Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 13 [Mysterious Heart Fog] Deja Vu

The thoughts are slightly focused and the "labeling system" is evoked.

The "Special Mission" below will once again display the countdown.

[Ⅰ: Survive for twelve hours in the "Huirong" supermarket (countdown 7:22:15)]

More than an hour has passed since the previous small collapse in the supermarket.

Relying on the skills he has developed as an investigative reporter for many years, and the double bonus of the [Lao Lai] and [Enthusiastic Citizen] skills, he can be regarded as stabilizing the others.

At this moment, Gao Yi was staying alone in the employee lounge.

Since the sofa had been moved out, he was sitting on a slightly curved folding stool, playing with the items he had just won in a lottery.

On that subway, after completing the "brave act of justice" and snatching the tickets, Gao Yi got three lucky draw opportunities.

Since he had been a little nervous before and had little hope for the lottery, Gao Yi never did it.

It was only now that I had some free time that I thought of using up the three lottery opportunities.

And just as Gao Yi had been doing since he was little, Goddess Luck was teasing him again.

The three prizes are -

There is only one [Chocolate Energy Bar] that can quickly restore physical strength.

[Endless Lighter] that can ignite infinitely - the maximum flame is only three centimeters.

As well as the [Inflatable Giant Hammer], which attacks enemies and has a small chance of causing dizziness - an inflatable hammer that is more than one meter long and painful to hit... I don't know how to use it at all.

In this comparison, the [Super Wolf Anti-Spray] I drew before is actually a good thing, at least I can use it.

These few on hand... Gao Yi really doesn't know how to describe them.

Of course, Gao Yi, who has been in an "unfortunate" state all year round, has long been used to all this, so he is not too disappointed.

As someone who has never won any "more entries than winners" prize in his entire life, it's good to have something, so why should you be picky?

[Chocolate Energy Bar], chocolate is delicious, and energy bars are also useful, aren’t they?

[Endless Lighter] can be used unlimitedly. Although I don’t smoke, I always light birthday candles for my friends - oh, I don’t have any friends.

In any case, there is no need to buy a lighter in this life, which saves money.

The [Inflatable Giant Hammer] is even better. When you take it out to play during holidays and festivals, other people’s hands will be toys, but yours will be a real thing.

Comforting himself, Gao Yi was still playing with opening and closing the lighter lid.

And why is he sitting here alone?

On the one hand, he said that he "will not threaten other people", and on the other hand, he did not want his presence to suddenly irritate other people in the supermarket.

It is indeed a more correct choice to find a place where no one is around in the supermarket.

Now Gao Yi has basically clarified the mechanism of this [Mindful Fog].

To put it simply, for some reason, the entire "Huirong" supermarket was abstracted and became a virtual and spiritual space.

Except for Gao Yi, the rest of the townspeople were directly pulled in.

It's not like in the movie "The Fog", where a lot of people are shopping at the beginning, and suddenly find it foggy outside, and then they are trapped.

These people have been in this supermarket from the beginning.

And this also solved many previous mysteries.

For example, why do several people have different eyewitness accounts.

Just as several people have different feelings about specific times and even seasons, this is because their memories are incomplete.

In fact, their world does not have an accurate understanding of space or time.

The previous chaos was precisely due to Gao Yi's words that caused everyone to fall into memories, thus destroying the fragile balance of the world.

"We know what the problem is, and we've appeased the people outside, so it should be fine... The worst we can do is wait another seven hours to get the 'return ticket' first."

The introduction to this dungeon clearly stated that only by completing the main mission can you obtain a "return ticket."

Even if you keep waiting, you can only complete the main mission of the lowest level I, but the special mission of the "tag system" cannot be completed.

But at least, I can survive.

Living is still the most important thing.

But then again, what is the truth of this script?

[Special mission: Explore everything that happened in the "Huirong" supermarket and find out the truth about the disaster]

It has been clarified that the state of this world, this dream-like existence, should have a subject.

Could it be that little boy that no one knows?

How to "find out the truth"? Should we arrest the little boy and force him to question him?

No, no, the people outside are already on the verge of collapse. If they collapse again, those monsters in the white mist may really come in.

Let's wait a moment...

But when Gao Yi made up his mind not to delve into this copy for the time being, he aimed to complete the most basic main quest.

The door to the employee lounge on one side was knocked again.


A timid cry came from outside the door:

"it's me......"

It was not difficult to identify, it was the voice of the gas station clerk, Xiao Hong.

Rubbing his neck, Gao Yi stood up and opened the door for him.

Xiaohong at the door still looked pitiful, with her head lowered and her hands constantly holding and releasing each other.

"What's wrong, that Yamada is harassing you again?"

Gao Yi saw this and realized that it was not realistic to wait for the other party to speak first, so he lowered his voice and took the initiative to ask.

He looked out and saw that everyone in the supermarket was doing their own things at the moment, scattered, and some had even fallen asleep.

And the store manager Yamada was sitting at the cashier counter at the moment, frowning, as if thinking about something.

"No, it's not."

Xiao Hong hurriedly raised her head and waved her hand to deny it, but just after making some eye contact with Gao Yi, she immediately lowered her head.

"Anyway... come in and talk."


The entire employee lounge was also severely damaged due to the previous earthquake.

Tables and chairs overturned, light bulbs broke, and even the iron cabinets used to store employees' rest items fell to the ground at this moment.

Fortunately, the light source was not completely lost, and the wall lamps attached to the wall were still firmly performing their duties, so that the room would not fall into complete darkness.

"Okay, what do you want to say?"

Seeing Xiao Hong sitting down on the chair, Gao Yi leaned against the edge of the square table and asked a question.

"I don't know, I just remembered some strange things..."

"Hey, didn't we agree not to dwell on the memories?"

Gao Yi quickly stopped her, fearing that the earthquake and monsters would happen again.

This voice seemed to scare Xiao Hong again, causing her to lower her head again, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"No,'s just that, it's really wrong."

I went to open the door and looked at the supermarket hall. There were no monsters outside, and no earthquake.

After confirming that everything was normal, Gao Yi leaned back and waved his hand:

"Okay, what do you want to say?"

Xiao Hong's face showed a confused and puzzled expression again, and she spoke with some hesitation:

"I feel that everything here is not the first time I have experienced it..."


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