Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 175 Fighting each other and the show

"Fighting each other..."

Gao Yi wrote this keyword in his notebook, clicked it twice with the tip of his pen, and then circled it emphatically.

Immediately, he raised his head and looked at Gan Yejia, who was opposite and pursed his lips:

"Did anything happen after that?"

This is not a difficult guess. If there really was a large-scale battle between players at that time, there should be corresponding information in the files of the Bureau of Investigation and on the forum.

On the other hand, although Gao Yi has not directly fought against Gan Yejia, it can be easily seen that his fighting ability is very average.

Combined with her demand for tickets, it can be roughly inferred that she is only an E-level player.

In this case, if Xiao Gan really "fights" with other players, there is a high probability that he will not be able to sit here peacefully.

Once again, Gan Yejia spread out his hair, shook his head, let his half-long black hair rest on his shoulders, and began to talk again.

When they first heard the statue's words, the players didn't really believe it.

Many people burst into laughter and yelled at the speaker to show up, while several others turned around and left.

"What's so funny about this?"

"Calling so many people here at night, just to do this?"

"I'm really convinced. I thought it was a miracle that you were so good at it. I'm surprised you have the immortal's traces."

But amid the laughter and curses around him, Gan Yejia keenly sensed something was wrong.

It's so quiet.

Of course, the surrounding players were quite noisy and the noise they made was not small.

But apart from them, it was too quiet.

Although it is already twelve o'clock, Beijiang District has always been the commercial center of Nankang, and there are many apartment buildings nearby.

In the evening, there are actually many passers-by strolling and running at night in this park along the river. Young lovers also like to gather here and cuddle on the benches near the river.

And today, except for the dozens of players present, there is no one else nearby?

Not only that, the sounds from the nearby snack street, the chirping of insects and birds, and even the sound of the flowing river disappeared.

"It feels like being trapped in some special realm."

Gan Yejia tied up her ponytail again, and after thinking for a long time, she found a description that was not particularly appropriate.

"I see, what happened next."

Just now, Athens has sent over the compiled information.

At this moment, Gao Yi also saw other descriptions of the incident from Gan Yejia's mouth.

In this case, the story becomes even weirder.

The first ones to notice something was wrong were a few players who were planning to leave.

The person who was walking the fastest suddenly let out an angry curse, turned around and saw that he was sitting on the ground, covering his forehead.

On the side, another player was reaching out to touch something.

It's like... there's a transparent wall there?

Some people tried to take out their equipment and weapons to break through the transparent barrier, but all failed.

As for mobile phones and other communication devices, not surprisingly, there is no signal.

Gradually, the players present realized one thing - they were trapped here.

At this moment, the fountain statue in the center of the park made a sound again.

"No one can leave until the winner is determined."

But when the statue spoke this time, no one at the scene could laugh out loud.

Everyone realized that this was not a bad joke, but a carefully planned fighting show.

Ten seconds later, an uncle closest to the statue asked:

"You just said that the winner can make a wish - any wish?"

And the statue's reply came quickly:

"Wealth, health, love, strength, I...can do anything."

After another dozen seconds of silence, everyone present gradually began to whisper.

Three words appear multiple times.

【Wish machine】

Gan Yejia, who has become a player and has been in the forum for a short time, has never heard of this thing.

But for many people present, this is a very tempting legend.

The most powerful equipment left by an A-level player should be orange level after all, right?

And to make a wish... to be honest, it is really very eye-catching.

Who doesn’t have a little desire?

Gradually, Gan Yejia felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Many players began to look at each other, and some of them had already pulled out their weapons.

Gan Yejia instantly realized that these people were already preparing to fight.

She was very aware of her fighting power. If a fight really broke out, she wouldn't be able to hold on for a few seconds, and she would even be dead.

She made an instant decision, lowered her body, and moved closer to the side where no one was.

As time passed, the murderous intent in the players' eyes became stronger and stronger. The atmosphere in this "field" was reaching its limit. Everyone was waiting for the sound of the starting gun.

As long as one person takes the lead, or even just shouts, a melee will begin.

But at this moment, the uncle who had asked before stood directly in front of the statue and said astonishingly:

"I am the winner, now let my wish come true."

This sentence made everyone present confused.

Even the statue didn't respond for a long time.

But the other players on the side were obviously restless. A young man holding a metal baseball bat walked over and slapped the uncle on the shoulder, and said in an obviously unfriendly tone:

"Uncle, if you are drunk, move aside a little, don't come here to get drunk and go crazy."

But just as the people nearby laughed, the uncle suddenly moved.

When no one realized what happened, there was only a loud bang.

Looking again, the young man who came forward to provoke had been smashed to the ground, and the back of his head was bloody. He had fainted.

Clapping his hands, the uncle turned his head and looked at everyone, and spoke in a kind tone:

"If you are still not convinced, come together, I have to go buy some midnight snacks later."

The following scene, whether it is Gan Yejia's memories or the fragmented descriptions on the forum, can only be described as "scary".

Ten or twenty players armed with various weapons and equipment rushed forward, and the uncle solved them all with his bare hands and knocked all those who approached to the ground.

In the end, he didn't even take a breath.

"Do you know Jackie Chan?" Gan Yejia asked.

"Of course, do you mean the scene is like "Rumble in the Bronx", "Project A" or "Police Story"? "

Gao Yi waved his hand, dissatisfied with the girl's questioning of his film viewing.

"Like "Jackie Chan Adventures"..."

Gan Yejia's description was more vivid.


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