Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 15 [The Mysterious Mist of the Heart] Enlightenment

The puzzle is solved.

So, Xiaohong, like Gao Yi, does not belong to this dungeon world, but is a "player" who enters from the outside.

This explains why she can tell the correct monster image and why her memories do not cause the destruction of space.

Because she is not a "native" of this world, she is not restricted by certain rules.

Xiaohong's memory is still confused, obviously affected by this script.

But in a few words, Gao Yi can still roughly restore her experience.

From the inner pocket of her uniform, a ticket almost the same as Gao Yi's was found.

Why say almost?

The ticket says [Dungeon Ticket: Heart Strange Mist (Holy Grail 4)], not [Holy Grail 5] in Gao Yi's hand.

According to Gao Yi's guess, Xiaohong should be like himself, accidentally involved in the "game" and become a "player".

Unlike Gao Yi, her main task is only [Solve the puzzle of the script], and not Gao Yi's [Survive for 12 hours].

In other words, she has never received the so-called [Return Ticket] in the reward.

Therefore, she has never been able to return to the real world.

After that, the script was restarted, and for some reason, she became one of the participants in this script.

In each previous cycle, new players will enter the script.

At the beginning, Xiaohong could still try to communicate with them, wanting to complete the task and leave the script.

But most of the players who entered could not communicate. They either went on a killing spree in the supermarket or rushed into the fog inexplicably and disappeared.

Thinking about it this way, if Gao Yi had not been affected by the tag system, the one who entered the game now should be the crazy black sweater player.

Of course, most of the endings are the same, the space is broken, the monster appears, and the script ends.

Every once in a while, the script will be restarted.

And a new round of cycles will enter, and new players will enter.

Under the influence of this space on memory and perception, Xiaohong in the cycle is increasingly difficult to maintain herself.

This game was played again and again, until... Gao Yi arrived.

"My not Xiaohong, but, but I can't remember what my name is..."

At this point, Xiaohong's tears could not stop flowing out, sobbing and wiping her eyes with her sleeves.

Sighing slightly, Gao Yi raised his hand, but he didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only pat her shoulder gently.

At this time, saying "I understand your feelings" would be too fake.

Looking at the sobbing Xiaohong, Gao Yi's thoughts turned quickly.

First, he ruled out the possibility that there were other players in the supermarket-just double-confirmed by exposing his wrist and double-confirming his words and deeds.

Afterwards, he carefully thought about the information that could be used.

Unfortunately, although Xiaohong can be regarded as experiencing a "time loop" in a sense.

But under the hypnosis and influence of memory and spirit, and the premise that most of the games ended quickly, Xiaohong could not provide much information.

It can only be said that it confirmed Gao Yi's many conjectures from the side.

"I feel like I'm really dying. Every time those monsters rush in and kill everyone..."

Xiao Hong finally stopped crying, but her tone was filled with fatigue and fear.

It was similar to what she had guessed. It was basically a fantasy to want to defeat those monsters head-on.

Let alone Gao Yi, an ordinary person, the fighting power of the crazy man in the black sweater on the subway could not kill those monsters.

This was consistent with Gao Yi's previous judgment that this script was not testing the player's fighting power.

Those who wanted to fight head-on would naturally not have a good ending.

Very good, it solved a lot of doubts.

But the question now is, what should I do.

Looking down, Xiao Hong was still trying to recall more information, rubbing her hair with both hands.

What should I do?

Gao Yi raised his wrist and looked at the main task.

[Ⅰ: Survive in the "Hui Rong" supermarket for twelve hours (countdown 6:09:05)]

There are six hours left.

By now, Gao Yi has actually basically mastered the operation mode of this script.

Although I haven't fully understood everything, I have already confirmed where the minefield is.

I just need to stay on the safe hillside and wait for the rescue plane to arrive.

But if I study the script again and try to overcome it, it will undoubtedly be dancing on the minefield.

Dangerous, and not necessarily rewarding.

From a purely selfish and rational point of view, Gao Yi knows that he should stay put and wait for time to pass.

As for Xiaohong in front of him, just lie to her and trick her into waiting for a while, and come back to deal with it later.

Anyway, when the time is up, I can get the [Return Ticket] and everything will be over.

And Xiaohong? She won't die, she will enter the next cycle.

Maybe there will be stronger players coming in later, and it will be safer to rescue her.

Gao Yi is a reporter, and lying is basically a professional skill.

Your own life and safety are the most important, isn't it?

The fan above the lounge was entangled in wires, turning with difficulty, making an annoying "sizzling" sound.

After pacing a little irritably, Gao Yi slowly walked to the dressing table in the lounge.

He looked at himself again through the mirror.

What are you upset about? What do you really want to do?

Of course Gao Yi knew what the impulse was in his heart.

He is not a very "selfish" person.

He could give up profits and a byline in order to expose dark stories in newspapers.

He can be a guarantor for his friend's verbal promises and entreaties.

He is even willing to be a "bad guy" for the sake of other people's future.

Everyone will say that Gao Yi is a good person.

But in this world, good people are held at gunpoint.

After so many years, the rewards Gao Yi received from "being a good person" were only insults, ridicule and debt.

At some point, the self in the mirror spoke ferociously, with a mocking tone piercing Gao Yi's mind:

"You are such an idiot. When did you not tell me that you must consider yourself first next time, and you will not be fooled again, and now you want to pretend to be a saint?"

Rubbing his eyes, the mirror in front of him returned to calmness again.

Is it the influence of this script? It seems to manifest itself on a spiritual level.

To be honest, Gao Yi has always known that the so-called "good people are rewarded" is just a self-comfort joke.

But at the very least, people who do good deeds should not suffer retribution.


Xiaohong's words brought Gao Yi back from her struggle. She raised her head and seemed to finally recall something:

"I remembered something again. The clothes I am wearing are not mine. They appeared on me inexplicably. It seems that they have changed..."

Hearing this, Gao Yi felt a bolt of lightning called "inspiration" flash through the calm ocean in his mind.

At that moment, all the scattered clues came together.

No longer worrying about the so-called "good guy or not", he rushed to the lockers that were tilted on one side, opened one of them, and fumbled around for a while.

"That's it, that's it!"

"I, I...did I say something wrong?"

Xiao Hong seemed to be frightened. In her red eyes, her slightly narrowed pupils were raised to the highest level, and she carefully looked up at Gao Yi who was inspecting something.

"Nothing, I just figured it out."

Gao Yi put the things in his hands into his trouser pocket and shook his head.

There is no need to worry about whether those are correct or not.

He is who he is, and all his actions in this life are never for the purpose of "being a good person", it is just that he is truly willing to do those things.

Gao Yi is willing to help guarantee that he will give up fame and fortune to pursue the truth, not because he is so "righteous".

He simply wanted to trust his friends, wanted the story to be reported in the newspapers, and thought it was the right thing to do.

This is enough.

And now, he is going to do what he wants to do.

Holding the inflatable hammer in his hand, Gao Yi took a deep breath and turned to look at Xiao Hong, who was still a little confused and trembling.

His tone became even again, calm again, like himself again:

"Come on, let's go fuck this fucking world to pieces."


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