Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 165: Initial Exploration of the Investigation Bureau

December 31, early morning.

I ate some leftover food from last night, cleaned up the room, and put the garbage bag outside the door.

Although my biological clock is often disrupted by various investigations and visits, Gao Yi is not likely to sleep in as long as conditions permit.

Now that I think about it, it is also a habit developed under the collective life in the orphanage.

I chatted with Athens for a few more words last night, briefly introducing the existence of "games" and "dungeons" to him, as well as the basic situation of "this world".

Finally, I handed him some general history books, and Gao Yi went to bed first.

Although it should be more efficient to connect it to the Internet directly.

But considering that Athens's understanding of this world is still extremely limited, entering the Internet too quickly will cause unnecessary risks.

Not to mention whether it will be discovered by some Internet police, it would be bad if it witnessed too many online quarrels and became completely disappointed with this world and began to transform into a Skynet-like existence.

At this stage, take it slow.

Athens was originally created to control the enclosed space of the "Wise Group", and the plan to make it "god" had been shelved.

On the other hand, she herself... This machine is not so obsessed with the Internet, and it seems that reading books can satisfy her.

So Athens has no complaints about keeping it at home.

However, she has repeatedly stated that as long as the house is renovated, she can help to act as that kind of "smart home system".

For this reason, Gao Yi has to popularize what "rental house" means to her.

When she got up in the morning, Athens had read most of the dozen books given to her.

When Gao Yi greeted her, this "pseudo-god" was still lying on the sofa, reading a mystery novel with his feet up.

After reminding Gao Yi "remember to buy batteries" and "have a good chat when you come back", Athens' attention was attracted by the book again.

Well, at least it can be confirmed that she still consumes electricity to control this body.

If it were normal, Gao Yi actually had enough time to deal with various matters.

But today he got up early because he really had something to deal with.

The person he had met in [Western City Strange Things], Tan Zhi from the Investigation Bureau, invited him to meet.

And the time was in the morning.

Gao Yi could say with a clear conscience that he had done his best in that [Western City Strange Things] copy.

In various aspects, the death of Captain Huang could not be blamed on him.

In fact, killing Zhang Tu should be regarded as revenge for the Investigation Bureau.

But in any case, Tan Zhi seemed to have a good relationship with Captain Huang, and in the end it was she who killed the senior who introduced her.

This feeling is very painful and difficult to let go.

"Just after the internal review, you are coming to me. I always feel that it is not a good thing..."

With a long sigh, Gao Yi put on his clothes, took the garbage bag at the door, and left the "Youth Apartment".

Taking the subway, he arrived at Zhongyu District in half an hour.

Zhongyu District is generally located in the center of Nankang, but it is neither the most developed commercial area nor the most developed industrial area.

It is worth mentioning here that, in addition to the quite good environment, there are only a large number of government agencies and colleges.

On weekday mornings, there are not many people on the streets, and some workers are making final decorations for tonight's New Year's Eve.

Red lanterns and ribbons have been hung all over the trees on the sidewalks, making the festive atmosphere brew in this winter.

However, according to various news reports and readings of relevant documents during this period, Gao Yi still saw some ideas of the decision-makers.

Various places that will cause a large number of people to gather have been controlled, the security level has been greatly improved, and the publicity has also called on citizens to reduce various behaviors of joining in the fun as much as possible.

On the one hand, of course, it is to prevent various stampede accidents, and on the other hand, it is naturally the risk caused by the increase in the number of "players".

Although in most cases, there is no benefit in harming ordinary people, it is naturally impossible to expect all these players with superpowers to be emotionally stable and mentally normal.

There may even be players who really have the motive to commit tragedies.

For example, the [Serial Killer] feature in Gao Yi's hand can obtain an improvement in the evolution rate by creating serial cases.

If this feature is still in Zhang Tu's hands, it would be strange if he didn't take advantage of New Year's Eve to create some cases.

Under this premise, security work can never be too serious.

While the existence of the "game" is still kept secret from ordinary people, most ordinary people who have lived in a relatively stable society for a long time lack the vigilance and ability to respond to attacks.

If a tragedy really happened, the number of casualties can be said to be unimaginable.

Faced with this predictable and terrible situation, the Investigation Bureau, which is responsible for these matters, should be very busy.

Following the navigation prompts, Gao Yi came to a gate with a plaque of "Nankang City Meteorological Monitoring and Land Management".

It can be seen that this is a kind of disguise and external identity of the Investigation Bureau.

Considering that these streets are all departments with different functions, these gray buildings within the walls really cannot attract too much attention from passers-by.

After registering his name at the security office at the door, the middle-aged security guard in charge of reception pressed the number and started talking to someone.

Although the other party was hiding something, Gao Yi still heard some sounds from the phone in the security booth with his strong hearing.

"Yes, his name is Gao Yi, he said he wanted to see Captain Tan... OK, OK, I'll let him in right away."

Captain Tan? Did he get promoted?

Gao Yi naturally didn't show his doubts on his face. After confirming that he could enter and where he was going, he just smiled and expressed his gratitude.

After passing the iron gate, perhaps because it was past working hours, there were not many people in the wide square, making the fountain with turbid water look a little lonely.

It is worth noting that from time to time, several groups of well-built armed personnel ran downstairs, got into the transport vehicles that had been on standby for a long time, and sped out from the back door at full speed.

If I guessed correctly, it should be the action department under the Investigation Bureau.

Now that I think about it, the members of the Investigation Bureau I saw in the "Hulong Mall" may also be of this kind.

Most of them should not be "players", and they are not the same type as the duo of Tan Zhi and Captain Huang.

Following the instructions, Gao Yi walked into the small building in the center of the square. In the hall, Gao Yi looked around and finally found the "receptionist" mentioned by the security guard.

A thin man wearing glasses came forward and stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face:

"You must be Gao Yi, please follow me, Captain Tan has been waiting for a long time."

Gao Yi stretched out his right hand to shake it with him. Without changing his expression, his brain had quickly reviewed all kinds of memories.

He knew this man.

If he remembered correctly, it was the player with the forum ID [Graduate] who sold him the [Stunt Belt] in the "Hulong" mall a few days ago.


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