December 31, 4pm.

Beijiang District, Nankang Experimental Middle School.

It was the third class in the afternoon, when students were most sleepy.

In Class 6 of Grade 2 in the first teaching building, a bald math teacher was on the podium, excitedly explaining the test paper of the last monthly exam:

"You told me that Question 12 was too difficult, but didn't you do Question 11 almost the same as before? Why didn't you recognize it after changing the shell? Half of the class actually failed here!"

For most people, they should be preparing for the New Year's Day holiday.

But for Grade 2 students, especially those in Nankang Experimental Middle School, this was just another ordinary afternoon.

Gan Yejia, who sat in the last row by the window, propped up her chin and looked at the math teacher on the stage with absent-minded eyes.

Those questions and knowledge could not enter her mind at all. She could only see the teacher's lips, opening and closing like a fish.

Fortunately, after the last seat change, Li Zhaozhao, who sat behind her, went to the first row, otherwise she would have to worry again.

Since Gan Yejia picked up a strange ticket on the road one day and became a player, her whole world has been completely turned upside down.

When she really saw those weird and terrifying existences, she was on the verge of life and death.

Those test scores, interpersonal relationships, and teacher evaluations that she used to value more than life, all seemed irrelevant.

Looking at the classmates in front of her who were still working hard for the college entrance examination more than a year later, Gan Yejia couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Although she has also had some physical enhancements after becoming a player, and has also obtained some equipment and characteristics.

But because she has completed it mediocrely every time, now after three copies, she is still only an E-level player, and it is a long way to go to D-level.

And the enhancement she has obtained has no other benefits except making her feel easier during the physical test.

What's more desperate is that she doesn't even know who to ask for help.

Teachers and classmates are impossible, and at home, her mother raised her alone, working so hard every day, Gan Yejia really doesn't want to add pressure to her mother.

What's more desperate is that even if she really says it, her mother is still powerless.

Gan Yejia had thought about asking the police for help, but she learned about the existence of the forum from a player in the second instance.

She saw many posts saying that the "Investigation Bureau" would catch players for experiments or even execute them directly.

This was not okay. If something happened to her, who would take care of her mother?

Then ask other players for help?

In the second instance, Gan Yejia met a very reliable uncle, but he had been out of contact for a long time.

It was likely that she had encountered an accident in a certain instance.

Because she did not complete the second instance very well, she did not get the ticket, and she did not have enough game coins to buy it.

She had to meet with a player who claimed to be "doing charity work". Gan Yejia was angry when she thought of the man's face and the annoying round-frame sunglasses.

The [Western City Strange Stories] that the other party called "not dangerous" actually had a wanted criminal worth one thousand game coins.

Not to mention that there was a scary clown in the instance.

Thinking of this, the face of the player she met when she was a guest at Li Zhaozhao's house appeared in Gan Yejia's mind.

Was that person called Gao Yi?

In [Western City Strange Things], it seems that this person killed Zhang Tu and solved the dungeon.

If it weren't for this Gao Yi, she would definitely not be able to hold on.

When she was hung upside down on the golden giant tower, Gan Yejia once thought that she was going to die there.

Unexpectedly, in the end, [Return Ticket] suddenly appeared and took her back.

"But in the end, I only completed a level I task, the reward was not much, and I didn't get the ticket... There are only more than five days left in the countdown, what should I do with the next dungeon..."

Gan Yejia muttered to herself silently, drawing meaningless lines on the notebook with her right hand.

Go find that charlatan-like sunglasses man again?

No, the tickets in that person's hand are not normal dungeons, and I can't handle it at my level.

As an E-level player, the dungeons of level 8 and 9 are enough. Entering higher levels is simply looking for death.

Gan Yejia naturally considered contacting others on the forum for transactions.

But the identity of "high school students", especially "female high school students", makes it difficult to communicate with other players.

Many transactions require offline meetings in an empty place, or call in advance.

Most of them are unwilling to trade with students like Gan Yejia, as if they think there will be additional risks.

And the rest are a little too willing to trade with her.

Although Gan Yejia is indeed a "player" with average level, it is easy to see that those people's intentions are not very simple.

In the end, Gan Yejia still recalled the Gao Yi.

It seems that he is a tenant of Li Zhaozhao's house and a reporter.

According to Zhaozhao, he is a good person, but he often goes home with injuries.

He also sent some kind of "magic potion" to Zhaozhao's grandmother, which should be [Physical Healing Potion].

Considering that he had no hostility towards himself, an obviously weak player, in the "Sword Copy", and finally killed the wanted criminal.

He should be a good person, right?

"He should have some extra tickets, but I don't know if the remaining game coins are enough..."

Judging from the tone and demeanor of his words at that time, Zhao Zhao seems to be interested in this person. How about I help him match up and become his girlfriend's best friend, will he give me some discount?

The age difference... seems to be okay, and the looks are barely worthy of my Zhao Zhao, but as a "player" it's a bit easy to die. Will he become the late husband?

Gan Yejia, who was worried about the next dungeon but was pulled into the distance by her love mind at some point, did not notice the call from the class teacher next to the podium.


Following the louder call and the reminder from her deskmate, she stood up belatedly.

At some point, the math class had been suspended, and the head teacher was standing next to the podium, looking at Gan Yejia seriously.

Unexpectedly, the unsmiling head teacher did not criticize him for being distracted. Instead, he spoke in as gentle a voice as possible:

"Ye Jia, come with me."

When Gan Yejia walked out of the classroom and followed him into the corridor, the head teacher added:

"Someone came to see you. It seems that something happened at your home."

These words instantly made a thunder flash in Gan Yejia's mind.

There is only her mother in her family, and she has not contacted those relatives for a long time.

Could it be that something happened to his mother? !

Biting her lips, Gan Yejia quickened his pace and quickly followed the head teacher into the office.

But there, she met a completely unexpected person.

The reporter Gao Yi, whom she had just been thinking about whether he was worthy of her best friend, was standing there with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, teacher, can I talk to Ye Jia alone?"

Gao Yiru said to the head teacher of Grade 2 and Grade 6.


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