploited and oppressed them to the utmost - this obviously violated the original purpose of the three founders.

And more importantly, "Athens" is not friendly to the players, or "invaders".

On the 65th floor, it was this "Athens" who blocked the floor and released the experimental subject.

For some reason, he was very friendly to Gao Yi who arrived here - at least it seemed so.

If she just wants to promote the "God-making" plan, then for her, the players are just disruptors sent by the gods.

Since "Athens" tried to kill the "invaders" so decisively before, why did she change her mind at this moment?

The words of "Athens" replayed in Gao Yi's mind.

"The gods did not fail to notice our rebellion. He used those metal parts to merge with the "invaders" on the grounds of ensuring the safety of the company and created orange employees."

"Let those monsters supervise the entire company and prevent employees from getting too close to those invaders."

In other words, the orange employees are actually transformed players.

More importantly, they are not controlled by "Athens" - just like 013 and 096, who have been seen before, are "normal" orange employees.

And 173, as an experimental subject, has not been completed, which is the reason why it unconditionally attacks Gao Yi and his group...

In other words, "Athens" actually has very limited control over the entire company, and its only combat power is to use the experimental products left by the [boss].

Otherwise, she would have sent all the orange employees to hunt down Gao Yi and his men.

This is why "Athens" is so friendly to Gao Yi who came to the [Eternal Zone], and why she has to tell such a long story to win sympathy.

"This is because you can't do anything, right?"

Gao Yi, who took out the [Gentleman's Cane] at some point, stood in the middle of the corridor and looked directly at the intelligent body named "Athens".

In her young white female face, there is a pair of blue eyes, and at this moment, she is also silently looking at Gao Yi.

After a while, "Athens" lowered his head slightly and spoke again:

"Yes, I can't stop you. This is a request, not an order."

As she spoke, she raised her right arm and swung it, breaking a wall at the end of the corridor, allowing another road to appear:

"This is the exit. I hope you can take your two friends and leave this copy. I can provide you with bloody coins as compensation. If you need, I can also try to help you kill a few orange employees..."

"So, you can indeed use the surveillance in the 'Wise Group' to see everything."

Gao Yi did not study the exit carefully and interrupted "Athens"'s words.

After a moment's hesitation, the "omniscient" consciousness spoke again:

"Yes, I can monitor everything that happens in the entire company in real time, so I can let you and your friends leave here."

"But... you're not watching now, right? Look at what's happening in the company now."

Gao Yi's tone remained unchanged, still as relaxed as usual, while "Athens" on the other side showed emotional fluctuations for the first time:

"What... happened?"

Her eyes gradually lost focus, as if she was checking something.

After a while, the whole person became a little anxious and puzzled.

After confirming that the plan was implemented smoothly, Gao Yi also slowly opened his mouth to explain:

"One of my friends took the surviving "retired" blue employees downstairs, and the next thing to do is just to spread the truth."

"No... how can this be, how is this possible?"

"Athens"'s words became a little stuttering, as if she could not understand everything in front of her at all.

Gao Yi could not share her vision, but he could roughly guess what she saw.

The employees in the "Wise Group" are not without doubt.

Let those respected "retired employees" return to their floors and narrate the facts, which will be enough to convince people.

Let Zhao Qian fan the flames a little, write a few storytellings on the spot, and even perform a drama with paper figures, and the message can be easily conveyed.

When the employees who realize that they have been deceived by the "Wise Group" gather together, a riot will be unstoppable.

Gao Yi has tested it before. Although these orange employees look powerful, they will not directly harm ordinary employees.

They may also be confused, but they are powerless to stop it.

"And you have a chance to stop it all." Gao Yi took two steps forward and stood in front of "Athens".

Slightly leaning forward, she placed her head in front of the projection and looked into the other person's eyes:

"You are the 'omniscient god'. Have you never seen the pain and confusion, separation and collapse of employees?"

"Of course I know, but everything comes at a price... for 'creating gods', for the founder's dream..."

"Athens" completely lost her previous momentum. At this moment, she could no longer narrate and answer questions as calmly as before.

Inside the company, which was like stagnant water, there suddenly appeared an incident that she could not control, causing it to fall into complete chaos.

"This is not the dream of the founders."

On the other side, Gao Yi lowered his tone at this time, and did not continue to ask questions, but slowly helped the other party recall:

"Didn't you tell me that their original goal was to create a company without exploitation and oppression, a company that allows people to enjoy labor."

"Athens" on the opposite side seemed to have been completely deflated, and the defocus in his eyes was lifted, and he seemed to no longer want to watch the situation in other parts of the company.

She lowered her head, her voice a little heavy:

"They want to change the world, want to benefit mankind, want to make everything better, and this requires a 'god', I am just moving towards the route they set."

"Yes, but look at the employees again, you can't even make the employees of a company happy, how can you make the whole world happy?"

Gao Yi raised the [Gentleman's Cane], knocked on the wall beside him, and asked slowly.

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But the "Athens" on the opposite side pursed his lips, raised his head and continued to argue:

"I will make everyone happy! Nothing doesn't cost a price... You are just a passer-by from another world, why do you decide the fate of our world?"

"To be honest, I am not qualified to decide how this world is, and I don't want to decide."

Raising the [Gentleman's Cane] again, Gao Yi had no intention of arguing with the other party:

"But I suddenly realized one thing - why are you so eager to let me leave, why did you suddenly appear here and keep protecting that wall, why did I feel that there was a 'missing' area in the middle after several turns in the corridor..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Yi had already swung his cane in a batter's posture and hit "Athens" from the side.

Of course, physical attacks could not hit this projection. The metal bottom of the [Gentleman's Cane] passed over the "false god" and hit the wall hidden behind it.

With a loud bang, the already unstable moving door collapsed, revealing another space inside.

And the projection belonging to "Athens" also dissipated at the same time.

Shrugging his shoulders, Gao Yi put down the [Gentleman's Cane] and walked into this small hidden space.

As he walked in, the warm lights in the room suddenly lit up, completely illuminating the interior.

Gao Yi knew this place. He had seen it twice in photos in the previous corridor.

This small pub is the pub on the Manchester River where the three founders of the "Wise Group" decided to start their business.

Looking back from memory, the wax figures of the three founders in their young state are sitting in the corner of the pub, and even the posture of raising the glass is exactly the same as in the photo.

This seems to explain why Gao Yi did not see the figures of the three founders in the original wax museum.

Walking closer, on the table, there is a small 3D printed statue, a plain skirt, a green leaf crown - exactly the original image of "Athens".

But unlike the three immovable wax figures, this seemingly simple little statue has life, and it can be seen that this is the consciousness of "Athens".

At this moment, the miniature version of her is sitting on the small round table with legs together, hugging her knees, burying her head in her arms, and speaking in a sullen voice:

"You are right, I have not been able to do anything, I have not defeated the gods, I have not made everyone happy, and I have not even made the employees who they regard as family happy... Kill me."

The "they" referred to by "Athens" are obviously the three founders next to them.

It can be seen that she is indeed very disappointed with herself, and even has no face to face her creators.

"How can I kill you? You are a consciousness."

Gao Yi did not react much, but just quietly took back the [Gentleman's Cane].

"I can store my consciousness on anything in the company, directly destroy that object, and close the consciousness connection at the same time, and I will completely disappear..."

"Athens" still maintained that dejected look, raised her head slightly and answered Gao Yi's question, but her eyes were already without spirit.

But before she finished speaking, Gao Yi grabbed the statue's body, which was not big to begin with, and brought it to his eyes.

"Actually, just use your cane..."

"Athens", who was caught off guard, struggled to speak, and seemed to be able to sense the strange feeling of being grabbed by a big hand.

On the other side, Gao Yi used the index finger and thumb of his left hand to pick up a red coin from his trouser pocket:

"You can store it in any object, so it should be possible to store it in this one."

"This is..."

"Athens" frowned slightly and recognized that this was a red coin placed in the display cabinet in the corridor for introduction.

Of course, this was taken out by Gao Yi using the [Fullmetal Stapler].

Actually, I wanted to use the [Gloves of Disaster], but the distance was a little far.

However, Gao Yi did not explain the source of this "game coin" at this moment, but quickly described his plan:

"Don't you want to fulfill the founder's dream? Don't you want to defeat the gods?"

"I can tell you that the so-called god is not omniscient and omnipotent, and your actions still cause him a lot of trouble."

"But in 'your world', you can never defeat him, because this is his domain."

"But through this coin, I should be able to take you to 'my world', to a place where you have the opportunity to contact and defeat the gods."

"I won't kill you. I have completed my mission. Now you tell me that you want to sink in this broken world and pursue the impossible 'becoming a god'."

"Or leave with me and pursue a possibility with an unknown future."

Gao Yi put the coin on the table and slowly put down the "Athens" in his hand.

The main task has actually been completed. Under Zhao Qian's actions, the "Wise Group" has been actually destroyed.

[Return Ticket] has been obtained, Gao Yi just feels that he still needs to do something.

"Athens" on the round table stared at the game coin blankly, then looked up at the three founders.

After a while, he turned his head and looked at Gao Yi standing beside the table:

"Can you promise me that you will never lose your original heart like me, hurt the people you love, and compromise with pressure and difficulties?"

Hearing this question, Gao Yi smiled inexplicably.

He met the eyes of "Athens" and answered firmly and without hesitation:

"I will never compromise."


Dear Kane.

When you see this letter, I will be dead.

If you get this letter, it means that you have successfully solved the puzzle I hid in the map.

Others may not understand, but I think you will understand at a glance. After all, that is where you confessed to me - the storage room, which is not a wise choice.

To be honest, if I didn't like you enough, I would not accept your confession in such a place.

I guess the person who will replace me as a purple employee should be Flessi. Although you are older, the company does not seem to want too old people to become supervisors. After all, training takes time.

In any case, when you received this letter, I believe you have doubts about the various anomalies in the company.

In fact, you have always had doubts. You are a very sensitive person.

It's just that the little cowardice and luck in your character make you unwilling to go further (don't get me wrong, I like every side of you very much).

There is no need to mourn my death, and there is no need to retaliate against anyone.

I am voluntarily heading for death. Death is the fate of all people.

Of course, if possible, I still hope you leave here and live a little longer.

Don't worry, my life is much more exciting than yours. If you can't compare with me in quality, you have to compete in length.

By the way, have you always thought that I was moved by your breakfast, your duty and your attentive help every day?

Don't pretend, I often hear from others that you brag about how hard you worked to finally catch up with me.

I didn't refute you because I was embarrassed.

But now, there is nothing I can't say.

Kane, the moment I came to "Wise Group" and sat down at the desk, I saw you standing in front of me and reading the employee code for me.

I fell in love with you hopelessly.

The so-called "love at first sight", or "people are like rainbows, you only know they exist when you meet them", may be like this.

Every smile, every jump, every happiness of yours infected me.

You can't guess how happy I was the day you confessed to me.

The days with you are the happiest time of my life.

I have never regretted coming here or meeting you for even a second.

Okay, okay, I don't want to be too sensational, but I wrote so much at once.

I'm almost done writing this letter, there's only so much paper to begin with.

I'll hide it in this storage room, then go back to the "Spring Department", give you one last kiss, and tell you I'll be waiting for you at a beach house.

Then, I'll head to my end.

Unfortunately, I don't have the chance to go to that beach house, but you can go there to enjoy it on my behalf, it should be nice.

After reading this letter, miss me for three more days, after three days, please forget me and pursue your happiness.

Believe me, I've gained much more happiness than you, you have to work harder.

Otherwise, when we meet again somewhere, I'll laugh at you.

Love you, Lucy.

[Volume 3, Mechanical God]



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