December 30, 2024, evening.

Nankang City, old town, in a rental house on the third floor of "Youth Apartment".

On the plain wooden table, a metal coin with a strange red light is placed at this moment.

[Abnormal Game Coin]

If I guess correctly, this should be the game coin that Gao Yi let "Athens" enter at the end of [Mechanical Godcasting].

To be honest, although Gao Yi's speech at the end of the copy was impassioned, and he was a little excited.

But he was only 50% sure that this plan would succeed.

At least in his cognition, he had never heard of similar situations. It sounded too outrageous to bring the copy boss to reality.

However, Gao Yi made this judgment for a reason, mainly based on his previous experience.

Although there is a clear boundary between the copy world and the real world, it is not to the point where things cannot be transmitted at all.

The most obvious evidence of this is clothing.

In [Western City Weird Things], Gao Yi's clothes had become torn and soaked with blood and sewage after the battle with Zhang Tu.

Before leaving the dungeon, Gao Yi left wearing a set of clothes in the dungeon.

When he returned to reality, the clothes did not disappear, but were successfully brought back and are now in the closet.

Of course, Gao Yi did not bring back the blue employee uniform, but returned to the locker room on the eighth floor of the "Wise Group" and changed his clothes.

According to some discussions seen in the "Nankang City Player Forum", some players have considered taking out valuable items in the dungeon.

Of course, in most cases, facing these dungeons full of weirdness, players often do not have the spare energy.

And sometimes taking things out does not mean that everything can be taken out.

Gao Yi chose this game coin as a medium because it is an item that can be put into the system backpack.

In the initial expectation, he hoped to put it in the backpack and then take it out in reality.

Gao Yi thought that he would need to take out all the thousands of game coins and then find where "Athens" is.

But in the end, it turned into a special "prop".

This red coin should be the same one Gao Yi got in [Mechanical Godcasting], but it is lying quietly on the table at this moment.

No matter how you look at it, it is just an ordinary game coin.

Gao Yi stretched out his finger and poked the side of the coin.

After a moment, the whole coin suddenly "jumped" on the table, and then fell quickly, and returned to calm after a flutter.

"Uh... can you hear me?"

The coin fluttered again, probably representing an affirmative answer.

"Can't you talk? Do you need me to help you get a body to transfer?"

This time the fluttering became a little intense, and Gao Yi even saw a hint of expectation on this coin.

But the problem is, it's so late, where can I find a "body" for Athens?

Wait... It seems that there is really one?

Back in the bedroom, Gao Yi opened the dusty big box under the closet, and finally found an unopened Transformers toy at the bottom.

Specifically, it is an electric, transformable Bumblebee model toy.

This toy was originally a birthday gift that Gao Yi bought for a child in an orphanage. The boy had congenital heart disease and had always been in poor health.

Before Gao Yi gave the toy away, the child died of illness.

This Bumblebee was kept by Gao Yi and kept at the bottom of the cabinet.

Unexpectedly, it had an extra use today.

He took it back to the dining table, unpacked it, and pressed the power switch according to the instructions.

With a classic transformation sound, this yellow Chevrolet sports car model has transformed into the famous Autobot with an independent movie.

Gao Yi couldn't figure out how Athens transmitted consciousness to other objects, so he had to rub the coin against the Bumblebee.

After a few seconds, as the head of the Bumblebee on the table turned over, Gao Yi knew that it was successful.

"So that's it, is this a higher-dimensional world?"

Unexpectedly, although this Transformers toy did not have any speaking function, Athens could actually make the same female voice as in the copy.

Looking at the Bumblebee that had begun to walk on the table, Gao Yi asked a question with some entanglement:

"What is the principle of your transformation and action, and why can you speak?"

"It's complicated to explain. I don't know how big the difference is in the scientific field of our world... By the way, how is your knowledge of theoretical physics and engineering?"

"... Just pretend I haven't asked it. You should ask it first. I'll introduce the basic situation to you."

Gao Yi changed the subject with a guilty look.

Of course, Athens on the table didn't care at all, but moved his new body curiously:

"This body is so interesting. Can all your cars turn into human form?"

As he said, Athens had turned back into the yellow Chevrolet with the classic transformation sound effect.

"A few can, mainly because the requirements for theoretical physics and engineering knowledge are a bit high."

While Gao Yi was struggling with strange things, Athens had turned back into human form and began to observe the surroundings:

"Okay, where do we start? How about going to your company headquarters first, so that I can get familiar with the general situation and start by helping you improve employee efficiency and earn more wealth?"

"......Who said I have a company?"

Hearing this, Gao Yi interrupted the other party's self-centered speech.

"The secret base and hidden fortress, I should be able to help, let me talk to your scientists?"

Athens tilted his head slightly and asked.

"......You seem to have some misunderstandings about me. In this world, I am not the founder of a company or the leader of a secret organization, just an ordinary person."

Seeing that the other party had a lot of strange misunderstandings, Gao Yi spread his hands and made it clear.

Oath's current body is a Transformer model, but Gao Yi clearly reads complex information from his eyes.

It's roughly like [This person asked me to go out with him so righteously, saying that he would fight against the gods, as if everything was under control, but I came here with him and found nothing. Now I think back, have I been deceived? Is it too late to go back? ] This kind of look

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Athens at the table spoke again, nodded to Gao Yi in a serious tone, and gave him a thumbs up:

"........It's okay, I believe in you, let's work hard together from scratch."

"You hesitated, you definitely hesitated, right!"


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