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Chapter 16 [Heart-strange fog] Ending

There were not many light sources in the supermarket, and the interior of the supermarket shrouded in white fog was inevitably a little disturbing.

The door that was deformed by the earthquake was pushed open, making an annoying metal friction sound.

Gao Yi, holding the [Inflatable Hammer], walked out of the employee lounge, with Xiao Hong who didn't understand the situation behind him.

At this moment, the door was surrounded, and almost everyone in the supermarket came over.

Uncle Fujimoto, office workers, Manager Yamada, old hunter, Ms. Naga, three students, and an old woman.

They looked solemn, frightened and panicked.

Obviously, Xiao Hong's screaming and crying in the house just now attracted a lot of attention.

The reasons were different, but everyone was a little puzzled.

Some were wondering what happened in the house just now, and some were curious about what Gao Yi was holding in his hand.

Of course, none of this mattered.

Looking at the people in front of him, Gao Yi nodded with satisfaction. He didn't need to take the initiative to gather everyone. The stage for the end had been set.

The white fog outside the supermarket seemed to be getting thicker, and the black shadows became excited and distorted.

Gao Yi took a deep breath, raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and cast his gaze towards the ceiling:

"You know, since I came to this world, I have found that there are more and more puzzles, but I can hardly find any answers to any of them."

Strangely, Gao Yi used the personal pronoun "you", but did not specify who that person was.

Just like...that person should know who he is.

Gao Yi's voice was steady and gentle, as if he was telling an old story that had nothing to do with him.

"Let's not talk about those backgrounds. Everyone is full of mysteries, but they don't contain the answers."

"Ms. Naija, anyone can see that she has been subjected to domestic violence for a long time, but she herself doesn't know."

"This is because she is just an image in someone's mind, including her injured appearance, but not the reason for her injury."

Ms. Naija in the crowd looked at her hands, and a dazzling halo seemed to appear on her body.

A burst of white smoke drifted upward from her body, making her whole person dissipate like sublimation.

A few seconds later, Ms. Naija disappeared inside the supermarket, as if she had never existed.

What's even stranger is that no one else in the supermarket reacted - well, except Xiaohong.

Without looking down to observe, Gao Yi continued his narration in a thoughtful tone.

"Middle-aged office worker, I don't even know his name, but I guess he can't tell it himself."

"As for the content of his job, I only know that he sells things, but I don't know what he sells."

"Because you haven't talked to him in depth, right?"

The middle-aged office worker in a suit had a confused look on his face, holding his head, as if he was trying to recall, but he found nothing in his mind.

After a few seconds, he gradually faded and disappeared into smoke like Ms. Naga.

Outside the supermarket, the previous scene appeared again, the white mist began to spread into the supermarket, and the black shadow became bigger and bigger.

"Mr. Fujimoto and the old hunter said there was a conflict, but they couldn't tell what the conflict was."

"The old woman said she didn't want things from other places, but she couldn't explain why she came to the supermarket."

"Not to mention the students, they don't know anything about their families, schools, and friends."

Gao Yi also heard the noise from outside and felt Xiao Hong shivering behind him, pulling his sleeve.

The fragile fortress at the glass door was easily destroyed, and the sound of the iron frame breaking was clearly audible.

As Gao Yi spoke, the townspeople began to turn into white mist and dissipated, blending into the fog outside.

"Everyone's memory is confused and fabricated."

"Who implanted it into everyone?"

The speed of the mist spreading has obviously increased, and it has already covered half of the supermarket.

And where the white mist is shrouded, the black shadow will move forward, leading to the heavy sound of the shelves and wires being crushed and pulled apart, like a desperate wail.

"I should have noticed that you were the one who introduced the situation to others from the beginning."

[Ms. Naiga, you also saw the man who just went out...]

"You were the one who told everyone that there was a monster outside."

[Monster... The monster is coming again...]

"And the one who really started this farce was also you."

[I just started the backup power supply, everything is fine now! ]

"Who else could it be except you, Manager Yamada?"

Gao Yi slowly retracted his gaze and looked straight ahead, at the only "survivor" in the crowd.

Standing there was the fat supermarket owner.

At this moment, his face was trembling with fat, and the sweat on his palms could not stop flowing out.

He opened his mouth several times but failed to speak successfully, and could only make an incomprehensible hoarse whine.

He managed to utter an unclear sentence with a shrill voice:

"How dare can you..."

"No, or should I call you by your real name?" Gao Yi did not give him a chance to ask, and interrupted him rudely, touching his chin and adding thoughtfully:

"Masugi Sho, right?"

This sentence seemed to instantly defeat the opponent's last line of defense. The fat man in the supermarket uniform almost fell to the ground with his knees weak.

After finally standing firm, the blood on his face disappeared visibly.

And his voice was even more frightening than before:


"How do I know?" Gao Yi took over the other party's question, raised the [Inflatable Hammer] in his hand, and summarized as if recalling:

"Thanks to Xiaohong's last tip, before that, I always thought that your abnormality was the same as others, due to the confusion of memory and space."

"Although sloppy and lustful, the locker is so tidy."

"Although you are a pervert, the resigning female employee still trusts you in the letter."

"Finally I realized that you are not the store manager Yamada at all, but the fat employee who sexually harassed in the letter."

"That sloppy and messy locker, that Zhenshan Xiang, is you."

The white fog was getting closer and closer, and the only space left in the supermarket was these rows of shelves and the open space at the door of the lounge.

As he said, Gao Yi took out the two plastic cards that he had put in his trouser pocket before and threw them in front of the other party.

There were two employee IDs, one of which had its photo blacked out, and the other belonged to the real store manager Yamada.

"Ah, he was the first man to be dragged out by the tentacles!"

Xiaohong, who had been silent behind, also saw the ID and pointed to the photo on the ground in surprise.

"Each employee has two uniforms and a name tag. You took Yamada's name tag, but you couldn't fit into his clothes..."

"There were so many clues in front of me, but I ignored them all..."

Without further ado, Gao Yi sighed slowly, put the inflatable giant hammer in his hand on his shoulder, and walked step by step towards Masugi Sho who had collapsed on the ground.

"Social relationships, social status, education, family and friends are all in a mess, making you start to indulge in fantasy and escape from reality."

"This supermarket, this environment, is the only scene in your fantasy that may make you valuable, trusted and respected."

"Everyone is helpless and panic, and then you become the savior."

"The funny thing is that even in this environment, even if you are in this environment again and again, you have not become a 'leader'."

"You will only make Xiaohong's clothes more and more in line with your hobbies, and then continue your fantasy."

Gao Yi approached step by step, and the fat man sat on the floor, his face horrified, and retreated with his hands and feet.

As he retreated, he suddenly touched something.

Turning around, it was the double-barreled shotgun that the old hunter dropped after disappearing.

As if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, Zhenshan Xiang suddenly pointed the muzzle of the gun at Gao Yi, and finally managed to utter a complete sentence:

"Don't, don't come over!"

Unexpectedly, Gao Yi's footsteps did not stop at all, and his tone was full of disdain:

"Didn't you notice it yourself? This space conforms to the basic rules and laws. Do you know the structure of the gun and how to fire?"

The man's face froze, as if he was thinking about the credibility of Gao Yi's words.

But just as he hesitated, Gao Yi, who was already approaching, suddenly accelerated, and the inflatable giant hammer drew an arc and hit Zhenshan Xiang's wrist.

After pulling the trigger subconsciously, the muzzle that had deviated from the target shot out two tongues of fire, and the bullet suddenly hit the already traumatized ceiling.

"You believe this too? Do you know how the light works? It's different. It's turned on, and you don't use your brain at all!"

The skill special effect of [Enthusiastic Citizen] was activated, and Gao Yi's agility and strength have been greatly improved.

The light [Inflatable Giant Hammer] in his hand is even more powerful at this moment.

Being stepped on the chest and hit in the face by two hammers, Masugi Sho screamed incoherently, his fat face twisted into a ball.

"You know, you are not only not a good person, you are not a good clerk either."

"How can you put dog food and potato chips together!"

Gao Yi roared, hammering without stopping.

This [Inflatable Hammer] is extremely light, but it is very powerful when hitting people, not to mention the probability of dizziness it brings.

There is only a little space left under the white mist, and a large number of black shadows and tentacles have appeared in sight.

The system prompt sound and the light screen prompt appeared several times, as if telling him that the task has been completed.

But Gao Yi, who was in a frenzy, ignored them all and just stubbornly waved the giant hammer.

"You... who are you, why are you doing this!"

The man lying on the ground with blood on his face struggled to shout out the last question.


Gao Yi paused his movements for a moment, raised the giant hammer high with a sneer on his face:

"I'm just a passerby who wants to smash your head off!"


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