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Chapter 17 [The Mysterious Fog of the Heart] Talk about the Day After

The man beneath him became silent, and soon, like the others, he turned into smoke and mixed into the mist.

And Gao Yi himself was already wrapped in the vast white mist at this moment.

Turning around to look, Xiaohong behind him was nowhere to be seen.

When I lowered my head, I found that a brand new ticket had appeared in my hand.

On the yellowed paper is a rather stream-of-consciousness watercolor painting. In the mist, a small supermarket with lights on stands in it.

Above it, four big characters were written.

【Return Ticket】

"Did Xiaohong already rely on tickets to go back? Then how to use this thing..."

After flipping the ticket in his hand a few times, Gao Yi didn't find out how to use it.

While he was struggling, a strange buzzing sound came from the mist.

Identifying the location, Gao Yi looked towards the source of the sound.

The thick mist suddenly parted at this moment, forcing a small vacuum out, leaving a corridor-like gap.

After reopening the light screen to confirm, Gao Yi frowned slightly.

What does this mean? Isn’t the task completed?

Is there a hidden plot?

Carefully lift the inflatable giant hammer in your hand. What might happen in this case is really worrying.

But no matter what, Gao Yi slowly moved forward along the empty corridor.

In the white mist on both sides, black shadows stood silently.

Since the death of the fat man who was the culprit, they have not shown any aggression and just wandered around in the white mist.

The corridor in the mist made many twists and turns, and it took a long time for Gao Yi to walk through a small section of the road that was not long at all.

When he finally reached the position, Gao Yi instantly recognized that in front of him was the sofa that had been lifted out of the lounge.

And there was a person sitting on the sofa.

It was the little boy who had never appeared just now.

For a moment, Gao Yi's hair stood on end as the details he had ignored came to mind again.

I had been paying attention to the supermarket clerk before, but ignored this most mysterious little boy.

Eleven people including himself were present in the supermarket just now. The only thing missing was this little boy.

Since the final trial, this boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old has never appeared again.

At this moment, he was looking forward intently. When he saw Gao Yi approaching, he just patted the other half of the sofa beside him and motioned for him to come and sit down.

For some reason, Gao Yi couldn't think of resistance in his mind, so he naturally slowly approached and sat on the other half of the sofa.

Opposite the sofa, an old-fashioned big-ass TV appeared at some point, and something was playing at the moment.

The scene seemed to be a clip from a black-and-white movie. Behind the girl who was taking a shower, a black figure suddenly opened the shower curtain and stabbed the sharp knife in his hand into the girl's body without hesitation.

Amidst the sharp music and screams, the girl slowly slipped to the ground, while the blood mixed with the water and slowly flowed from the drain.

As the camera lens fixed on the girl's lifeless pupils, the scene was also paused.

The boy on the side nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the screen, and introduced in a childish voice:

"'Psycho', a classic among classics."

Of course, unlike the boy who was relaxed and leisurely, Gao Yi's muscles were tense and he was thinking quickly about possible countermeasures.

The pressure this boy put on him completely exceeded all the dangers he suffered during the previous few hours of script time.

Long-term career as an investigative reporter has given Gao Yi an extremely keen perception, especially his premonition of danger.

The body of the little boy in front of him looked so weak, but a certain intuitive judgment kept repeating in Gao Yi's mind - he can kill me with one finger.

"Who...are you?"

Gritting his teeth, Gao Yi asked the question word by word.

"What's your favorite horror movie?"

But the boy had no intention of answering the question. He held his chin with his right hand and pressed the remote control panel casually with his left hand, without even looking at Gao Yi.

An inexplicable sense of absurdity came to his mind, and such an irrelevant question interrupted Gao Yi's thoughts for a moment.

Favorite horror movie? Is it a subjective question? How should I answer it?

"Uh, "The Return of the Ghost Baby"?"

It took a long time before Gao Yi struggled to come up with an answer.

"Tsk." The boy on the side made a disdainful expression, turned his head, and looked at Gao Yi from top to bottom:

"Your taste... In this way, I will ask my beloved to send you some classic works later. Remember to read them carefully."

Beloved? Gao Yi keenly captured the key words, but did not ask any questions.

Obviously, the other party still has something to say.

“The greatest of all movie genres is the horror movie!”

The boy leaned his body on the sofa, his tone was relaxed, and there was a trace of enjoyment on his face for no reason:

"Look at this supermarket and the fog, I learned it from "The Mist"."

"As for being among you, when the recent have always watched "Saw", right?"

It was really difficult for Gao Yi to follow the other party's thoughts, so he had to give a stiff response.

Seeing that he had received a positive answer, the boy nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"I have always wanted to make a movie by myself. I chose the stage and exerted influence...but unfortunately, I have never had a good actor."

"That girl is not bad, but she can't take on a big role, so I let her be a supporting role."

"For some reason, the people who come are worse and worse each time. Let alone the protagonist, there is no one who can even play a supporting role."

"until today."

The boy's speech slowed down, and he seemed to have finally found the program he wanted. He pressed the remote control panel to switch the TV screen again.

Looking at it, Gao Yi suddenly discovered that the picture on the TV was a copy of what he had just experienced.

It was his observation, search, and communication in the supermarket until the final breakthrough.

"Is this... a movie? Are you making a movie?!"

Gao Yi really couldn't understand the scene in front of him. Looking at his struggles and experiences for these few hours, he inevitably had a trace of doubt and confusion.

"To be precise, I made this experience of yours into a movie, rather than letting you have such an experience for the sake of making a movie."

The boy responded unhurriedly, holding his chin with his hands, as if he was watching the video carefully.

"So... who exactly are you?"

Gao Yi took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and asked the interrupted question again.

"You can call me [director]."

The boy seemed to be completely attracted by the picture on the TV and waved his hand quite casually.

"Then why do you want to see me?"

"Why...isn't it natural for the director to meet the actors? I'm not that kind of irresponsible third-rate producer."

The boy frowned, seeming a little confused by Gao Yi's question.

After thinking for a moment, he patted his thigh and continued:

"By the way, keep this. I may ask you to film the sequel next time. Don't screw yourself to death."

The boy said, taking out a small object from his pocket and throwing it to Gao Yi aside.

Catching it, Gao Yi looked carefully and found that it was actually a silver-white metal whistle.

"Okay, let's go back. Staying in this fog for too long is bad for your brain."

The boy, or rather the director, pointed to his head, shook his head, as if recalling something, and continued:

"By the way, remember to watch a movie - a horror movie!"

"No, what exactly is this game? Why are the players selected? What kind of existence are you?!"

Seeing that the other party looked like he was trying to chase them away, Gao Yi stood up in a hurry and poured out his questions.

But when Gao Yi wanted to raise his hand to stop him, another strange halo flashed before his eyes the next moment.

The uncomfortable white fog disappeared and was replaced by the evening breeze mixed with rain.

When he opened his eyes again, Gao Yi had returned to the "real world" he was familiar with.


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