Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 14 [Heart-stirring Mist] Player

"These things?"

Gao Yi asked slightly confused.

"That's all!" Xiaohong said, exaggeratingly turning her hands in a circle, which was inexplicably similar to the old woman's previous posture, and then said:

"Everything that happened in this supermarket feels like this is not the first time I have experienced it!"

What the hell, this copy also has elements of a time loop?

Gao Yi carefully listened to the movement in the supermarket hall outside the door, and there was no sign of an earthquake.

Looking at Xiaohong in front of her again, the female gas station employee still lowered her head and clamped her legs tightly together, as if she wanted to make herself as small as possible.

"Is this so..."

Taking into account the previous and current mental state of the other party, as well as the memory confusion of the original inhabitants of this script. ,

To be honest, Gao Yi felt that the credibility of the other party's words was not high.

His thoughts moved slightly, and he looked at the special mission again.

[Special mission: Explore everything that happened in the "Huirong" supermarket and find out the truth about the disaster (06:59:23)]

The time is almost halfway over. Do I really want to try and continue exploring the plot?

To be honest, Gao Yi is indeed a very curious person, but compared to his own life, this curiosity is still too insignificant.

The friend who owed money and ran away has not yet settled the debt with him; the reporting material obtained from the beating has not yet appeared in the newspaper; the missed call from his ex-girlfriend has not yet been dealt with.

If he really died here, it would be too unworthy.

Therefore, instead of taking the risk of studying Xiaohong's words, it is better to brush her off, survive the remaining seven hours, get the return ticket, and then make plans.

On this basis, Gao Yi's answer was naturally a bit careless.

But Xiaohong, who was sitting opposite, suddenly flicked her ponytail, raised her head, and her voice was trembling:

"What I said is true! I really remember a lot of things. These fogs and those monsters appeared more than once."

"Well, I believe you."

"Mr. Gao Yi, please don't deal with me, everything I say is true!"

Xiaohong's words were still full of heart-wrenching tremors, but they seemed very serious.

At this moment, she no longer lowered her head, but looked directly into Gao Yi's eyes.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Gao Yi couldn't help but have a headache.

In this case, I had no choice but to follow the other person’s lead and ask:

"Okay, if you really are a 'time traveler'..."

"No, I'm not a 'time traveler'!" Xiaohong corrected:

"I just went through the same thing a few times."

Gao Yi nodded to express his understanding, rearranged his words, and then asked again:

"Then have you ever met me in your previous experience?"


Xiaohong shook her head.

"Then how do you know you've experienced it many times?"

"Because many scenes are the same, white mist, supermarket, monster, student couple, Yamada store manager, Mr. Fujimoto..."

At this point, Gao Yi suddenly noticed something, and a certain sense of disharmony began to brew in his mind.

He sat up straight, decomposed and reconstructed the memories, and after thinking about it for a while, asked again:

" there anyone who is different?"

"Yes!" Xiao Hong nodded excitedly.

"like me?"

Xiaohong nodded again, this time the amplitude was obviously larger.

Gao Yi finally figured out where the dissonance in his head came from.

When people outside talked about the origin of the blood on the ground, the man who died first had a completely different story.

Mr. Fujimoto said it was a "wolf-like creature" and the old woman said it was "the giant hand of the mountain god."

And Xiaohong said "black shadow and tentacles".

But when the inner world collapsed, Gao Yi saw what those monsters outside the supermarket were.

It is the strange shadow-like creature and the crawling, slippery tentacles.

Of all the people, only Xiaohong was right.

Is this a coincidence?

Or, as she said, she had experienced the same thing many times.

Gao Yi made a "wait a minute" gesture to Xiao Hong.

Then he lowered his head, took out the notebook from his trouser pocket, and began to summarize the doubtful points.

"Why did Xiaohong say she had experienced it many times?"

"She must have never seen a monster, so why can she accurately tell the type of monster?"

"Why is it that of all the people, she is the only one who can say it right?"

Suddenly, before entering the game, the murmur of the man in the black sweatshirt on the subway appeared in Gao Yi's mind.

"It's too scary..." "Holy Grail..." "Who will save me..."

Why is he so scared?

That man clearly has a very strong physical fitness. Why has he no confidence at all? How could he be so frightened?

Gao Yi turned over the paper and took out the "ticket" sandwiched in his notebook.

[Dungeon Ticket: Mist of Heart (Holy Grail 5)]

[Mode: Single player]

Maybe this "Holy Grail 5" represents the difficulty, or maybe this "single player" means the suffering of the script.

But is this piece of information really worth being so afraid of?

Maybe, maybe......

Gao Yi quickly wrote in his notebook.

"Perhaps, that man knew how terrifying this script was in advance."

"That is, this script and this ticket may have appeared more than once!"

Gao Yi's expression became excited. The pleasure of approaching the solution of the puzzle was incomparable.

One more step. If this conjecture is correct, what does it mean?

The man in the black sweater may have just been forced to participate in this game.

If this script has really been experienced many times, what does it mean?

This may mean that Xiaohong's memory is not wrong. She really participated in the process of the script several times.

Every time the script will be reset, and every time there will be new players participating.

And Gao Yi himself has been the nth participant.

Then Xiaohong must know a lot about this script. The key to solving the puzzle is her!

Gao Yi raised his head excitedly, but saw Xiaohong opposite him staring blankly at his wrist.

No, I can't be carried away.

If the previous conjectures are correct, why is Xiaohong the only one who can remember those things?

Looking at the ceiling, there is no sign of an earthquake, and the strange noise outside the supermarket has not appeared.

Why doesn't her memory cause this space to vibrate?

The answer, what is the answer?

Looking back at Xiaohong, she was still looking at Gao Yi's wrist. The bangs gathered by the red hairpin had lost their shape due to the excitement just now.

What is so different about this ordinary gas station employee?

Wrist? Why is she looking at my wrist?

Gao Yi followed the other person's line of sight and looked down.

On his left wrist, there was a complicated blood-red tattoo that appeared after entering the script.

The tattoo that could summon a light curtain and represented his "player" identity.

A chill rushed up his spine to his brain. Gao Yi ignored the etiquette and rushed forward to grab Xiaohong's left arm.

As she screamed, Gao Yi forcibly wiped the sleeve of her white shirt on her.

On her left wrist, on the white skin, there was a blood-red tattoo like Gao Yi's.

Gao Yi took a deep breath and slowly let go of Xiaohong's left hand, and his trembling pupils gradually focused.

The puzzle was solved.

So that's it.

Xiaohong, she is also a player.

A player trapped in this script.


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