After leaving the Nankang branch of the Investigation Bureau, Gao Yi walked into the subway station again.

There were not many people on weekday mornings, but Gao Yi was already thinking seriously about whether to buy a car or something.

On the one hand, the economic conditions have improved now, and on the other hand, there are more situations where he needs to travel around.

After all, he is now a player who has entered the extraordinary world, has close relations with various secret organizations, and is well-known.

It is impossible to take the subway to participate in any top-secret missions or conduct underground transactions in the future.

The price drop is a small matter, but it is a bit funny that the subway is out of service and he can't go home.

"If you don't care about performance and appearance, just a simple means of transportation, buying a used car should not be expensive..."

While using the QR code on his mobile phone to pass the subway gate, Gao Yi began to imagine the future:

"Or just go all the way and get a cool sports car or a high-power off-road vehicle?"

Get on the train from Zhongyu Square Station, take Line 3, and sit in the empty carriage at the end.

Looking around, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh.

The night I became a player, I experienced the battle in this carriage—although it may not be the same carriage.

No, from the obviously newly replaced glass window, it can be seen that it is indeed the same carriage.

At that time, the glass should have been smashed by the guard thrown out by the hooded man.

Now thinking about it, my life has changed drastically in such a short period of time.

Although I have walked on the edge of life and death several times, it is indeed no longer ordinary.

More importantly, I really adapt to this kind of life.

And the biggest contributor seems to be the "label system" that suddenly appeared on my body.

Finding a comfortable position to lean back on the chair, Gao Yi began to check the relevant rewards that he didn't have time to check last night.

In the dungeon, Gao Yi's two daily tasks are "receive 1 million bounties or equivalent items" corresponding to [Bounty Hunter].

And "solve a hidden unsolved puzzle" for [Investigator].

If the daily tasks will not be refreshed, then the compensation for the entire suitcase received today may be enough to complete the task of [Bounty Hunter].

Unfortunately, today's daily task was refreshed again, and it was another strange goal that was completely unrelated.

But the good news is that [Investigator]'s "Solve a Hidden Unsolved Mystery" was successfully completed.

It is not clear which secret it refers to, but in [Mechanical Godcasting], there are obviously more than one or two secrets that have been explored.

The final reward was successfully pocketed.

[Label Task Completed: Solve a Hidden Unsolved Mystery]

[Obtain a Blue Item Lottery Chance*1, Blue Label Experience Supplement*2]

Rare item lottery is not uncommon, but this experience supplement seems to be the first time I have seen it.

Its effect is roughly to allow any label to directly obtain 1,000 experience points, which is also a good harvest.

Another reward is the completed special task.

[Special mission completed: Find out the secret of the "Wise Group" and completely destroy it]

[Rewards: Portable tag +1, epic feature *1, epic item lottery opportunity *1]

[Achieved feature: Rebellion (Epic)]

As usual, lottery first.

After the consumption of the last copy, the props on the body have become stretched again.

[Super Chopsticks] and [Detoxification Cup], two epic props, have never been used, and now they are still intact.

And [Truth Doll] was turned "alive" once, and it is also consuming durability.

Now, only 20% is left, so I can ask the last question.

[Super Signature Pen] has been used up, and [Endless Lighter] has also been used up.

[Transformed Kettle] was first turned into an antique vase, and then into a reflective mirror, and finally the durability returned to zero, and it left completely.

Now Gao Yi urgently needs some useful props to fill these gaps.

"I don't ask you to be shocking, but at least it should be usable..."

Put the [Lucky Necklace] back on his wrist to prevent it from reducing the effect of luck and making his already bad luck worse.

Gao Yi took a deep breath and turned the roulette wheel.

The first item to appear was the blue item.

[Item: Gambler's Drink]

[Quality: Rare]

[Type: Nutritional Supplement]

[Special Effect: The drink inside will be different every time. There is a 49.5% chance that you will get bonuses for various attributes, and a 49.5% chance that you will be poisoned. What, you ask about the remaining 1%? That is the super jackpot for gamblers. ]

[Note: This is the favorite nutritional supplement of a genius boxer. Relying on this, he is almost invincible, but when the goddess of luck no longer favors him, the ending is not very good. ]

Take it out. The appearance of this [Gambler's Drink] is an opaque small bottle with various labels, and the internal capacity is a hundred milliliters at most.

"The day when the goddess of luck stopped favoring me was not a good one. Is she hinting that I should never use this in my life..."

He shook his head with a wry smile and put the small bottle away again.

Although he complained, Gao Yi was generally satisfied with this item.

Although it did rely on luck, there was also the possibility of giving the internal drink to others or using the [Detoxification Cup] to eliminate the adverse effects.

Anyway, at least it is a prop that can be used, not a useless piece of junk.

This alone is worthy of praise.

The next item to be drawn is an epic prop.

Putting his hands together, Gao Yi turned the wheel again.

Amid a "clang" and pleasant music, the prop appeared.

[Item: Super Want Your Life 3,000]

[Quality: Epic]

[Type: Weapon]

[Special Effect: Instructions for Use: 1. Take out Super Want Your Life 3,000, 2. Choose the weapon you want to use today, 3. Kill every enemy in front of you]

[Note: It evolved from the blueprint of a legendary weapon designer. The previous owner was a legendary killer, and now you who use it will also become a legend because of it]

"What a domineering name, want your life 3,000, and even super..."

Looking at this rather exaggerated special effect description and notes, Gao Yi muttered a few words and took it out.

But I didn't expect that the size of this [Super Want Your Life 3,000] was not quite the same as imagined.

It looks like a folding knife about one meter long, but where the blade should be, more than a dozen different weapons are inserted.

Ordinary knives, swords, sticks, axes, and some strange metal tools that cannot be named.

But from their cold blades, it can be identified that they are all deadly weapons.

Gao Yi did not expect the weight and size of this [Super Wants You to Die 3,000], and he did not hold it firmly, and more than ten kinds of weapons fell down and hung in a string.

Huge metal collisions and sharp friction sounds exploded. Fortunately, there were not many people in this carriage, otherwise it would cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

He hurriedly took it back and put all the more than ten kinds of weapons back to their original positions. Gao Yi looked around with some fear.

Remember to check these at home next time.

But then again, this weapon is really good. It not only meets Gao Yi's weapon needs, but also has a very handsome shape.

The only drawback is that it is a bit difficult to control, but as a [Weapon Master], as long as I practice more, it shouldn't be a problem.

When both props are satisfactory, the next thing to do is to make a choice of synthesis.

After this special mission, the characteristic obtained is called [Rebellion], which should correspond to the deeds of leading the employees of the "Wise Group" to rebel.

The question now is, which label should be synthesized with it?

To be honest, this is not even a problem, and there are not many choices for high-level specials.

There is only one label that can be combined with [Rebellion] and can be synthesized.

[Internet Thug (Rare)] + [Rebellion (Epic)]

[Changemaker (Epic)]

[Experience value: 120/10000]

[Label ability: ① V for Vendetta: Your presence and appeal in the group will be greatly improved, and your speeches and actions will be more easily characterized and symbolized, becoming a tool to motivate others]

This time, I got an epic feature very smoothly, but the effect... It looks good, but the practicality is poor.

Maybe, it can be combined with some of his fake identities and vests?

Or let Athens help to create an image similar to a god that can attract followers?

It still needs careful consideration, but if you let Gao Yi choose, he would definitely prefer that this effect is to improve the favorability with elderly men and make up for the gap of [Friends of Elderly Women].

The last thing left is two tubes of [Blue Label Experience Supplement], which has the effect of increasing any label by one thousand experience points.

In this way, it is just enough for a rare label to upgrade to the first level.

Of course, it can also be fed to [Enthusiastic Citizens] to let them pursue the fourth ability.

But to maximize the benefits, it is natural to help those rare labels that are still at the first level to upgrade and get the second skill as soon as possible.

With this idea, Gao Yi quickly selected the target.

[Ruthless lv2 (rare)]

[Experience value: 1740/2000]

[Label ability: ①Swiss Army Knife Man: Able to better control his own emotions and calm the emotions of others;

②Manchester by the Sea: Can sense individuals with large fluctuations in emotions within a certain range around him]


[Gambler lv2 (rare)]

[Experience value: 1620/2000]

[Label ability: ①Gambling Apocalypse: When you go all out, you will be more deterrent, and your lies and disguises will be more confusing

②Cheater: You will have superb cheating skills]

"What happened today? Did you change your luck? It's so smooth?"

As the light rail arrived at the station, Gao Yi also stood up and walked out the door.

While taking the escalator, he sighed at today's gains.

Not only was the lottery result good, the synthesized label was acceptable, and even the new ability of the upgraded label was very satisfying.

The new effect of [Ruthless] can provide additional reconnaissance capabilities for high-level abnormalities.

"Sensing individuals with large emotional fluctuations within a certain range around you" is very useful when you think about it.

For example, you want to find the target person in a large group of people, or find abnormal people in a group.

The specific range still needs to be tried, but there is also a good upper limit for operation.

And the new effect of [Gambler], maybe... can make you make a lot of money in underground casinos?

Well, that's illegal... Although Gao Yi is not a law-abiding person.

But no matter what, there will always be a place for the "Thousands of Supernatural Techniques" that can be used.

If you need to play mahjong or Texas Hold'em by yourself in a certain instance, you are not invincible.

In addition, after completing special tasks, you will get the new gain of "carryable tag +1".

Gao Yi slightly evoked the tag system, and the tag screen in front of him changed a lot.

[Name: Gao Yi]

[Equipped tags (3/3): Investigator lv1 (epic), Enthusiastic Citizen lv5 (rare), Gambler lv2 (rare)]

[Tag ability: ① Mist: Unexpected and strange things will be attracted to you and come closer to you, but at the same time, you will receive additional rewards and rewards every time you complete the exploration;

②Zootopia: People unconsciously feel close and reliable, and it is easier to gain trust and praise;

③Super Marines: When acting bravely, the combat effectiveness will be improved;

④Toy Story: When you are enthusiastic about helping others, the toys and objects around you may "come alive" to help you;

⑤ Gambling Apocalypse: When you make a desperate move, it will be more intimidating, and your lies and disguises will be more confusing;

⑥Trickster: You will have superb cheating skills]

[Unequipped tags: Ruthless lv2 (rare), Actor lv1 (rare), Changemaker lv1 (Epic), Old Woman's Friend lv3 (rare), Bounty Hunter lv1 (Epic)]

[Backpack: "Detoxification Water Cup (100%)", "Super Chopsticks (100%)", "Truth Doll (20%)", "Gambler's Drink (100%)", "Super Will Kill You Three Thousand (100%)" )\

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