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【Mechanical God】Summary of Volume 3 (1/2)

Although the volume is larger than originally planned, the third volume still ended satisfactorily.

Next, it is our summary chapter!

As a reminder, this chapter does not contain the main text, but only some plot sorting and answers, and then talk about my ideas.

If you don't want to see the author nagging, you can skip it directly, it will not affect the reading.

Okay, let's talk about it in chronological order.

The earliest scene happened in the middle of the night. Gao Yi was seriously injured. He endured the severe pain alone and slowly returned to the rental house.

This scene actually appeared in my mind a long time ago. There is a different kind of romance, so I wrote it out.

I don't know why, Gao Yi is always injured, I can only say that it is a bit pitiful.

The [stage management] that appeared next was also planned a long time ago.

When writing [Heart Strange Fog], [Director] said that he would let the "Follower" bring some movies to Gao Yi, and I had this idea.

As for the future, I still have some vague ideas. Anyway, [stage management] still has some plots, so I won't rush to say more.

The next plot is to go to the auction with Xiaohong.

I did plan to meet Xiaohong again. This character is really interesting. It would be a pity if she didn't appear again.

The content of treasure appraisal... I watched a lot of treasure appraisal videos during that time and found it very interesting, so I wrote one.

There is nothing much to say about the plot of the auction. It is a very classic one. I also wrote a special "pretend to be slapped in the face".

And, do you know that Chapter 103, the chapter about slapping in the face, is the chapter with the highest follow-up rate in the whole book.

In other words, readers really like to read this set.........

As for the [Gentleman's Cane], there is nothing special. I think Gao Yi should get a melee weapon.

As a protagonist who is not obsessed with killing, it must be a blunt weapon, and at the same time, the style cannot be low.

After thinking about it, the "cane" appeared.

For special effects, I wrote it according to the COC rule book, about the crazy content.

What is the next one? By the way, "Jiujiang Rock Music Society".

I had no idea about this organization in advance, it was just that the plot needed a group from outside.

When I wrote that, I first had a foreigner, and then I thought about what he should be called.

I think there should be a code name, and it can't be too exaggerated, but how to use the code name?

I started to think about how those well-known creators named these characters. Hey, Mr. Araki, the author of JOJO, likes to use song titles and band names to name his stand-ins.

But it seems that there are no Chinese songs. Isn't this an option!

Suddenly, the melody of "Goodbye Jack" echoed in my ears. Based on this, a group of people with Chinese rock song names as code names appeared.

I sorted out those Chinese rock songs in the past, and many of them are really cool.

Whether it is "Goodbye Jack" by Tong Yang or "Xian Er" by Ershimeigui, the final boss used "Goodbye Tang Dynasty" by Tang Dynasty Band, which I also like.

The character setting of Sister Tang is actually quite interesting, and she should appear in the next few chapters.

I actually prepared several songs to use, but in the end only three people appeared. It doesn't matter, I'll write about it later.

It is worth mentioning that there is a person codenamed "Advanced Animal" who should have the opportunity to appear in the next volume.

Look forward to it!

Next is the dungeon. The general framework of the [Mechanical God] dungeon comes from the American TV series "Life Cutting", but it has been adapted to a very large extent.

At first, when I watched this drama, the plot was completely cut off from the outside world and the company.

I was thinking that with this technology, it should be possible to squeeze it more ruthlessly, directly let employees work in two shifts, without paying wages, and let them think they have a life outside.

This inspiration slowly evolved into this dungeon.

In fact, I used this idea as early as my own book "Ghost Story Game: Book of the Dead".

But the level at that time was not enough, and the writing was not good enough.

Now this version is considered a remake, and I think it is still a significant improvement overall.

Another huge source of inspiration is the famous French philosopher La Melito in the 18th century.

When I read "Muscles are like springs, lungs are like blowers, hearts are like pumps, and humans are machines", I thought this was so cool and suitable for the background of a dungeon.

Of course, he himself is a materialist philosopher. This statement means that humans are just more complicated machines and do not need a natural god to create them.

It is too complicated to talk about it in detail, so I will just talk about the content in this book.

In my earliest outline, this dungeon should be completed in about thirty chapters, but the result is what everyone has seen........

It is not that I deliberately delayed it. When I wrote about entering the sixty-fifth floor, I suddenly felt that Gao Yi was a little too easy.

How could there be no need to fight a small boss?

So "Experimental Subject 173" appeared like this, and the final solution was not complicated, but it was reasonable.

This dead brother also gave Gao Yi a piece of purple equipment, which can be regarded as completing the historical mission.

In fact, in the earliest conception, the one who cooperated with Gao Yi and Zhao Qian should be this "Christmas Wanted Criminal", not Alan.

But I looked back and found that this Santa Claus also killed many people during the robbery, so it should be difficult to deal with it here.

On the other hand, if there is another male, the whole dungeon will become a scene between three men, which always feels a bit monotonous and a bit gay(?).

The addition of Alan really made many dialogue plots more energetic.

The scars on his face and the secrets of his life experience will be slowly revealed in the future.

And the zipper ability naturally comes from Bucciarati in the fifth part of JOJO.

As for Zhao Qian... why does this kid have so many roles? But I quite like the "storytelling" part. By the way, Yiyi hasn't appeared in a long time...

Forget it, let’s come back and talk about the copy first.

Actually, I had an idea for the ending early on and felt that it shouldn’t be a battle scene.

After all, those who make up a company are ordinary employees, and defeating a certain boss is not the key.

I am actually quite satisfied with the design of "Athens". I think such an image should indeed appear.

And its name naturally comes from the fact that the ancient Greek school of Sophists centered on the city of Athens.

The reversal of the story at the end and the breakup with Gao Yi... I'm quite satisfied with it anyway.

But whether readers will buy it or not, I actually still felt a little nervous after I finished writing it.

But it’s not a big deal. Even the most powerful author in the world cannot guarantee that every story he writes will be accepted by all readers.

If I don’t write well, I can learn from it and summarize it, so I can write better next time.

These are the advantages of unlimited novels, just like those unit drama works. If you don't like one episode, just watch the next one. There will always be something that suits your taste.

In the end, Gao Yi's "never compromise" naturally comes from Rorschach in "Watchmen", a superhero with a strong sense of tragedy - I guess, he is also similar to Gao Yi in some aspects. .

There is another hidden thread, which is the love story between Kane and Lucy. There is nothing special about their names, they were just made up casually.

In one version of my ending scenario, the employees of the "Wise Man Group" are actually always the same group of people. After death, they will return to the state they were in when they first entered the company and come back to work again.

The ending was that the sad Kane looked at the door, and a newcomer walked into the "Spring Department", it was the young Lucy...

This should be considered a hehe, but in the end I didn't write it that way, and it still left an ending full of regrets.

Ending [Mechanical God] with a letter was something I had thought about a long time ago. The final effect, I feel, is pretty good.

Let’s summarize the entire copy. It took a lot of effort to have an outline, but I just finished writing it.

But in the end, I can still give myself a score of 7.5, which is pretty good. At least there are no obvious gaps or logical loopholes.

The distribution of combat and decryption is also pretty good, with no major problems.

From the data point of view, the follow-up update is also very good-looking, which shows that readers can also accept it.

In terms of scoring, it has also been rising all the way, and now it is actually 8.1. This is a score that was unimaginable before.

Thank you so much for your support.

After praising myself for so long, I still have to summarize the issues in this volume.

Putting aside the departure from the outline I mentioned, there are actually several foreshadowings I laid out that were not used.

For example, the supervisor of the spring department is called "Flesh", and the corresponding word flesh means meat...

Then Zhao Qian’s supervisor’s name also corresponds to it. To be honest, I have forgotten his name now.

By the way, I didn’t recycle “Happy Birthday” either.

If there is any problem, it is that the level of character creation in my opinion is still lacking.

If my level were higher, I should be able to tell the story of Lucy and Kane better.

This is a matter of description level and needs to be learned.

The next problem is that it is out of the outline, resulting in a lot of lack of suspense and deficiencies.

Various prepared small twists and turns have been used in the middle period, and the ending is less shocking.

The overall plot layout is not very good. There should be a better way of cooperation between the morning shift and the evening shift, but it seems a little lacking now.

You still have to summarize your studies and plan carefully.

Next, let me carefully review Gao Yi’s character design. I mentioned a few things in the last summary, but I didn’t go into too much detail.

Let me take this opportunity to talk about the origin of Gaoyi from the beginning.

The initial idea was very straightforward. I argued with people and believed that on Tomato, not only the protagonists who are decisive in killing and dark style can be accepted, but the protagonists who are willing to be good people also have an audience.

After being told, "If you have the ability, write a book and see if you can kill it." I was so angry that I made adjustments to the book "Tag Player" I was preparing.

Looking back now, it seems a bit naive.

In the original design, the protagonist was supposed to be an ordinary fun-loving person. In the first copy, he got the [Cold-Blooded] label and was going to be a serial killer.

After I came up with the idea of ​​writing a “Madonna” protagonist, I started reminiscing.

Among the many works I have watched, is there a protagonist who is a pure bad good guy, so good that I want to scold him, and he has to be a very popular existence.

When I think about it carefully, it really does exist.

In the gambling trilogy written by Nobuyuki Fukumoto, the protagonist Kaiji Ito is such a person.

Kaisi, known as a "rogue in adversity", started his first "copy" because he vouched for a colleague. As a result, his colleague ran away and he owed a huge sum of money.

In order to pay off his debt, he played a rock-paper-scissors game with his life at stake.

It is worth mentioning that this plot has been remade in China, that is, "Animal World", which is actually quite good.

Later, the main actor went in, which is another matter.......

And it is not only this small plot that influenced Gao Yi.

Some of the images used in the whole book also come from this gambling trilogy.

In "Gambling Break Record", when Ito Kaiji faced the huge pachinko machine called "Swamp" (just think of it as fighting the boss), there was such a line:

"No matter how unfortunate I am, no matter how unfavorable the goddess of luck is."

"I will never give up, I will turn the world around."

"The worst fate, situation, all obstacles, injustice, dissatisfaction."

"Overwhelm everything and win in the end"

"This is of course, because I live for this."

This spirit was also integrated into the character of Gao Yi by me.

Of course, although I like the setting of Kaiji who likes to cry bitterly, I feel that it is really difficult to express, so I gave up.

The Gambling Trilogy is very, very exciting. The first two parts have animated versions. You can find them by searching "Gambling Apocalypse" directly on Bilibili.

The third comic is still being serialized - although Fukumoto has been on hiatus for nearly a year...

In any case, if you are interested in the theme of intellectual battles, you should not want to miss this classic work.

After talking about Gao Yi's life experience and style of doing things, we still need to talk about "wisdom" and "strategy".

Although I intend to put more battle scenes in this book, describing detailed fights is indeed not my specialty.

At the same time, I also think that Gao Yi should use his brain more when facing complex copies.

It is said that the IQ of the character is affected by the author, but my own intelligence level may be at the level of normal people, so Gao Yi's IQ is above average.

Most of the time, he will not have any outrageous flashes of inspiration, but reasoning step by step.

Considering that I am a fan of mystery novels, it is a natural idea to combine the image of a detective.

Then when it comes to detectives, we have to mention the world-renowned Sherlock Holmes.

If I continue writing like this, Gao Yi's first feature should be [Consultant Detective], and maybe he will get a deerstalker hat or a pipe as equipment.

However, when I wrote this, I asked myself - is it a bit vulgar?

Don't get me wrong, I am undoubtedly a fan of Sherlock Holmes. The unforgettable nights I spent with "The Detective Collection of Sherlock Holmes" when I was a child had a great influence on me.

However, but, there are too many characters that pay tribute to Sherlock Holmes.

What Edogawa Conan, the Holmes of the Heisei era; "Detective Sherlock", the modern version of Holmes; the male protagonist of my favorite online novel "Horror Paradise" even chatted with Holmes and Moriarty in the copy.

Oh my god, there are too many.

Come on, the Gao Yi I want to write is not a person who is obsessed with reasoning and investigation like Sherlock Holmes.

Then if we don't choose the most famous detective in the world, then choose the second most famous detective.

Needless to say, it is Hercule Poirot written by Ms. Agatha Christie.

"I think everyone has the right to live."

This Belgian detective, who looks a bit short and fat, also gave Gao Yi some attributes.

For example, the pursuit of neatness, the yearning for order, and the most famous feature of "armchair detective".

Oh my god, visiting the scene, examining the body, and collecting evidence should be the police's job.

As a detective, you should take clues and evidence and make correct inferences.

There should be many classic characters that have influenced the shaping of Gao Yi.

Many of them I can't remember at all, and many of them have only a little impression.

For example, Rorschach in "Watchmen" mentioned above.

For example, the inspiration for "Friends of Older Women" should be Saul Goodman in "Better Call Saul", or Jimmy Slippery?

As a good man whose parents are both dead, I even seriously considered letting Gao Yi have the "no killing principle" like Batman.

But it's too troublesome and not friendly to the handling of many plots.

Seriously speaking, from the limited Batman works I have read, it is a bit forced to say that he "does not kill" in many cases...

Forget it, don't be too divergent.

I have written 4,000 words, so I might as well wrap it up.

I write these summaries, on the one hand, to record my own thoughts, so that it is convenient for future review.

On the other hand, it is also written for all readers.

I have always liked to read the summaries and ending remarks of various authors, which contain what the authors want to say most.

I still remember that I read the monthly summary of Santianliangjue and the chapter summary of Cuttlefish, which had a great impact on me.

In fact, it directly made me interested in writing.

I hope that what I wrote can also become a motivation for some people to write something.

And you can also avoid some of the pitfalls I stepped on.

Even if it can influence one person, it is pretty good.

If any of the readers make a lot of money in the future, remember to come back and reward me with some gifts...

By the way, I can also take the opportunity to recommend my favorite works, which is perfect.

Of course, you can also share any works you want to recommend here.

That's it for the most part. Finally, I would like to ask for a five-star review - let's move forward to 8:05.

Please give me a gift - mainly for me to make money.

Please pay attention - I don't know what's the use.

Finally, thank you to all readers for your support, it really means a lot to me! ! !

In the next volume, Gao Yi will first be involved in a crisis that broke out in Nankang City. A foreign official agency will intervene, and Gao Yi will be involved in it again.

As for the copy, the general idea is that it is a Hong Kong-style horror film. I have some ideas... Anyway, it is the kind of domestic feeling, not necessarily Hong Kong style, with a little bit of folk weird feeling mixed in.

Speaking of which, he is quite suitable for Zhao Qian, but this guy has too many roles, so he should appear less.

I'm quite looking forward to this copy, it's an area I've never written before.

If the writing is bad... then finish it early and try to write the next copy well.

That's it, thank you.



Thanks to Shen Teng of Luojia Villa, Knights of the Furnace, Get Up at Ten O'clock, Jun Jinnian, I am a Dog on Holidays, Atomic Terminal, Talking about Jin Zhao, Sugar Loves Hardships, All the names I want have been taken., Yan Yu Zhen, Mo Zhou, The Great Dinosaur, Stars Fall Now, Returning from a Dream, Simple A3A, Thomas Boxing Arena’s Incomprehension, Listening to the Wind Across the Mountains and Seas, Friends in the Feng, Yi Jigong who likes fragrant flowers, and loves to eat pickles The top of the meat pie, 氵氵氵-, 20-1107, Jiuyinfeng who loves to eat cold mushrooms, Blitz Ma Jiaqi, Han Yi from Zhegui County, will you pass or not? Plant trees in the mountains, the sea is calm, [ Kong·Bai], Yuandanjing who likes saury fish, Wang He who likes dragonfly eyes, curator Gu Cheng, Baiyan City's plague messenger North, Ken Luxenberg from Lingyin Temple, the quiet and authentic Luo Bing, Gifts from Chen Xing Yaoyao, Zhao Xue Ying Yue, Xue Muzi, Cai Caicai, and Qingqiu Fuchen!

These are the top 40 gifts on the list. I cannot thank the readers enough, and thank you very much for your support.

If nothing unexpected happens, see you next time!


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