Unlike the beaming students in the school, Gao Yi's face looked a little solemn.

What a quick move!

In the name of "relevant departments", the entire school can be asked to cooperate.

The visitor was undoubtedly the special team sent by the Investigation Bureau headquarters as Tan Zhi said.

No action has been taken this morning, so the preparation time should only be a few hours.

If it were a real "fire inspection", the entire school would have to be evacuated. Normally, the procedures involved would not be completed within a few weeks.

How much permission does it have to allow the most famous local middle school to directly suspend classes and cooperate with their actions unconditionally?

No, I have to leave quickly.

The stench of "danger" has spread, and Gao Yi has no intention of staying in the school no matter what.

But... if you go out directly, you might encounter an eyeliner who has been arranged.

There must be players in this special team. If they are detected, they may be executed on the spot.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yi took out the [Mist Mask] from his wrist.


December 31, 4:42 pm.

Nankang Experimental Middle School, administration building, top floor conference room.

The principal, who had just returned from the radio station, took out his handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sat down on the leather sofa with some restraint.

In this conference room, he met many government officials, well-known alumni and professionals who came to give speeches.

I have never felt such a strong sense of oppression in any conversation.

After taking a sip of tea, the principal clasped his hands, suppressed an unattractive smile, and asked the man on the other side of the coffee table:

"Um, I've already sent out the notice. There are some troubles with the residential students, but they should all be able to evacuate before eight o'clock. The security department will also leave, ensuring that no one will be left on campus..."

The principal smiled awkwardly again, moved his hands twice in the air, and then said:

"Just, can you tell me a little bit about what happened in our school?"

Compared with the principal, who was wearing formal clothes and had a nervous and anxious face, the man sitting on the sofa opposite seemed much more relaxed.

In the winter, he wore a short-sleeved shirt that is often seen on the beach. He spread his arms widely and let his whole body lean on the back of the chair.

His face is quite handsome, but his yellow hair tied into a bun, the cigarette hanging from his mouth, and the rather killer-shaped earrings are obviously negative points.

Upon hearing the principal's inquiry, he let his back leave the sofa, put out the cigarette in his mouth in the ashtray, and then slowly spoke:

"Mr. Principal, didn't I tell you? It's just a routine fire inspection..."

This isn't some fucking routine fire inspection.

The principal was ready to scold him. If he really wanted to conduct an inspection, why not do it on weekends or holidays?

He would not hesitate to rent out all the vacant rooms in the nearby hotels, but also to ensure that there was not a single student left in the entire school. Even if he said that it was an alien invasion with such a big deal, he would believe it.

Not to mention that the school board of directors, Nankang Municipal Education Commission, and various relevant departments gave the green light without even asking a single question.

You know, if you want to repair the basketball hoop on the playground, you have to go through a two-month process.

Either this group of people collectively changed their gender and suddenly their brains went crazy.

Either that or they received instructions from someone with higher authority.

An order issued by a department with powers so high that he could not imagine.

Seemingly sensing the principal's suspicion, the young man took out another cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to the other party:

"Principal Li, have you ever heard of the saying, 'Ignorance is bliss'?"

After hesitating for half a second, the principal took the cigarette and held it in his hand:

"You mean, it's better that I don't know too much about this matter?"

"Yes, it's easy to talk to smart people."

The young man smiled and turned his head, asking the female team member standing beside him to light the cigarette for him. He took a deep breath with enjoyment, then raised his head and blew it into the air:

"A writer named Charlott once said that the world is a boundless ocean, and we are located on an isolated island and should not swim out."

"To be precise." The female team member who was lighting his cigarette put away the lighter and interrupted in a serious manner:

"It's Lovecraft. That's not what he said."

"Don't be so serious. As long as Principal Li understands what I mean."

The young man raised his head and said to the female team member who refuted him.

After a moment, he leaned forward again and put his face close to Principal Li's ear:

"At seven o'clock, please complete the evacuation. Anyone who remains on campus after that may be regarded as a 'fire hazard' by us~"

His smile was quite sincere, but there was no hint of joking in his tone.

Patting the principal on the shoulder, the young captain led the team members out of the conference room.

After walking through the empty corridor and standing next to a window with a good view, the female team member behind spoke again and reported the situation in the school:

"Teams A and B have entered the school, and teams C and D are launching a siege and setting up sentinel posts. Assistance from the local police and the investigation bureau is also on the way. It should take about half an hour to completely complete the arrangement."

"It's not long since the 'game' appeared here in Nankang. It's probably not very reliable. Don't let go of key positions. We have to let our own people watch..."

Flicking the ash on the window sill, the young man's voice became steady, completely different from when he was chatting with the principal just now. Without turning his head, he asked:

"Have you found any suspicious people in the school?"

On the other side, the female team member responded very quickly, obviously having done all the homework:

"It seems that several players who saw the relevant information came to ask, but they didn't go too deep. There seem to be players in the school. Do we need to control them?"

"No, no." The young man shook his head and cast his eyes towards the school gate:

"Our mission is to take down the [Wishing Machine] and take it back. Don't make any trouble."

After a slight hesitation, the female team member Still raised a question:

"Captain, how do we confirm that there must be such a [wishing machine]? The story of the A-level player's remains after death sounds too unreliable."

"I don't know, anyway, the people above said so." Unexpectedly, the captain spread his hands and answered bluntly:

"But... since the people above said so, no matter what form it appears in, this [wishing machine] must exist, so we must find it."

The young man's words sounded very relaxed, but his eyes were fixed on a visitor who was registering to leave at the security office at the school gate.

With an unreasonable smile, he threw away the half-smoked cigarette butt in his hand and let it fall on the lawn outside the administrative building:

"I always feel that Nankang is also quite interesting. Let's go eat hot pot after we're done."


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