Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 171 Preparation and Internet Terms

After the conversation, while "Dream Back to Tang Dynasty" was studying how to buy the "Gentleman" tea restaurant, Gao Yi had already walked back to the apartment.

The time was 1 pm at this moment, and there were still eleven hours before the "miracle" mentioned on the card.

But since he had already accepted this task, he had to plan his actions carefully.

Although Tang Dynasty said that it would prepare the [Cache Gold Bars] used to change the characteristics and the equipment with healing ability, it was obviously impossible to get them within a few hours.

Now, the only equipment and characteristics that can be used are these equipment and characteristics.

The good news is that the negative effects of the [Scarlet Raven Coat] have finally passed, and potions can be drunk again.

He hurriedly gave himself a bottle of [D-level physical healing potion] to heal the fingers of his left hand and various internal injuries.

By the way, Gao Yi began to keep track of time and began to inject himself with various evolution potions.

Now Gao Yi's evolution rate has reached 30%. Although the growth is a bit slow under the restrictions of [Seeker], the improvement of physical fitness is real.

Although Gao Yi has not had the opportunity to test his physical ability since coming out of [Mechanical Godcasting], the improvement is still very obvious.

Not only has the physical strength been further improved, but also the control over the body has been improved.

Gao Yi can now easily do some incomprehensible yoga movements, and even exercise postures that only exist in comics.

Even if the bonus of various equipment and characteristics is put aside, this body alone can already participate in many Olympic events and try to win gold.

If you have to say it, it is just a lack of some corresponding competition skills.

Speaking of which, "games" have appeared on this planet for almost a year, and there should be "players" who want to participate in some competitive sports.

Although such behavior is likely to be spotted by local official agencies at a very fast speed.

After confirming that no strangers have entered the room, Gao Yi took out the key and returned to his warm home.

"I'm probably not free tonight, I have to eat a meal in the afternoon..."

Gao Yi changed his shoes while thinking about his next move.

Just then, a yellow toy sports car drove towards Gao Yi from the living room.

The familiar transformation music sounded again. Athens had obviously been waiting for a long time and spoke bluntly:

"I have roughly understood your world."

"Uh... pretty good?" Gao Yi didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he had to grab Athens and bring him back to the living room.

But this time, he paid attention to the way he grasped and tried to be as polite as possible - although he didn't know how Athens felt the touch.

"In fact, this world is no different from the world I was in before, just different countries, governments and groups."

"That's it."

"This world is now roughly in a peaceful era. Although the problem of excessive gap between the rich and the poor still exists, there are no unsolvable contradictions."

"Yes, although there are conflicts in some areas, you can also understand it this way."

"The police in each place should be the ones to maintain law and order, but the useless people in Scotland Yard are always worrying. The existence of detectives is to solve various cases."

"Yes... wait! No, where did you learn this?"

Athens on the table stretched out his right arm and pointed to "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" and "The Development and Inheritance of Internet Terms in the Past Twenty Years" on the sofa.

I should carefully choose what books to give her to read...

When Gao Yi twitched his mouth, Athens laughed:

"I was created based on the template of God. You don't really think I can't tell the difference between fiction and reality? Embarrassing, I do."

"No, the problem is not this..." Gao Yi was already a little tired of complaining.

"Hehe, everything is just a passing cloud."

Athens controlled the body of Bumblebee and hugged his chest. Although he couldn't control his expression, his pride was beyond words.

No, it's really a bit behind the times to let her study books without the Internet.

And now, under the premise that time is not abundant, it seems that he really needs a helper.

After a little thought, Gao Yi took the laptop out of the house and put it on the coffee table:

"You should be able to access this device, right?"

Athens put his hand on the computer screen, and looked up at Gao Yi after a few seconds:

"No problem, it's no different from the smart terminal in our world, I can master it after a little adaptation."

Gao Yi, who always felt a little uneasy, knocked on the table and asked again:

"You shouldn't enter another field, wander in cyberspace, and then destroy the Internet all over the world, right?"

"I was designed to cooperate with the flesh, and I can't exist in this world without a real body."

Athens explained patiently, and pointed to the old laptop:

"I use this, and the way you use it is not fundamentally different, just surfing the Internet, at most looking at girls."

Regretting again that he gave the other party the Internet terminology book ten years ago to read, Gao Yi opened the page of "Nankang City Player Forum".

Then, he took out the task list he got from Tan Zhi from his briefcase and found the article about [Nankang Experimental Middle School]:

"I hope you will browse all the content on this forum, find all the information about this document, summarize it and send it to me."

Gao Yi said and showed Athens how to transfer content to his mobile phone.

Although there are many AIs in virtual works that want to destroy humans and have already destroyed them, Gao Yi is still 70% sure that Athens will not develop in that direction.

On the one hand, his determination to revenge [the boss] is very real, and attacking the humans of this world is meaningless in accomplishing his goal.

On the other hand, the "character" designed by the three founders of Athens was to unconditionally consider mankind and help solve various problems.

Although he is in a different world and has a record of being in the "Group of Wise Men", Gao Yi generally believes that Athens will not do anything evil.

If you really make a mistake... the worst that can happen is that all of humanity will be destroyed, so that's not a big deal.

Making a joke that made people shudder, Gao Yi left the Athens and laptop on the coffee table.

In order to complete the commissions from Sister Tang and Tan Zhi, he had to act quickly.

Although he has more or less connections in various walks of life, the relationship with "Nankang Experimental Middle School" is indeed beyond Gao Yi's ability.

This local "super middle school" naturally has very strict management.

Without the appropriate helper, it should be difficult to enter directly.

Although Gao Yi can also use [Mist Mask] to disguise himself,'s best not to make it too complicated.

Having said that, although Gao Yi did not have any relationship with the faculty or staff, he did know the students at Nankang Experimental Middle School.


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