"Captain Tan, what's up?"

After confirming that no one was eavesdropping outside the door, Gao Yi returned to the empty classroom and slowly answered the phone.

"Do you remember the file I gave you today? Did you pay attention to the content about the [Wishing Machine]?"

On the other side, Tan Zhi didn't mean to waste time and went straight to the point.

And Gao Yi did hear a hint of strange emotions in the other party's words:

"I saw it...what's wrong?"

"Don't worry about that mission. A team has come from the headquarters and has taken over the relevant investigation work."

On the other end of the phone, Tan Zhi's voice was still very low, which added a sense of oppression to the news she said.

"This is the incident you investigated. The higher-ups just sent some people to steal the credit. Can you tolerate this?"

But Gao Yi was not affected much and still responded jokingly.

But this time, Tan Zhi's response was quite firm:

"I'm not kidding you. The situation at the headquarters is different from ours. I have no right to ask about it. They are not tolerant of external players... In short, don't get involved in this matter."

"Okay, I understand..."

Having said this, Gao Yi didn't say anything more. He said goodbye and hung up the phone.

It must be said that Captain Tan saw Gao Yi's restless temper at a glance. This abnormality that would appear tonight was indeed very attractive to him.

But what he didn't expect was that he had already arrived at Nankang Experimental Middle School at more than four o'clock in the afternoon to prepare for the "miracle" in the evening.

Just when Gao Yi put down his mobile phone and was thinking about how to deal with it.

On the chat software, a contact with a paper butterfly avatar sent several messages again.

Needless to say, it was another client, Sister Tang.

【Dream Back to Tang Dynasty 2024/12/31 16:26:07】

"Something is not right. This [Wishing Machine] may not be just a rumor."

"I received some tips saying that some organizations and individual players are moving closer to the school."

"Many of them are from other places. I don't know where they got the information from."

"It feels a bit dangerous. Come on. If it doesn't work, it's more important to save your life."

[A blushed paper doll with a thumbs-up emoticon]

"Also, do you know where I can buy a longer rope in Zhongyu District? It should be better made and won't hurt the skin."

After his hands hovered on the virtual keyboard on the screen for a long time, Gao Yi hesitated and replied with an ok.

He chose to ignore the question of where to buy the rope, and buried the question of what the rope was used for in his heart.

Putting aside this huge slot, the situation in front of him became more and more confusing.

At first, Gao Yi thought it was just a boring urban rumor, and he could just expose it himself.

After listening to Gan Yejia's words, he thought it was an application of some equipment or feature, and the [Wishing Machine] that could fulfill wishes must be fake.

Now, different forces have begun to move closer to this side, and Gao Yi can't help but doubt his judgment.

Could it be that there is really a relic left by an A-level player, an orange equipment called [Wishing Machine]?

Even players from other places are attracted, there must be a corresponding source of information.

After summarizing the information in the notebook, Gao Yi buried his head and turned the signature pen in his hand, and slapped his thigh for a long time:

"Forget it, I'd better run away if it doesn't work."

Although he has gone through three quite difficult copies, and has strengthened some equipment in reality.

Now Gao Yi's strength is already a solid first-tier among the players in Nankang City.

But Nankang is still a late-developing city after all, and the general level of players is relatively low.

Think about the foreign players you have met. Those from the Jiujiang Rock Music Society and Zhao Qian are not easy to deal with.

If you really run into various foreign player organizations, or even the official special operations team, you will only be crushed.

Rationally speaking, it is a better choice to stay away from this place of trouble.

It would be a lie to say that Gao Yi has no desire at all, but he does not have much need to use the [Wishing Machine].

And he does not believe that the so-called "wishing" is omnipotent, otherwise how could the A-level player in the story be killed?

Any equipment in the "game" has negative effects.

There must be gains and losses, which is the basis of everything.

But just when Gao Yi was weighing the pros and cons, another weight suddenly appeared on the scale.

[Special mission has been triggered: witness the "miracle\

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