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Chapter 176 A strange misunderstanding

In this way, the uncle killed all the players who dared to challenge without even taking a breath.

Of course, most of them were just stunned and knocked down, and there was no actual killing.

The remaining players are either people like Gan Yejia who know they can't compete, or they don't intend to fight in the first place.

After waiting for more than ten seconds and seeing no one objecting, the uncle nodded with satisfaction and looked at the statue:

"Can I make a wish now?"

The statue repeated several times those words about "fighting each other."

But as long as the middle-aged man was still standing there, people nearby didn't dare to do anything.

Occasionally, a player who fell to the ground struggled to get up.

He will soon be kicked over by his uncle and return to dreamland again.

The scene was so awkward. After another ten minutes, the statue had to admit that the middle-aged man was the winner and announced that "the show is over."

"Wait a minute, 'End of show,' that's what that statue said?"

Gao Yi interrupted Gan Yejia's story that was about to end and asked a question.

"Yes, I felt strange at the time, so I was very impressed."

The girl nodded and gave a rather affirmative answer.

Writing this strange word down in his notebook, I saw more and more abnormalities before my eyes.

After reconfirming the message from Athens, Gao Yi thought for a moment and raised his head again to ask:

"Do you still remember what that uncle looked like?"

"This... After all, it happened about ten days ago."

"No need to go into too much detail, just tell me the general style and the impression it left on you."

Knocking on the table, Gao Yi continued to guide.

After frowning and recalling for a long time, Gan Yejia gave an intermittently reply:

"I remember that he was wearing shorts and short sleeves in the winter, holding a cigarette. He looked quite slovenly... By the way, he seemed to be wearing slippers."

After hearing the girl's answer, Gao Yi lowered his head again and confirmed the information in his hand.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

The rest of Gan Yejia's description is consistent with the information on the forum. Several players who appeared in Beijiang Park on the night of the 18th wrote down their own experiences.

The statue began to speak and was sealed in an inescapable space. The massacre between the players was about to break out, but someone appeared to stop it.

They are all the same, except that the person who stepped in to stop him has a completely different image in different descriptions.

[An old man, about seventy or eighty years old, dressed in cloth and with an immortal demeanor. I guess he might be the kind of person who cultivates immortality, or is a high-ranking monk]

[Loli, she is a loli, very cute, but dozens of people can’t beat her, she is so powerful]

[An ordinary young man, he looks like a student, but he is so ruthless that no one can beat him]

The testimonies are unrelated and there is no reason to deliberately lie.

If the difference between middle age and old age is just that, it can also be explained by the blurred memory in dark environments and stressful situations.

But middle-aged man, old man, lolita, teenager, these completely different descriptions all refer to the same person.

That means there is some kind of anomaly.

It may be some kind of equipment that can cover up one's image in the eyes of others, which has the same meaning as [Mist Mask].

Judging from these stories, this mysterious man seems to have little to do with tonight's commission, maybe he was involved by chance.

The question is, did this person actually use the so-called [wishing machine] and successfully make a wish?

And will tonight's "miracle" be the same as last time? Will this mysterious man appear?

There are so many questions...

Gao Yi rubbed his forehead, and an ominous premonition appeared in his mind. He always felt that this commission might not be as simple as he thought.

But, these things can all be thought about later.

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Gao Yi raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him:

"I understand. Then you left that 'field' and returned to normal life until today, right?"

Gan Yejia nodded slightly and began to tilt his head again, stroking his ponytail:

"Tonight's card appeared the day before yesterday and has been thrown away by me. I suggest you also... pay attention to safety."

"I understand, it delayed your class."

Gao Yi nodded, flipped his wrist, selected slightly, took out a ticket for [School Tomb (Holy Cup Nine)], and handed it to the other party:

"Thank you for your message. Please go home early tonight. Let Li Zhaozhao leave early and don't stay too long."

This ticket is level nine, and the copy of "Holy Grail" is not so dangerous as a whole, and [Director] is not a very bloodthirsty person.

Overall, it should be relatively safe.

On the other side, Gan Yejia struggled for a moment and accepted the ticket.

She looked at the tickets for a moment, jumped off the table, and spoke again with some trepidation:

"Didn't you ask me to take you to visit the school?"

"This is not important. I am a professional reporter. After half an hour, I might be more familiar with the terrain than you are..."

As he spoke, Gao Yi leaned forward slightly, and then warned:

"Don't forget the phone number I gave you. Don't worry, I won't eat your..."

But just when Gao Yi was thinking about recruiting a new person for the Investigation Bureau, the classroom door on one side was pushed open violently.

There, a boy in the uniform of Nankang Experimental Middle School was standing there, staring at Gao Yi with a gloomy face.

"Ye Chenjie, why are you here?"

Gan Yejia was obviously startled. After seeing who was coming, he exhaled and asked again.

"Teacher asked me to see how you are doing here, and your... friend?"

The boy called Ye Chenjie responded, but his eyes were still fixed on Gao Yi, revealing a hint of murderous intent.

No, how did I offend him?

Let the memory rewind, Gao Yi couldn't help but cover his face in his heart.

This kid, wouldn't he just hear "Remember the phone number I gave you" and "I won't eat you".

This misunderstanding is huge.......

"Are you going back with this person?"

Xiao Ye was obviously familiar with Gan Yejia, but he called Gao Yi "that person".

Xiao Gan looked back at Gao Yi, then turned around and replied:

"It's okay, I'll go back after the afternoon class before the evening self-study."

Her questioning look obviously increased the boy's hostility.

This boy seems to be interested in Gan Yejia...

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Gao Yi couldn't help but sigh.

I was obviously doing a good thing, why did I feel like I was caught cheating?

Just when he wanted to relax and think about how to hide in the school, a phone call came in.

He raised it to check, and the person who called was actually Tan Zhi from the Investigation Bureau.

No, something happened again?


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