With Gao Yi's question, the pleasant atmosphere in the office just now disappeared.

The disturbing silence lingered in the small space.

A phone call came, and was also hung up by Tan Zhi.

"Xiao Zhong, have you sorted out the documents I gave you yesterday?"

A few seconds later, Tan Zhi turned her head slightly and looked at Zhong Ming on the side.

"Ah, reports! They have been sorted out. The blue folder on the right side of your desktop is it!"

Suddenly asked, Zhong Ming, who had been extremely nervous, stood at attention and reported very quickly.

"Then... what about the pile of task reports that I asked you to review yesterday morning?"

"Reports! They were all completed last night and submitted to the secretarial department for approval and stamping this morning!"

It seems that Zhong Ming's tone finally relaxed a little after talking about his expertise.

But Tan Zhi on the other side seemed speechless, frowning and thinking about what else to ask.

In the end, Gao Yi interrupted this slightly embarrassing scene.

He turned around, put his right hand against his lips, and spoke to the new intern as if he was going to whisper something:

"What your captain meant was that he was going to tell me some confidential matters that were not suitable for you to hear, and asked you to leave the room and find something to do for yourself."

Of course, Gao Yi did not speak in a whispering voice, but made sure that everyone in the room could hear it.

Hearing this, Zhong Ming's face turned pale, and he bowed and apologized repeatedly, and then he left the office, not forgetting to close the door.

After he left, Gao Yi slowly turned around and comforted Tan Zhi:

"It's okay, all interns are like this, I also have an intern, just practice more and it will be fine."

Shaking her head without comment, Tan Zhi quickly adjusted her state, and spoke again seriously, stating her purpose:

"Gao Yi, I want to invite you to join the Investigation Bureau."

This invitation came unexpectedly, but it was not too unexpected.

Gao Yi, who was summoned to the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau, naturally imagined this possibility.

After meeting Zhong Ming and confirming that the Investigation Bureau likes to recruit players, the possibility of being invited is higher.

But... Gao Yi's thoughts remain unchanged.

He adjusted his posture slightly and refused seriously:

"I'm sorry, I have my own job and I'm not suitable for this kind of system."

"Okay, I understand."

"Not to mention that I am still...wait, won't you try to keep me?"

Gao Yi suddenly stopped talking halfway, as if he couldn't believe what he just heard:

"Generally speaking, you shouldn't try your best to keep me, promise all kinds of treasures, official positions and beauties, and then I look determined..."

Gao Yi described the dramatic scene in his mind, while Tan Zhi on the other side remained calm, but smiled for the first time in a long time:

"I know you are not someone who will be moved by these material benefits and will not accept them, but invitation is our process and cannot be omitted."

"Is that so? No, actually you can try again..." Gao Yi nodded with a stiff mouth, and asked again:

"Then can I leave?"

"Don't worry, I have another suggestion."

Tan Zhi said, handing Gao Yi a folder that had been on the desk for a long time.

There was no reason to refuse, Gao Yi took the folder and flipped it open to browse.

On the other side, Tan Zhi also started to introduce it at the right time:

"This is what we provide to external personnel and cooperative organizations in society. It can be regarded as a bounty or task list. The relevant information in it can be exchanged for bonuses."

As Tan Zhi said, there is a lot of content in this red folder.

Each page represents a person or event under investigation.

At first glance, there are several familiar ones.

[Fugitives in the "Hulong" Mall Player Fight Case]

Below there are photos taken by surveillance video - a fashionable woman, and related case descriptions, and the name of [Investigator-Snake] is also written on the top.

[Nankang City Police Archives Theft Case, Missing Case Files in the Past Thirty Years Were Stolen]

There is very little content below, but the suspect should be a female player with a scar on her face.

[Underground Player Group Called "Bugs\

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