According to the narration of "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty", Gao Yi had a preliminary understanding of the task he wanted to entrust.

In the past two or three months, a rumor began to spread among the "players" in Nankang City.

In Beijiang District, "things that shouldn't appear" often appear.

"Sorry, interrupt." As the story began, Gao Yi raised his hand and asked:

"What is 'things that shouldn't appear'?"

"Treasures that do not exist in this world, creatures that only appear in legends, and even deceased people."

"Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" did not show any emotional fluctuations due to being interrupted, but just "drank" another sip of the drink and continued her narration.

Because of the frequent occurrence of these strange things, the rumors gradually became specific.

It is said that a foreign player of A level fled to Nankang, which had not yet become a "game area" at that time, but died because of the pursuit of his enemies.

Before his death, he hid the most powerful equipment in his hand and gave it life in some way.

And that equipment is called [Wishing Machine].

As long as you find its existence and agree to a request, you can ask it to fulfill a wish.

Endless wealth, eternal youth, and even resurrection from the dead are not a problem.

Some time ago, the sightings of the [Wishing Machine] gradually disappeared, and suddenly appeared again in recent days.

"To be honest, I don't really believe this rumor. Although I haven't seen many A-level players in China, but having life equipment? It's too outrageous."

Tang Chao shook his head slightly and drank the drink in front of him.

I wanted to ask that "Yi Yi", but reason still made Gao Yi shut up.

"I roughly understand..."

Gao Yi finished recording in the notebook, raised his head and asked:

"But, what does this story have to do with 'Nankang Experimental Middle School'?"

Tang Chao did not explain much, but just lowered his head slightly and guided Gao Yi's sight to the card she just took out.

On this dark black plastic card, there was a line of unaesthetic handwriting.

[December 31, 2024, 11:59, Nankang Experimental Middle School playground, witnessing miracles]

Gao Yi lowered his head slightly, lost in thought, and raised his head again after a moment:

"So, you want me to be responsible for finding out whether there is really anomaly in that school, and whether the so-called [wishing machine] is inside?"

"The summary is very good."

Taking the drink brought by the waiter, Tang Chao nodded slightly, thanked him, and turned to Gao Yi and added:

"You don't need to get that [wishing machine], just give me the exact information I need."

On the other side, Gao Yi was recording in his notebook while weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

This is the second time on the same day that someone has asked him to pay attention to "Nankang Experimental Middle School".

Earlier, in the office of the Nankang branch of the Investigation Bureau, Tan Zhi also mentioned to him that he should pay attention to this school.

It seems that this information has also been mastered by the Investigation Bureau, and preliminary investigations are also being carried out.

Since there is no direct harm, it seems that there is no rush to solve it, and even the task is left to external personnel.

To put it more bluntly, the Investigation Bureau is also half-believing and half-doubting this rumor.

Both parties only ask themselves to obtain intelligence, and they don't ask them to do anything.

In theory, they can sell the collected information to both sides.

Even if they are worried about additional risks, at least there is no compulsion on the part of the Investigation Bureau, and they can choose to give up.

The most important thing is that compared to going to the dungeon and fighting hard, just doing an investigation is completely within the scope of their job, and there is really no danger.

If everything goes well, maybe they can solve the content of the next issue of the magazine.

From all aspects, it seems that there are not many reasons to refuse.

Thinking of this, Gao Yi closed the notebook with one hand and looked at Tang Chao across from him:

"I understand. Although I can't guarantee that I will get something, I can take on this task and try my best to investigate."

"Don't worry, I'm just curious and want to know what happened here. If you, such an excellent investigator, can't find the truth, then I have to give up."

The voice of "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" is still so pleasant, and it seems to have a power that makes people unconsciously convinced.

No, it's not just "seems", this should also be some kind of ability.

Raising the alert value in his heart again, Gao Yi gently tapped the table twice and spoke again:

"That's good, but after all, this is a commission, about the reward..."

"Don't worry, one thing is one thing, just name your price."

Tang Chao seemed very considerate and didn't embarrass Gao Yi at all.

Gao Yi, on the other hand, did not intend to ask for too much from this unfathomable woman:

"I do want something recently..."

Gao Yi said, flipping through his notebook and finding what he had written down last night:

"I want a piece of equipment with healing abilities. If not, equipment that can reduce or immunize pain will also work... I also need a [cache gold bar], the kind from the previous auction."

In order to prevent Sister Tang from misunderstanding, Gao Yi waved his hand and added:

"Of course, I just need a purchase channel and will pay the corresponding game coins to buy it."

This job is not too difficult, and asking for it directly is a bit too much.

The real strength of the "Jiujiang Rock Music Society" is their mastery of various equipment and characteristic resources.

They buy various game items at low prices and sell them at high prices, sell various potions to rich people in reality, and collect a large number of game coins.

The profits from this are unimaginable to Gao Yi.

Although this sister Tang can definitely afford the equipment directly, Gao Yi's intuition tells him that it is more important to maintain a good relationship.

"Deal, I will have someone prepare it in a while, and you can also consider how to enter that school."

Nodding slightly, Tang Chao took out a paper fox from the bag beside him and handed it to Gao Yi:

"Take this and help me witness the "miracle" tonight."

It must be said that some of the abilities of this "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" are indeed quite similar to Zhao Qian, and they both like to use various paper items.

His sight slowly shifted horizontally, and when Sister Tang turned her head to call the waiter, Zhao Qian lowered his head and let his eyes emerge from above his sunglasses.

Gao Yi clearly read three parts of despair, three parts of helplessness, three parts of indifference and one part of enjoyment from the other person's eyes.

Well, he is also a part of their play.

"Why is your business so bad?"

Tang Chao tilted his head slightly and asked the young waitress with concern.

"Hey, I don't know. Since I opened this store, my luck has become particularly bad. There are no customers at all. I lost a lot of plates before..."

Unexpectedly, this waitress turned out to be the owner of this store. It seems that without customers, he can't even recruit people.

"Hey, this is too pitiful..." Tang Chao sighed deeply, and raised his head thoughtfully:

"Then, do you want to sell this store? I want to do some business in Nankang, and I can also bear all your losses."

Tang Chao's rich woman's speech shocked not only the owner, but also Gao Yi.

Wait, should I ask this person for more money?

Gao Yi began to regret it.


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