"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts..."

Gao Yi guessed that when he returned to reality, he would not feel too good.

But he really didn't expect it to be so painful.

The physical pain is secondary, the main thing is the throbbing pain in the brain.

On the one hand, it is the mental overdraft caused by the excessive use of [Easy Chair Detective] before.

On the other hand, it is the fusion of two different memories.

Gao Yi from the morning shift and Gao Yi from the evening shift finally became the same person again, and their memories were no longer separated.

But the consequence is that a large number of memories flood in at the same time, overloading the already overwhelmed brain again.

Gao Yi, who collapsed on the bed, subconsciously wanted to take out a bottle of [Physical Healing Potion] to relieve the pain, but then he remembered the negative effects of the [Scarlet Raven Coat] and couldn't help but sigh.

If the effect of this coat wasn't so strong, he would have really wanted to sell it and be done with it.

It is urgent to purchase a device with therapeutic and analgesic effects.

The good news is that since Gao Yi has become a D-level player, he also has additional attribute enhancements given by [Seeker].

At this moment, he is no longer a rookie who has just stepped into the extraordinary world.

I rolled over on the bed holding my head for several minutes, and my diarrhea had basically recovered.

He sat up from the bed in his bedroom, found his mobile phone on the desk beside him, and returned to modern society again.


[Mechanical God] did not spend too much time. It did not make the social circle simple and high-level in an hour, and accumulated too much unprocessed information.

There are only various news events and work contents shared by editor Pan Tian on a daily basis.

Xiaohong sent a text message specifically to ask if the copy went well - Gao Yi had mentioned to her before that he wanted to download the copy.

Alan, who had previously exchanged contact information in [Mechanical God], sent a friend request.

And...a message from Wang Wuzhou, the police officer whom I met in "Xicheng Xicheng".

Seeing several unread messages next to his profile picture, countless possibilities flashed through Gao Yi's mind.

Most of the endings involve him being arrested and brought to justice for various reasons.

But when Gao Fidian opened the message list, he discovered that the situation might be worse than a simple arrest.

According to Officer Wang, Tan Zhi from the Investigation Bureau, who had collaborated in "Xicheng Incident", has finally completed the internal review and wants to make an appointment with him tomorrow.

The meeting place was at the base of the Nankang branch of the Investigation Bureau.

Could it be that they want to blame me for my failure to rescue and find someone responsible for the death of Team Huang? Officer Wang is a member of the government and is not easy to deal with, so they want me to be the scapegoat?

Of course, Gao Yi could roughly guess that it wouldn't be so serious.

If the Bureau of Investigation really wanted to arrest him, a large group of heavily armed combatants would probably break into his home.

"You still can't go head-to-head with the officials..."

Gao Yi shook his head and replied to Officer Wang's message, saying that he would attend the appointment tomorrow.

That Tan Zhi seems to be a very reasonable person, he shouldn't do anything to him, right?

Feeling anxious, Gao Yi changed into a coat, turned around and went downstairs.

If I remember correctly, there was a community clinic half a block away. Although the level of medical care was probably not high, it shouldn't be a big problem if they could help bandage my fingers.

Anyway, there is no need to really cure yourself. I can just make myself feel a little more comfortable until the negative effects of [Scarlet Raven Coat] pass.

Under the cover of night, Gao Yi walked downstairs, walked slowly into the clinic, and used a set of words of "exercise injury" to deal with the problem.

Of course, if you tell the truth to the other party, you have some kind of tool that can turn back time, but every time you use it, you will break a finger.

It is estimated that the person I will meet soon will be a psychiatrist.

After receiving a simple bandage and promising to go to a large hospital for another checkup tomorrow, Gao Yi started on his way back.

During the treatment just now, he discovered something even more desperate.

[Scarlet Raven Coat] Regarding the negative effects of being unable to use potions, it does not only apply to various potions obtained in the game.

Even drugs made in reality will be ineffective - at least the painkiller Gao Yi just swallowed has no effect at all.

"Perhaps the Investigation Bureau has a conscience and wants to compensate me with some equipment, then I will ask them for a healing device..."

Gao Yi began to think divergently again, packed some fried food and rice balls at the 24-hour convenience store next door, and walked slowly back to the familiar "Youth" apartment.

When he went downstairs, there was no one at the counter window at the entrance to the first floor.

When he came back, Li Zhaozhao, wearing school uniform, was already sitting there doing homework again.

It seems that after Granny Chen was injured, Li Zhaozhao stopped studying at school in the evening and returned to his home to do homework and take care of his mother-in-law.

But having said that, with the help of [E-class physical healing potion], even if she is older, the landlady should be almost recovered.

But she probably enjoyed having her granddaughter by her side, so she maintained the status quo.

Hearing Gao Yi walk in, the girl at the window raised her head and cast a confused and worried look.

"Is this...another work-related injury?"

Li Zhaozhao looked around Gao Yi and asked hesitantly.

It must be said that although the injuries suffered by [Mechanical God] this time were not lighter than those in [West City Strange Incident], at least they did not swim in a sewage pool or get wet with blood and rain.

The current Gao Yi, that is, the bandage on his left hand looks scary. Most of the external injuries were blocked by the [Scarlet Raven Coat]. Only the face and back of the hand were scratched by glass fragments.

Overall, it's at least better than what it looked like after the last copy.

"Yes, the adult world is very hard..."

After waving his hand, Gao Yi began to speak nonsense words again.

Staring carefully at Gao Yi's left hand, which was wrapped like a pig's trotter with bandages, Li Zhaozhao seemed to be holding back his questions and spoke thoughtfully:

"Don't leave yet, wait for me."

I saw her leaving the counter and running back into the house. When she came out again, she already had a small bag of fruit in her hand and handed it to Gao Yi:

"Take it, if you're injured, eat less fried food."

The girl pointed to the bag of junk food held by Gao Yi in his right hand, then looked up and saw Gao Yi's slightly surprised eyes, and hurriedly explained:

"This is what my mother-in-law couldn't finish eating, and it will go bad if I put it away..."

It has to be said that although Li Zhaozhao is not very good at expressing gratitude directly, he has been looking for ways to repay Gao Yi for the potion he gave to Granny Chen.

Adolescent students are indeed quite pure, and it is almost impossible to encounter such pure kindness in society.

"Then I won't be polite."

There was no need to be polite anymore. Gao Yi smiled and accepted the small bag of fruit.

Go up to the third floor and return to the room.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Gao Yi placed the food and fruit on the coffee table in the living room, and poured the Coke he just bought into the glass and placed it.

"Okay, let's study this harvest."

He took a bite of the apple and said viciously.


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