As the verbal deal was concluded, Gan Yejia also began to tell Gao Yi the story of this card.

She has been a player for no longer than Gao Yi.

It was almost mid-November. As she was walking on the road, she met a wild cat on the street that had an elegant pace and was very affectionate.

Gan Yejia knelt down, touched the black cat twice, and grabbed a dirty piece of paper from its back.

In this way, he was unfortunately pulled into the copy.

Just like most people, becoming a player did not disrupt her daily life.

It is still the normal two points and one line between school and home, studying and taking exams day after day, waiting for the college entrance examination called the "end point".

Of course, the bigger reason for maintaining this kind of life is that Gan Yejia is unable to change anything.

The improvement of physical fitness of E-level players is actually quite limited.

And she didn't complete the dungeon very well, and the rewards she received were not enough.

From various perspectives, they have no ability to change the status quo, and they cannot benefit from becoming a "player".

If I have to say it, improving mental strength and endurance might help with learning?

And Gan Yejia, who has no extra social circle and spends most of his time in school, has never met other players in real life.

On the Internet, content related to "copies" and "games" are strictly controlled, and there is no information to read.

If he hadn't learned about the existence of the "Nankang Players Forum" later, Gan Yejia wouldn't even have known that there were so many local players.

The long-term threat of death and the approaching dungeon countdown every day also put increasing pressure on her.

This caused the adolescent girl to fall into great confusion.

"The first time I saw that card was two weeks ago."

"Two weeks mean, there was a notice two weeks ago about what kind of 'miracle' would happen tonight?"

Gao Yi was recording in his notebook while following Gan Yejia's words.

"No, it's not." Gan Yejia also found a table without books and sat down. There was a hint of fear in Gan Yejia's tone:

"The card at that time said that in the early morning of December 18, we would witness a "great miracle" in Beijiang Park."

Beijiang Park is located in Beijiang District. It is a park with beautiful scenery along the river. It is only a few kilometers away from Nankang Experimental Middle School.

Gao Yi quickly sketched a three-dimensional map of the neighborhood in his mind, calculating various paths and ways to get from the school.

Eh? The effect of [Easy Chair Detective] has been improved again.

While Gao Yijia was thinking divergently, Gan Yejia's narrative did not stop:

"That card appeared in my physics exercise book for no apparent reason. No one else should have touched it..."

"Wait a minute, you are in a science class, and Li Zhaozhao also chose science?"

Gao Yi suddenly became confused in an inexplicable place.

"Uh... we are now selecting subjects. In addition to the three main subjects, we also have to choose three subjects from the remaining six subjects..."

"Pretend I didn't ask, please go ahead."

Realizing that he was starting a complicated topic, Gao Yi hurriedly interrupted it.

After a moment of silence, the story continues.

After Gan Yejia got the black card, his first reaction was to be wary.

This kind of unreasonable thing obviously contains great danger.

She logged onto the "Nankang City Players Forum" and searched for related keywords, and found that this was not the first time this kind of card had appeared.

According to descriptions in some related posts, black cards will automatically appear in the hands of players in a certain area, guiding them to specific locations.

And there, you can see the legendary [Wish-making Machine], complete the corresponding tasks, and you can make a wish to it.

"This sounds so wrong. Did you actually go?" Gao Yi asked again, "Do you have any wishes that you want to realize?"

On the other side, Gan Yejia shook his head:

"No, I just wanted to meet other players. At that time, I only had a few days left in my copy countdown and I didn't have any tickets yet..."

After saying this, Gao Yi realized that it was indeed something that happened a few days before [The Weird Incident in West City].

This Gan Yejia seemed to have no choice but to enter the "Sword" instance.

No, now that I think about it, it’s not like the guy Zhao Qian provided the tickets, right?

"Actually, you can try to contact the Investigation Bureau, which is the relevant official department. They should be able to help you - as long as you don't care about being noticed by them."

Gao Yi turned his pen and said thoughtfully.

"Didn't they say they would arrest players and conduct human experiments?"

The girl's tone was still a little uneasy, and it was obvious that she believed what some players on the forum said.

But then again, the arrest of players is definitely true, and human experimentation... cannot rule out this possibility.

Although he only received the compensation this morning, Gao Yi still felt that there was some confusion and problems within the investigation bureau.

But, fortunately, he also knows a relatively reliable person:

"It's not that exaggerated... I'll give you a call. It's a friend of mine from the Bureau of Investigation. You can ask about the relevant policies."

Gao Yi wrote Tan Zhi's phone number in his notebook and tore the piece of paper to Gan Yejia.

And he was already thinking about whether he could apply for a bonus to help develop personnel for the Investigation Bureau.

Seeing the girl staring at the phone number in thought, Gao Yi quickly turned the topic back on track:

"So, what did you see when you arrived at Beijiang Park that day?"

This seemed to touch on some unpleasant memories.

Gan Yejia's face became obviously ugly, and there was obvious fear in his tone:

"When I arrived, it was already eleven fifty, and there were already many players there."

"I wore a hat and mixed in, wanting to see if there were any ongoing transactions or something."

"But everyone was silent, as if waiting for the arrival of that "miracle."

"And at twelve o'clock, a voice suddenly came from the fountain statue in the center of the park..."

Speaking of this, Gan Yejia was obviously a little uneasy, and kept touching her ponytail repeatedly, untying it and tying it again.

"What did the voice say?"

And Gao Yi also interrupted the topic at the right time and asked a follow-up question.

Ten seconds later, the girl tied her hair up again and looked up at Gao Yi:

"The voice said that the players present need to fight each other, and the winner who survives can make any wish to the [Wishing Machine]."


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