Old town, gentleman’s tea restaurant.

This tea restaurant located downstairs of the "Youth" apartment once again became the venue for the meeting.

It was almost noon and the restaurant was still empty. It was obviously well-decorated and the food was indeed delicious. It was located near several communities and office buildings.

It is incomprehensible that business is so bad.

However, precisely because of its good environment and poor business, this place has also become an excellent place for private conversations.

At least for today, the place "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" chose to chat with Gao Yi was right here.

To be honest, when he received the call from the other party last night, Gao Yi thought that the other party wanted to rush Zhao Qian's search.

After the auction, he accepted 500 game coins from Sister Tang - in exchange for the price, he promised to help him find Zhao Qian.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party said that Zhao Qian had been arrested and there was no need to pay more attention.

But this time she contacted her because she had something else she wanted to entrust.

Although there are many doubts, it is still necessary to have a good relationship with the leader of the "Jiujiang Rock Society".

Without much hesitation, Gao Yi agreed to the invitation to "meet and chat."

I just don’t know when I became the first choice for various entrusted tasks. Do I really want to become an "investigator"?

When Gao Yi walked into the "Gentleman" tea restaurant, many doubts were cleared at the same time.

There was a fashionably dressed young lady sitting in a booth for four in the corner of the restaurant. ,

The various accessories all over her body are shiny and expensive at first glance.

The most eye-catching thing is the colorful paper fox mask on his face, which contrasts sharply with his slender neck.

The clothes of this "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" have changed a lot, but the mask is still highly recognizable.

But what surprised Gao Yi was not her presence, but the man sitting next to her.

Although he was wearing a mask and his clothes were a little different, the familiar pair of wide round sunglasses still revealed his identity - Zhao Qian.

Gao Yi took a few steps closer and smiled:

"Sister Tang, long time no see." After pulling out the chair and sitting down, he pointed at Zhao Qian beside him:

"Has this kid been caught?"

"Thanks to you, also, just call me Tang Chao."

The voice of "Dream Back to the Tang Dynasty" is still very pleasant, and the look of the mask on the face seems to change with the words.

"Hey, that's not good. You are my senior when it comes to 'games', so it's appropriate to call me sister."

Since I was a child, I have perfected my "communication skills" skills, so I will naturally not give up any opportunity to earn favor points.

Not only did they stick to the internal name of the leader of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society", but they also avoided mentioning "the other person is older", which may be a trap.

Without giving Tang Chao a chance to refuse again, Gao Yi immediately asked:

"Then what you want to entrust me to do, could it be related to him?"

Gao Yi waved his left hand, which had not yet fully recovered, and pointed at Zhao Qian beside him.

"That's not true. It has nothing to do with him. I'm just afraid that he will run away again."

The paper mask on Tang Chao's face clearly showed a smile, and he raised his right hand to show it to Gao Yi.

Only then did Gao Yi notice that there was a thin red line tied to his bracelet, which was connected to Zhao Qian's neck.

And the reason why Zhao Qian didn't wear the tunic suit and instead wore a turtleneck sweater... turned out to be to cover up the collar on his neck.

Gao Yi swallowed his saliva, and instead of complaining about the young couple's interest, Gao Yi promptly changed the topic back on track:

"Can Sister Tang find someone specifically to entrust the task, or should she find me, someone outside the organization? The task is probably not easy, right?"

Putting his hand back under the table, Tang Chao nodded slightly:

"Yes, it is indeed a somewhat difficult task, and it also requires the person in charge to have sufficient information channels in Nankang and be familiar with the complex local environment."

She lifted the tea cup on the table and brought it to the mask's mouth. Although she didn't understand how it was done at all, she took a sip and then added:

"My people are all from Jiujiang, and they really lack understanding of Nankang. When I mentioned this task, I thought of you - Xiao Qian also recommended you, saying that you helped him in the last dungeon."

As he spoke, Tang Chao stretched out his right hand and scratched Zhao Qian's chin.

At this moment, the young female restaurant waiter seemed to see that the people at this table were all here. She walked over quickly and placed the menu in front of the three of them:

"Do you want to order now?"

It is worth mentioning that the waiter had no reaction to the huge mask on Tang Chao's face, as if he had not seen it at all.

But remembering that when Gao Yi first met Zhao Qian here, the waiter at that time didn't react much to the weirder things about the paper man Yiyi, so it's not surprising.

Think about it, it's a manifestation of some special ability.

Hey, was the waiter in front of me the same person at that time?

While Gao Yi was thinking about it, Tang Chao had already taken the menu, glanced at it briefly, and handed it to Gao Yi:

"I'm not very hungry, why don't you see what you want to eat - of course, I'll treat you."

"Well..." Gao Yi hesitated slightly and turned to Zhao Qian:

"I'm not very hungry. Why don't you let Xiao Zhao order it? He ordered it before."

In fact, he was a little hungry. After all, he didn't eat much for breakfast.

But at this time, Gao Yi really couldn't relax and eat, so he excused himself.

But Tang Chao on the other side tilted his head slightly, and the huge fox mask also tilted over, and slowly said:

"He... is not very convenient to talk for the time being."

Gao Yi slowly moved his eyes horizontally over, so that's why Zhao Qian suddenly put on a mask...

Just when Gao Yi emphasized to himself in his heart that this was someone else's little hobby, don't take it too seriously.

Tang Chao on the other side had already turned to the waiter and made a choice:

"Let's do this, give us some drinks first, and when we finish talking, we'll ask you to order food."

As the waiter agreed to leave, Gao Yi also completed a look with Zhao Qian on the side opposite.

Even if blocked by the dark black sunglasses, Gao Yi could see the despair in the other's eyes.

It can be seen that Zhao Qian was really eaten to death by this sister Tang.

Clearing his throat, Gao Yi moved his eyes back and asked again:

"Can you tell me what specific information you want me to find out?"

Obviously, this is the key to the matter.

We need someone who is familiar with the Nankang environment and has sufficient local intelligence network to do the work. What exactly do we want to find out?

Hearing this, Tang Chao on the other side no longer hesitated. He took out a card from under the table and handed it to Gao Yi, slowly saying the key to the task:

"Do you know that there is a school here called 'Nankang Experimental Middle School'?"


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