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Chapter 10 [Heart-strange fog] Confusion

[Ⅰ: Survive for twelve hours in the "Huirong" supermarket (countdown 9:37:25)]

At the entrance of the "Huirong" supermarket, in the gap between the white mist and the glass door, three figures were knocking fiercely on the door.

When Gao Yi came closer, it was not difficult to identify them as the strong man Fujimoto, the middle-aged office worker, and Ms. Naga who left more than half an hour ago.

It can be seen that their current situation is not very good.

The shirt of the office worker in a suit was full of knife-like scars, and the blood stains had solidified.

There were similar wounds on Fujimoto's muscles. Although they were not deep, they looked shocking.

The weapons they had made before were gone, which seemed to indicate that the battle was taking place.

The most tragic thing was Ms. Naiga. She was being helped to walk, but the shoe on her right foot was missing, exposing her swollen ankle.

The sunglasses on his face also disappeared, revealing the panda eyes formed by being beaten.

Inside the supermarket, the gas station clerk Xiao Hong, who was running back and forth, was having a heated argument with the old hunter.

"Why can't we let them in! Do we have to watch them die outside?"

There was an unprecedented serious look on Xiaohong's face, and her clenched fists could not stop trembling from her excited words.

"Can you guarantee that they are still themselves? There are so many terrifying monsters out there, how did they survive for so long!"

The old hunter closed his eyes tightly, but refused to give in.

The sound insulation effect of the glass door is not good. Outside the door, which is blocked by iron frames and goods, the knocking sounds and cries for help of three people can be clearly heard.

Gao Yi could see the real pain and despair on their faces, but what the old hunter said didn't make sense. The fact that they could come back was full of weirdness.

However, they are also likely to have important information.

No matter from which point of view, they cannot be left alone.

Gao Yi stepped over the two arguing people, leaned towards the glass door, and asked loudly outside the door:

"Mr. Fujimoto, do you still remember my name?"

Fujimoto obviously did not expect Gao Yi to come out like this. He was visibly stunned for a moment, and then answered hesitantly:

"Uh... I remember it was Gao Yi?"

Nodding heavily, Gao Yi turned around in an exaggerated manner, spread his hands, and looked at the people in the supermarket:

"Everyone, we can't leave them outside no matter what. If you have any questions, how about waiting for them to come in and ask them?"

["Enthusiastic Citizen" label, experience value +300]

[The label has been upgraded: Enthusiastic Citizen lv1 → Enthusiastic Citizen lv2]

[Acquired new skills]


In fact, the only opponent in the supermarket was the old hunter. Seeing that everyone else supported letting people in, he stopped talking and went to the side to smoke a dry cigarette silently.

After the three of them sat on the sofa wrapped in bath towels and took the drinks handed to them, Gao Yi and the other people in the supermarket stood opposite and listened to their stories.

The story is not complicated, and is even surprisingly simple.

Half an hour ago, they were ready and stepped into the white mist.

Leaving the supermarket and walking into the fog.

After a while, the three of them lost their direction.

I originally wanted to rely on the beep sound after the car key was unlocked to find my way, but I don’t know why the car key didn’t respond at all.

The three of them moved forward fearfully for almost half a minute, but they did not find the expected vehicle at all.

In the vast white mist, I saw all kinds of black shadows all around.

They were beating the drum in their hearts, and after a little calculation, they planned to return the same way.

But I never thought that it would be easy to leave but difficult to come back.

"Such a large supermarket seemed to have completely disappeared. We didn't dare to separate. We wandered around for an unknown amount of time before we saw the lights here..."

Ms. Nega sobbed as she described it.

Of course, the "battle" Gao Yi originally thought never happened.

Their homemade weapons were simply thrown away, and most of the scars on their bodies were caused by tripping and falling in the fog.

"Hey, it's all your fault for leaving such a safe supermarket... It doesn't matter, everything is fine now!"

The Yamada store manager shook the fat on his face, and his tone revealed pride, as if he was saying "I knew it."

"So, have you encountered any monsters?"

Gao Yi ignored Yamada's resentful gaze, interrupted his complacency without politeness, and went straight to the topic.

These three people were able to return safely, which completely exceeded Gao Yili's expectations.

If there's any breaking point in this game, it's here.

But unfortunately, Gao Yi's expectations were once again dashed.

"I only saw blurry black shadows wandering in the fog, which was very scary." "I didn't dare to look up at all, so I only dared to follow Brother Fujimoto." "Black shadows, many dark shadows."

An uninformative reply.

No need to think too much. When asked, "Do you have any strange feelings in Baiwu?", the answer is always "No special feeling."

If I had to say that I had any information, I could roughly deduce the monster's attack method from the scars on their bodies.

The iron frame and goods at the door have been restored, returning to a complete bunker state.

The failure of these three people's attempts has also dispelled the rest of the people who had little desire to go out.

The supermarket once again fell into confusion and negativity.

The woman in the student couple suggested that everyone find some blankets to use as mattresses, while the old hunter called a few men to arrange the shifts of night watch.

Gao Yi said that he would not sleep tonight, so he did not participate in the meeting.

There were more than nine hours left in the countdown. In this case, Gao Yi would definitely not choose to sleep and rest.

Time is both a friend and a crisis to him.

Now Gao Yi flipped through his notebook again and again, scribbling on it, trying to find a way out.

You can't go outside the building, and there is no information worth paying attention to inside the building.

Then the problem may be with people?

[Special Mission: Explore everything that happened in the "Hui Rong" supermarket and find out the truth of the disaster (09:33:25)]

Gao Yi looked back at his earliest writing about the possible causes of the fog.

"On the technological side, some kind of leak or disaster?", "On the mysterious side, the curse of the mountain god?", "A conspiracy in the town?"

Raising his head, Gao Yi cast his gaze back to the interior of the "Hui Rong" supermarket.

The student couple and Ms. Naga are taking care of the sleeping child.

Manager Yamada and the strong man Fujimoto are moving the sofa in the employee lounge to use it as a temporary bed.

The middle-aged office worker is taking the responsibility of observing the outside of the store, while Xiaohong is carrying the blankets in the supermarket and spreading them together.

The old hunter and the old woman are still sitting quietly in a corner of the supermarket. The blonde hottie seems to have run out of power on her phone and is also playing with her manicure beside them.

In addition to Gao Yi himself, there are eleven people in this suburban supermarket, and each of them looks so ordinary.

Is there a culprit of this fog disaster among them?

If all other possibilities are ruled out, then the last ones left undoubtedly contain the correct answer.

Putting away his notebook again, Gao Yi took a deep breath.

His mind moved slightly, and he noticed that the [Enthusiastic Citizen] who had just been upgraded to level 2 had a new skill.

Gao Yi then focused his mind and checked.

[Enthusiastic Citizen lv2 (Rare)]

[Experience value: 1010/2000]

[Tag ability: ①Zootopia: Make people feel close and reliable unconsciously, and more likely to gain trust and praise; ②Big Hero 6: When doing something righteous, the combat effectiveness will be improved. ]

Seeing this skill, Gao Yi was slightly disappointed.

Increasing combat effectiveness is not what he needs now, not to mention in the case of "doing something righteous" which is difficult to define.

Of course, Gao Yi has experienced this kind of disappointment countless times, so this one is not bad.

The countdown for the special mission is still flowing by the minute.

There are still nine and a half hours to the end of the twelve hours, and this calmness cannot be expected to continue.

Before the change occurs, Gao Yi decides to take the initiative to find a breakthrough.


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