The scale of the Nankang branch of the Investigation Bureau is larger than Gao Yi imagined. Under the seemingly normal small building, there are obviously a lot of underground facilities.

Many people in white coats and armed uniforms walked up and down, and civilian staff holding various papers ran past, which also confirmed the busy state of this place.

However, all this has nothing to do with Gao Yi, the visitor.

Under the leadership of the [graduate student], Gao Yi took the elevator and came to the eleventh floor.

On the way, he also chatted with the boy of similar age.

In his narration, Gao Yi also roughly guessed what happened to the other party in the past few days.

[Graduate student] The surname is Zhong, and the full name is Zhong Ming. He is really a graduate student at Nankang University.

During the transaction at the "Hulong" mall that day, three robbers were tracked and captured by the Investigation Bureau, and Xiao Zhong, who knew nothing, was also arrested and interrogated.

After a period of inquiry and review, the Investigation Bureau finally came to a conclusion.

It is confirmed that Zhong Ming has nothing to do with the robbers, and he really doesn't know who the [Investigator-Snake] is. He is just an ordinary civilian who has become a player not long ago.

Because his mother was sick and needed surgery, he was really short of money, so he thought of selling the equipment he had obtained in the dungeon before.

In this case, the Investigation Bureau extended an olive branch to him and recruited him.

Now, he has become a junior staff member of the Investigation Bureau, evolving from a graduate student to an intern, and was assigned to Tan Zhi as an assistant.

The work he does now is the same as what all interns have to do, serving tea and picking up express deliveries.

It can be seen that the Investigation Bureau is indeed not as evil as some players on the forum say.

In fact, as long as they are not extremely vicious, they are willing to recruit and cooperate in most cases.

If I remember correctly, Tan Zhi also said that she was recruited after becoming a player.

And this little Zhong clearly expressed some gratitude and longing for the Investigation Bureau in his words.

It is reasonable to speculate that the medical expenses required by his mother are also solved by the Investigation Bureau.

With the help of [Enthusiastic Citizen] to improve his affinity, and Gao Yi's own skills as a reporter, Zhong Ming really knows everything.

If there is more time, he might even be able to ask for his bank card password.

Unfortunately, before the two of them could talk further, they had already arrived at the door of an office on the eleventh floor.

Gao Yi tilted his head slightly and saw the sign of "Office of the Superpower Team" and the name "Tan Zhi" on the door.

Zhong took the lead and stood in front of the door and knocked on the door:

"Captain Tan, the people are here."

"Come in."

A familiar female voice came from the door, and as the door was pushed open, the person in front of him was somewhat beyond Gao Yi's expectations.

Sitting on the side of the desk was naturally the Tan Zhi he met in [Western City Weird Things].

But his current image is very different from that in the dungeon.

When he first met Tan Zhi, he had long black hair and a smile on his face, and he looked very spiritual.

Next to Captain Huang, she is often the one responsible for easing the atmosphere.

But now her long hair is cut very short, just to her ears, making her look quite capable.

Her eye sockets are obviously sunken, and her cheeks are even a little thinner, without the previous softness, but with a hint of sharpness.

The most obvious change is her eyes. The original lively and energetic eyes are completely gone, and now the pupils give people the feeling of "losing highlights" that appear in animations.

Seeing Gao Yi walk into the office, Tan Zhi still has no expression change, just closed the document in front of her, raised her head and said:

"Please sit down, Gao Yi."

Quickly guessing the other party's experience, Gao Yi silently sat down in the armchair opposite him, while Zhong Ming stood at the door and helped Gao Yi pour tea from the tea table.

Unexpectedly, when Gao Yi sat down, Tan Zhi on the opposite side spoke first.

She lowered her head and bowed to Gao Yi sincerely:

"I'm sorry."

" have to tell me why you are apologizing first, then I can consider whether to forgive you."

Gao Yi also hurriedly lowered his head and responded sincerely.

As Xiao Zhong brought the tea to the table, Tan Zhi took a sip first, moistened her hoarse voice, and spoke again:

"Because there were some doubts within the Investigation Bureau about what happened in [Western City Strange Things], I was unable to directly participate in the aftermath. Later, I also read the relevant documents, and the compensation I gave you was obviously insufficient."

"It's just a small matter..." Gao Yi waved his hand, looking indifferent, but he was already very happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, this Investigation Bureau really found its conscience.

Hiding his smile, Gao Yi spoke again:

"I heard from Officer Wang that you were investigated by the Investigation Bureau before. Now it seems..." Gao Yi pointed to the spacious and bright private office:

"Is everything fine now?"

"There were some misunderstandings before, but fortunately they have been resolved."

Tan Zhi still had the same cold expression that did not change, and it seemed that her momentum had also increased with her promotion.

Zhong Ming, who had been standing next to him, was visibly nervous and seemed to be uncomfortable staying next to the captain.

Of course, this sense of oppression still did not scare Gao Yi. The other party's lack of smile did not affect his smiling face:

"That's good. As for the compensation, of course some was given before, and I am actually very satisfied, but if you can give more..."

Before Gao Yi finished his false refusal, Tan Zhi on the opposite side had already taken out a full silver briefcase and placed it on the table.

As it was turned and slowly opened, Gao Yi's face was reflected with a red light.

A full box of game coins and various potions were neatly arranged, which made people feel happy just by looking at it.

While showing it, Tan Zhi also introduced it:

"A total of one thousand game coins, and the loss of potions in your reimbursement form. Unfortunately, I can't replenish your equipment. Recently, the investigation bureau is in short supply of equipment. I hope you can understand."

Slamming the briefcase shut, Gao Yi looked at Tan Zhi again, and the smile on his face was replaced by a serious expression:

"It doesn't matter, this is too polite. I actually just did what an enthusiastic citizen should do. I really don't deserve it..."

Of course, while saying this, Gao Yi had already taken the briefcase off the desk and placed it next to him.

"No, this is what you deserve. If it weren't for you, Zhang Tu would probably still be out there committing crimes, and Captain Huang's revenge would be..."

Gao Yi noticed that when Tan Zhi mentioned Captain Huang, her eyes clearly looked towards the side of the desk on the lower right, where there was a small photo frame.

Although I couldn't see it, I could guess that it was Captain Huang's photo.

"I understand, I'm very happy to get these rewards, but..."

Gao Yi paused for a few seconds and cast a probing look at Tan Zhi opposite him:

"You asked me to come all the way here, it shouldn't be just for this, right?"


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