Infinite: This player has more than 100 million tags.

Chapter 11 [Heart-stirring Mist] Contradiction

In order to better question everyone, Gao Yi changed the label again, replacing "Reporter" with "Reporter".

[Name: Gao Yi]

[Equipped tags (2/2): Reporter lv3 (common), Enthusiastic Citizen lv2 (rare)]

[Tag abilities: ①Nightcrawler: Higher probability of being exposed to various unexpected events and breaking news;

②Truth first: randomly obtain a confidential document every week;

③Zootopia: People unconsciously feel close and reliable, and it is easier to gain trust and praise;

④Super Marines: When acting bravely, the combat effectiveness will be improved. 】

[Daily Tag Task: Undercover a criminal group with more than 100 people and obtain evidence of its crimes (completed)]

[Unequipped tags: Lao Lai lv1 (rare), Lovelorn lv1 (common), Internet surfing professional lv1 (common), Elderly Women's Friend lv2 (rare)]

[Characteristics: None]

[Lottery opportunities for remaining common items*3]

Now Gao Yi, facing the dilemma of not being able to find a breakthrough, even wants to hope that the "accident" of [Night Walker] will happen.

After confirming that the label equipment was correct, he took a deep breath and looked at everyone in the supermarket.

Immediately afterwards, intensive questions began.

"What does the company I work for? Why do I suddenly ask this question... It's that kind of sales company... What does it sell? Just sell some small things."

The middle-aged office worker who was standing guard obviously didn't expect Gao Yi to ask such a question, so he gave the answer after a slight hesitation.

"Near the town? I haven't heard of any chemical plants or military bases. We are so desolate that there won't be anything like that."

Uncle Fujimoto raised his eyebrows and answered Gao Yi's question.

After thanking each other, Gao Yi added two more words next to "Technology side, some kind of leakage or disaster" on his notebook.

Among the twelve people present, including Gao Yi, there was no one with any knowledge of chemistry or biology.

If I had to say that the best in chemistry were probably the two students who were still in high school.

On this basis, there is no available testing equipment.

If there are any dangerous chemical plants or well-kept military bases near the supermarket, it might be possible to identify them as the source.

But there really is nothing like it in this wilderness.

The cause and various properties of this white mist are still a mystery.

"Since this is no longer the world I'm familiar with, I should open my mind...maybe there really are all kinds of magic, ghosts and gods in this world?"

Gao Yi whispered softly, put away his notebook, turned around and walked towards the senior group.

"Then you still need to ask?! It's you foreigners who brought all the things from other places, and the mountain god will be angry!"

The old woman, who already had a bad look on her face, suddenly became excited when she heard Gao Yi's question, and repeated her previous argument again.

"What do the things from other places include?"

Gao Yi squatted opposite, pretending to be confused.

"Everything, everything here is from outside!"

The old woman exaggeratedly raised her hands and drew a big circle, as if she wanted to encompass the entire supermarket.

"I see......."

Gao Yi did not question why the other party came here to shop if he hated things from other places, and the fact that the clothes on his body were obviously industrialized products.

"Oh, little brother, don't listen to your mother-in-law. She has been shouting this for more than ten years, but she still doesn't come here honestly to buy things from 'outsiders'."

The hot girl who was playing with her mobile phone on the side waved her hands without raising her head. The old woman was so angry that her narrowed eyes opened and she started to criticize her clothes loudly.

But this only caused another round of laughter from the hot girl.

And when I asked the old hunter on the side, I didn't get an effective reply:

"I have been hunting in this mountain for decades. There are quite a few wild animals. Strange devices and buildings? I have never seen them before..."

"Is this so..."

Gao Yi expressed his gratitude again and saw that his [journalist] labeling experience had grown again.

When turning to leave, the hot girl behind sneered and said goodbye to Gao Yi:

"Hey, there's no point in being anxious. It's already one o'clock in the morning. Go to bed first, little brother."

He smiled sarcastically in response, but there was still no progress.

Looking at the notebook, if the "mysterious side" and "technical side" guesses are not correct, what is the answer?

Everyone's words sounded normal, but when combined together, Gao Yi clearly felt weird.

There must be some problem, something that I haven't discovered yet.

No, it's possible that it was discovered but ignored...

Looking at the last few people he had not chatted with, Gao Yi walked towards the student couple and the sleeping child.

The child was sleeping on the sofa at the moment. Ms. Naga showed a loving smile and patted his back gently.

When I first saw this middle-aged woman, she was always wearing sunglasses on her face.

After going out into the mist, I seemed to have lost it somewhere, and when I came back I didn't wear it again.

The exposed face was covered in black and blue, which was obviously an old injury.

If you look carefully, Ms. Naiga also wears long sleeves and long pants this summer, which is actually covering the scars on her body.

"Ms. Naiga, will your husband use violence against you?"

This is actually not difficult to judge. The scars on her body are obviously long-term and accumulated.

"Domestic violence" is a natural conclusion.

Although I don't know much about the specific settings of this world, marital violence is a topic that is not limited to a certain country or a certain era.

But to Gao Yi's surprise, Ms. Naija showed a surprised expression and tilted her head slightly:

"Violence? No, there is no."

Hearing this reply, Gao Yi also frowned, and doubts surged in his heart.

It's not that he didn't think that the other party might conceal it. What surprised him was Ms. Naija's expression and attitude.

This is not an expression of hiding family scandals or escaping facts.

On the contrary, she really looks like she knows nothing, as if the so-called "domestic violence" has never existed.

"Then why do you wear sunglasses at night and long sleeves in the summer? Isn't it to cover up the wound?"

"Wounds... No, Mr. Gao Yi..." Ms. Naija's face was more suspicious, and she hesitated to speak:

"Isn't it winter now?"


Gao Yi's frown became tighter and tighter. The words of this Naiga lady seemed to have lost their logic.

But then, the words of the student couple next to him made Gao Yi unable to keep calm.

The male student shook his head in confusion, rubbing his hair and asked:

"Evening? Wait, isn't it just after noon now?"

He and his girlfriend looked at each other, and at the same time turned the phone screen to Gao Yi, and then added:

"We came here for lunch..."

Looking at the phone screen that was stretched out, Gao Yi felt the hair on his body stand up.

Above the couple wallpaper of the two, the current time was written.

[2:32 pm]


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