Nankang Experimental Middle School has become a "super middle school" with a nearly 100% undergraduate rate for college graduates and 60 to 70 students entering top 2 universities every year. There is a reason for this.

In addition to extremely high-quality students and strong teaching resources, various hardware facilities are also excellent.

So many teaching buildings are not actually packed with students. Many empty classrooms are left for students to study or conduct "walking class" teaching.

At the same time, it can also prevent the classrooms from being too close and the teachers' voices from interfering with each other.

Although it is incomprehensible to Gao Yi, a poor student, it at least provides convenience for him now.

Step into an empty classroom, press the switch, and let the light above your head shine down.

Gao Yi suddenly had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu. This scene is quite similar to his first meeting with Gan Yejia in [West City Strange Things].

Even on the other side, the girl's vigilant expression was exactly the same as at that time.

"Why are you here? I...what happened at home?!"

Gan Yejia was wearing the winter uniform of Nankang Experimental Middle School, the same uniform that Li Zhaozhao usually wore.

It must be said that the uniforms of good schools are better looking, which reminded Gao Yi of the blue and white, thick and ugly uniform she wore in high school.

But in sharp contrast to the good-looking uniform was the expression on the girl's face.

Obviously, the saying "something happened at home" still made her quite nervous.

"Don't worry, your family is fine, I just found an excuse to see you."

Gao Yi showed a well-honed kind smile and found an empty table in the front row to sit down.

After hearing that nothing happened at home, Gan Yejia's expression was obviously relaxed a lot, but she still stared at the man who suddenly appeared vigilantly:

"What are you doing here?"

Although she did consider going to contact this reporter player in her previous imagination, how could she have thought that they would meet directly like this.


When asked about the purpose, Gao Yi's answer was not so straightforward.

When he knew the location of this commission was Nankang Experimental Middle School, he immediately thought of Gan Yejia whom he had met in [Western City Strange Things].

The main reason was that when he met this young player at the landlady's place, he got the information that she was a classmate of Li Zhaozhao.

In fact, if he just wanted to sneak into this school, Gao Yi could also pretend to meet Li Zhaozhao.

But in the final analysis, his action was not only to "enter", but also to wait until twelve o'clock to witness the so-called "miracle".

To be honest, Gao Yi was not sure whether there were gods in this world.

But he had reason to believe that a god would not appear in a high school for no reason and send small cards everywhere.

Even if the rumor about the [Wishing Machine] was true, there must be other conspiracies behind it.

And this kind of extraordinary thing, you don't need to guess that it is related to the players.

In order to act better and collect intelligence, it is obviously a better choice to ask a player who is familiar with the environment.

Therefore, Gao Yi came to Gan Yejia.

There were only a few hours left until the early morning, so there should be no need to hide anything.

Gao Yi thought for a moment, took out the black card from his trouser pocket, and showed it to the other party:

"Have you seen this?"

At the same time, Gao Yi observed the girl's reaction.

There was no "reading" action, just seeing the card, she was aware of the content on it.

Obviously, Gan Yejia knew the existence of this card.

And judging from her shrinking pupils and clenched teeth.

For her, there seemed to be no good memories about this card.

"Are you here for this?"

The girl raised her head again and touched her ponytail, as if she finally understood Gao Yi's purpose.

And understanding the other party's purpose also made her relax a little.

At least it can be confirmed that this player who suddenly appeared is not here to kill her to silence her.

"Almost... Do you know anything?"

After digesting the collected information, Gao Yi put the card back and asked.

"Why should I tell you?"

The girl answered quite directly, obviously not completely letting down her guard.

"I killed Zhang Tu in [Western City Strange Stories] and sent people to solve the dungeon boss. I can be regarded as your half-lifesaver. How can I repay this favor?"

Gao Yi spread his hands slightly, counting the old accounts, and also took the credit of the group of young explorers on himself.

This is a "favor account" from the past, and Gao Yi didn't really do those things to save the other party.

If you are facing an old-timer who has been struggling in society for decades, he will probably refute it directly.

But for a high school student who has not been destroyed by society and has received a good education, this kind of "debt" is sometimes more important than the debt in money.

"This, indeed..."

Gan Yejia was obviously persuaded, subconsciously untied her ponytail, and tied it again with the rubber band on her wrist, as if this action could make her feel at ease.

Gao Yi could see that the other party had completely accepted his words, but the reason why he was still a little hesitant...

Is he trying to take the opportunity to ask for some compensation?

It must be said that Gao Yi's ability to read others becomes stronger with the development of "Armchair Detective".

He touched his chin with hesitation and took out a notebook from his trouser pocket:

"You may not know that I am a reporter. This time, I am curious and I want to write a report. If you are willing to provide clues and take me on a tour, our magazine can also provide some rewards..."

Gao Yi pretended to flip through something and observed the other party's reaction when talking about various rewards:

"Cash? Game coins? Equipment? Tickets... Tickets! If you need some tickets, I can provide them."

Hit the bull's eye.

Gan Yejia touched her ponytail again, obviously there was no reason to refuse.

She paused slightly and raised her head:

"Give me a level 9, maximum 8 security ticket... and then I will repay your favor! I will tell you what I know and then take you on a tour."

He is more bargaining than I thought...

But it is normal to provide rewards to informants and information providers. At worst, you can just reimburse them - you can even reimburse them twice.

Compared to the reward he received, a low-level ticket and a favor from a high school girl were really insignificant.

After settling the account, Gao Yi smiled again and extended his right hand:



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