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Chapter 12 [Heart-strange fog] Collapse


Gao Yi couldn't hold back his voice for a moment, and details of the previous scenes exploded in his mind.

Looking back now, when I came to this dungeon, everyone had already assembled, and the "Blizzard Villa" mode in the supermarket had also been formed.

All knowledge about the world comes from the mouths of others, not only the time and season, but also the events that occurred.

A large number of errors and contradictions have always existed, but Gao Yi himself ignored them.

"Don't be so loud, Mr. Gao Yi, don't wake up the children..."

Seeing Gao Yi suddenly shouting, Ms. Naiga quickly waved her hand and leaned over to confirm the little boy's condition.

Then he sighed softly and raised his hand to make an "ok" gesture, indicating that he was not awakened.

But at this moment, Gao Yi felt cold sweat. After realizing the contradiction, a bigger mystery came to his mind, and his tone inevitably trembled:

"Who brought this...this child?"

"Who brought it?"

Not only Ms. Naiga, but also the student couple had confused looks on their faces, as if they didn't know what Gao Yi was asking.

"Mother-in-law, did you bring this boy?"

Seeing no response from the others, Gao Yi turned around, looked at the old woman sitting at the back of the supermarket and shouted.

If I remember correctly, when the first few people gathered, it was the old woman holding the child.

"No...I saw him walking around there alone before and thought he was lost..."

The old woman frowned, squeezing her already wrinkled skin tighter.

"Then how did this child come to the supermarket? Has anyone seen it?!"

Gao Yi walked around the supermarket and asked questions loudly, but everyone else had confusion and confusion written on their faces.

Not only is the time wrong, but this space is also wrong.

Gao Yi realized that his previous guesses and explorations were completely in the wrong direction. This script was not the material world he was familiar with, but closer to the transcendent spiritual realm.

No one here has complete memories, and they don't know what exactly happened in this world.

And this is the reason why Gao Yi's exploration has remained stagnant.

When Gao Yi first came to this [Mindful Fog], he saw everyone in the supermarket and subconsciously felt that as a "player", he joined the incident halfway.

Also subconsciously, I feel that the characters in other scripts know more things and have clear understandings.

But on the contrary, their knowledge of this script is no more than Gao Yi's.

The little boy on the side seemed to have heard Gao Yi's shouting, and slowly sat up from the sofa while rubbing his eyes.

Everyone in the supermarket was looking down in thought. Xiao Hong even went limp. Duck sat on the ground, holding his head in pain.

Obviously, Gao Yi's questions aroused their memories, and the conflict between memory and reality began to emerge.

At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake violently, and the shaking was obviously greater than the slight shaking at the beginning of the script.

The lamps on the ceiling were shaking violently at the moment, and soon they began to break and fall off, and even the sparking wires were swinging in the air.

The shaking of the shelves became more and more intense. First, various goods fell, and then the entire iron shelves became unbalanced, making the shelves look like a set of giant dominoes.

Amidst the screams and curses, the light became flickering and dim.

This is not the scariest thing.

Gao Yi didn't need any keen observation to notice that the glass wall outside the supermarket was damaged. A large number of black figures walked out of the white mist and slowly approached the supermarket.

It’s hard to describe what kind of creature it was—or whether it could even be called a creature.

They are tall and human-shaped, but they are completely black, with bandage-like strips floating around them. Even if they are near a light source, it is completely dark when seen.

It's like they are the opposite of light and cannot be observed by humans.

Previously, Gao Yi had dabbled in world mythology for a folklore report.

But this was the first time he had encountered a monster with this kind of appearance.

No, that's not the issue now.

The question is why such a change occurred suddenly.

Looking back inside the supermarket, everyone else was confused and collapsed. At this time, they didn't notice the monster outside at all. They just relied on instinct to dodge the falling light tubes and ceiling fragments.

"My words caused contradictions in their incomplete memories, causing the balance of space to be destroyed?"

The guess was formed instantly. Those monsters were huge, but a lot of sticky tentacles appeared under them. They had broken through the loophole-filled barrier and entered the supermarket.

No, we have to calm down this group of people.

After gathering my thoughts, I replaced [reporter] with the label [Lao Lai].

In an instant, the special effect of [Fraud Game] to enhance the persuasiveness of lies has been activated.

Gao Yi stood on top of the collapsed shelf and roared into the supermarket:

"Stop reminiscing, it's all those fogs that have affected our memories, that's why there's chaos!"

When Gao Yi's words spread throughout the supermarket, the intensity of the earthquake dropped significantly by two levels, and even the tentacles that had just entered the supermarket slowed down a bit.

Very good, it seems that this voice has attracted a lot of people's attention.

"The fog outside should have an effect on the mind and memory. We are just affected. It's okay!"

The tentacles moved slower and slower, and the ground vibration became less intense.

"Yes, everyone, calm down and look at the faces of the people around you. Aren't they all familiar to you? That's enough. Don't recall what happened anymore."

We have to find an anchor point, a fulcrum, for them to wake up.

The people in the supermarket are gradually returning to normal at this moment. They follow Gao Yi's arrangements and look up at each other.

Even Xiaohong, who was the most collapsed, calmed down a lot at this moment. She sat on the ground with her knees hugged, and her body was still trembling.

But she didn't look at the other people around her, but just stared at Gao Yi.

As the supermarket gradually calmed down, Gao Yi noticed that the tentacles quickly shrank back and the monsters outside the door gradually retreated.

But unlike before, the black shadows became very close, and the white fog at the door was obviously thicker, and the visible distance was further reduced.

An unreasonable premonition came to his mind. If this happened again, Gao Yi might not have a chance to control the situation.

In the entire supermarket, only the little boy was looking around curiously, as if he was excited about the exciting experience just now.

It seemed that he was the only one who could not understand what was happening.

"So, this child..."

At this time, Ms. Naga was holding the little boy in her arms with a distressed look on her face. Although she was worried, her instinct to protect the child obviously prevailed.

"Let's not think about this for now, okay? The fog is affecting us. We have to calm down."

Gao Yi squatted aside and touched the boy's forehead.

The mental damage caused by the fog was of course made up by Gao Yi.

If they were inside the supermarket, they would be affected so much outside the fog. The three people who ran into the fog for half an hour would have gone crazy long ago.

But at this time, the strong man Fujimoto walked over slowly, his eyes with obvious fear and confusion.

"Well, Brother Gao Yi, I understand. We all understand the effect of this fog."

"Very good, what's wrong?"

Gao Yi's reply did not make Fujimoto relax. He tilted his neck uncomfortably, his eyes a little blurry:

"If we all know each other and understand each other, then... who are you?"


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